/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package route_test import ( "io/ioutil" "net/http" . "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2" . "github.com/onsi/gomega" "github.com/tidwall/gjson" "github.com/apisix/manager-api/test/e2e/base" ) var _ = Describe("route with plugin orchestration", func() { bytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile("../../testdata/dag-conf.json") It("panics if readfile dag-conf.json error", func() { Expect(err).To(BeNil()) }) dagConf := string(bytes) // invalid dag config that not specified root node bytes, err = ioutil.ReadFile("../../testdata/invalid-dag-conf.json") It("panics if readfile invalid-dag-conf.json error", func() { Expect(err).To(BeNil()) }) invalidDagConf := string(bytes) DescribeTable("test route with plugin orchestration", func(tc base.HttpTestCase) { base.RunTestCase(tc) }, Entry("make sure the route is not created", base.HttpTestCase{ Object: base.APISIXExpect(), Method: http.MethodGet, Path: "/hello", ExpectStatus: http.StatusNotFound, ExpectBody: `{"error_msg":"404 Route Not Found"}`, }), Entry("create route with invalid dag config", base.HttpTestCase{ Object: base.ManagerApiExpect(), Method: http.MethodPut, Path: "/apisix/admin/routes/r1", Body: invalidDagConf, Headers: map[string]string{"Authorization": base.GetToken()}, ExpectStatus: http.StatusBadRequest, }), Entry("make sure the route created failed", base.HttpTestCase{ Object: base.APISIXExpect(), Method: http.MethodGet, Path: "/hello", ExpectStatus: http.StatusNotFound, ExpectBody: `{"error_msg":"404 Route Not Found"}`, Sleep: base.SleepTime, }), Entry("create route with correct dag config", base.HttpTestCase{ Object: base.ManagerApiExpect(), Method: http.MethodPut, Path: "/apisix/admin/routes/r1", Body: dagConf, Headers: map[string]string{"Authorization": base.GetToken()}, ExpectStatus: http.StatusOK, }), Entry("verify the route(should be blocked)", base.HttpTestCase{ Object: base.APISIXExpect(), Method: http.MethodGet, Path: "/hello", Query: "t=root.exe", ExpectStatus: http.StatusForbidden, ExpectBody: `blocked`, Sleep: base.SleepTime, }), Entry("verify the route(should not be blocked)", base.HttpTestCase{ Object: base.APISIXExpect(), Method: http.MethodGet, Path: "/hello", ExpectStatus: http.StatusOK, ExpectBody: `hello world`, }), Entry("delete route", base.HttpTestCase{ Object: base.ManagerApiExpect(), Method: http.MethodDelete, Path: "/apisix/admin/routes/r1", Headers: map[string]string{"Authorization": base.GetToken()}, ExpectStatus: http.StatusOK, }), Entry("hit the route just deleted", base.HttpTestCase{ Object: base.APISIXExpect(), Method: http.MethodGet, Path: "/hello", ExpectStatus: http.StatusNotFound, ExpectBody: `{"error_msg":"404 Route Not Found"}`, Sleep: base.SleepTime, }), ) DescribeTable("test route with plugin orchestration (post method)", func(tc base.HttpTestCase) { base.RunTestCase(tc) }, Entry("make sure the route is not created", base.HttpTestCase{ Object: base.APISIXExpect(), Method: http.MethodGet, Path: "/hello", ExpectStatus: http.StatusNotFound, ExpectBody: `{"error_msg":"404 Route Not Found"}`, }), ) var routeID string It("create route with correct dag config by post", func() { resp, code, err := base.HttpPost(base.ManagerAPIHost+"/apisix/admin/routes", map[string]string{"Authorization": base.GetToken()}, dagConf) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) Expect(code).Should(Equal(200)) routeID = gjson.Get(string(resp), "data.id").String() }) It("test the route with plugin orchestration", func() { base.RunTestCase(base.HttpTestCase{ Desc: "verify the route (should be blocked)", Object: base.APISIXExpect(), Method: http.MethodGet, Path: "/hello", Query: "t=root.exe", ExpectStatus: http.StatusForbidden, ExpectBody: `blocked`, Sleep: base.SleepTime, }) base.RunTestCase(base.HttpTestCase{ Desc: "verify the route (should not be blocked)", Object: base.APISIXExpect(), Method: http.MethodGet, Path: "/hello", ExpectStatus: http.StatusOK, ExpectBody: `hello world`, }) base.RunTestCase(base.HttpTestCase{ Desc: "delete the route by routeID", Object: base.ManagerApiExpect(), Method: http.MethodDelete, Path: "/apisix/admin/routes/" + routeID, Headers: map[string]string{"Authorization": base.GetToken()}, ExpectStatus: http.StatusOK, }) base.RunTestCase(base.HttpTestCase{ Desc: "make sure the route has been deleted", Object: base.APISIXExpect(), Method: http.MethodGet, Path: "/hello", ExpectStatus: http.StatusNotFound, ExpectBody: `{"error_msg":"404 Route Not Found"}`, Sleep: base.SleepTime, }) }) })