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- [tox]
- envlist = py36, py37, py38, flake8
- [travis]
- python =
- 3.8: py38
- 3.7: py37
- 3.6: py36
- [testenv:flake8]
- basepython = python
- deps = flake8
- commands = flake8 hsyclibs tests
- [testenv]
- setenv =
- PYTHONPATH = {toxinidir}
- deps =
- -r{toxinidir}/requirements_dev.txt
- ; If you want to make tox run the tests with the same versions, create a
- ; requirements.txt with the pinned versions and uncomment the following line:
- ; -r{toxinidir}/requirements.txt
- commands =
- pip install -U pip
- pytest --basetemp={envtmpdir}