123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322 |
- /*
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- package data_loader_test
- import (
- "encoding/json"
- "net/http"
- "path/filepath"
- . "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2"
- . "github.com/onsi/gomega"
- "github.com/savsgio/gotils/bytes"
- "github.com/tidwall/gjson"
- "github.com/apisix/manager-api/test/e2e/base"
- )
- var _ = Describe("OpenAPI 3", func() {
- DescribeTable("Import cases",
- func(f func()) {
- f()
- },
- Entry("default.yaml", func() {
- path, err := filepath.Abs("../../testdata/import/default.yaml")
- Expect(err).To(BeNil())
- req := base.ManagerApiExpect().POST("/apisix/admin/import/routes")
- req.WithMultipart().WithForm(map[string]string{
- "type": "openapi3",
- "task_name": "test_default_yaml",
- "_file": "default.yaml",
- })
- req.WithMultipart().WithFile("file", path)
- req.WithHeader("Authorization", base.GetToken())
- resp := req.Expect()
- resp.Status(http.StatusOK)
- r := gjson.ParseBytes([]byte(resp.Body().Raw()))
- Expect(r.Get("code").Uint()).To(Equal(uint64(0)))
- r = r.Get("data")
- for s, result := range r.Map() {
- if s == "route" {
- Expect(result.Get("total").Uint()).To(Equal(uint64(1)))
- Expect(result.Get("failed").Uint()).To(Equal(uint64(0)))
- }
- }
- }),
- Entry("default.json", func() {
- path, err := filepath.Abs("../../testdata/import/default.json")
- Expect(err).To(BeNil())
- req := base.ManagerApiExpect().POST("/apisix/admin/import/routes")
- req.WithMultipart().WithForm(map[string]string{
- "type": "openapi3",
- "task_name": "test_default_json",
- "_file": "default.json",
- })
- req.WithMultipart().WithFile("file", path)
- req.WithHeader("Authorization", base.GetToken())
- resp := req.Expect()
- resp.Status(http.StatusOK)
- r := gjson.ParseBytes([]byte(resp.Body().Raw()))
- Expect(r.Get("code").Uint()).To(Equal(uint64(0)))
- r = r.Get("data")
- for s, result := range r.Map() {
- if s == "route" {
- Expect(result.Get("total").Uint()).To(Equal(uint64(1)))
- Expect(result.Get("failed").Uint()).To(Equal(uint64(0)))
- }
- }
- }),
- Entry("Postman-API101.yaml merge method", func() {
- path, err := filepath.Abs("../../testdata/import/Postman-API101.yaml")
- Expect(err).To(BeNil())
- req := base.ManagerApiExpect().POST("/apisix/admin/import/routes")
- req.WithMultipart().WithForm(map[string]string{
- "type": "openapi3",
- "task_name": "test_postman_api101_yaml_mm",
- "_file": "Postman-API101.yaml",
- "merge_method": "true",
- })
- req.WithMultipart().WithFile("file", path)
- req.WithHeader("Authorization", base.GetToken())
- resp := req.Expect()
- resp.Status(http.StatusOK)
- r := gjson.ParseBytes([]byte(resp.Body().Raw()))
- Expect(r.Get("code").Uint()).To(Equal(uint64(0)))
- r = r.Get("data")
- for s, result := range r.Map() {
- if s == "route" {
- Expect(result.Get("total").Uint()).To(Equal(uint64(3)))
- Expect(result.Get("failed").Uint()).To(Equal(uint64(0)))
- }
- if s == "upstream" {
- Expect(result.Get("total").Uint()).To(Equal(uint64(1)))
- Expect(result.Get("failed").Uint()).To(Equal(uint64(0)))
- }
- }
- }),
- Entry("Postman-API101.yaml non-merge method", func() {
- // clean routes
- base.CleanResource("routes")
- path, err := filepath.Abs("../../testdata/import/Postman-API101.yaml")
- Expect(err).To(BeNil())
- req := base.ManagerApiExpect().POST("/apisix/admin/import/routes")
- req.WithMultipart().WithForm(map[string]string{
- "type": "openapi3",
- "task_name": "test_postman_api101_yaml_nmm",
- "_file": "Postman-API101.yaml",
- "merge_method": "false",
- })
- req.WithMultipart().WithFile("file", path)
- req.WithHeader("Authorization", base.GetToken())
- resp := req.Expect()
- resp.Status(http.StatusOK)
- r := gjson.ParseBytes([]byte(resp.Body().Raw()))
- Expect(r.Get("code").Uint()).To(Equal(uint64(0)))
- r = r.Get("data")
- for s, result := range r.Map() {
- if s == "route" {
- Expect(result.Get("total").Uint()).To(Equal(uint64(5)))
- Expect(result.Get("failed").Uint()).To(Equal(uint64(0)))
- }
- if s == "upstream" {
- Expect(result.Get("total").Uint()).To(Equal(uint64(1)))
- Expect(result.Get("failed").Uint()).To(Equal(uint64(0)))
- }
- }
- }),
- Entry("Clean resources", func() {
- base.CleanResource("routes")
- base.CleanResource("upstreams")
- base.CleanResource("services")
- }),
- )
- DescribeTable("Exception cases",
- func(f func()) {
- f()
- },
- Entry("Empty upload file", func() {
- req := base.ManagerApiExpect().POST("/apisix/admin/import/routes")
- req.WithMultipart().WithForm(map[string]string{
- "type": "openapi3",
- "task_name": "empty_upload",
- "_file": "default.yaml",
- })
- req.WithHeader("Authorization", base.GetToken())
- resp := req.Expect()
- resp.Status(http.StatusOK)
- r := gjson.ParseBytes([]byte(resp.Body().Raw()))
- Expect(r.Get("code").Uint()).To(Equal(uint64(10000)))
- Expect(r.Get("message").String()).To(Equal("uploaded file is empty"))
- }),
- Entry("Exceed limit upload file", func() {
- req := base.ManagerApiExpect().POST("/apisix/admin/import/routes")
- req.WithMultipart().WithForm(map[string]string{
- "type": "openapi3",
- "task_name": "exceed_limit_upload",
- "_file": "default.yaml",
- })
- req.WithMultipart().WithFileBytes("file", "default.yaml", bytes.Rand(make([]byte, 10*1024*1024+1)))
- req.WithHeader("Authorization", base.GetToken())
- resp := req.Expect()
- resp.Status(http.StatusOK)
- r := gjson.ParseBytes([]byte(resp.Body().Raw()))
- Expect(r.Get("code").Uint()).To(Equal(uint64(10000)))
- Expect(r.Get("message").String()).To(Equal("uploaded file size exceeds the limit, limit is 10485760"))
- }),
- Entry("Routes duplicate #1", func() {
- path, err := filepath.Abs("../../testdata/import/Postman-API101.yaml")
- Expect(err).To(BeNil())
- req := base.ManagerApiExpect().POST("/apisix/admin/import/routes")
- req.WithMultipart().WithForm(map[string]string{
- "type": "openapi3",
- "task_name": "duplicate",
- "_file": "Postman-API101.yaml",
- "merge_method": "true",
- })
- req.WithMultipart().WithFile("file", path)
- req.WithHeader("Authorization", base.GetToken())
- resp := req.Expect()
- resp.Status(http.StatusOK)
- r := gjson.ParseBytes([]byte(resp.Body().Raw()))
- Expect(r.Get("code").Uint()).To(Equal(uint64(0)))
- }),
- Entry("Route duplicate #2", func() {
- path, err := filepath.Abs("../../testdata/import/Postman-API101.yaml")
- Expect(err).To(BeNil())
- req := base.ManagerApiExpect().POST("/apisix/admin/import/routes")
- req.WithMultipart().WithForm(map[string]string{
- "type": "openapi3",
- "task_name": "duplicate",
- "_file": "Postman-API101.yaml",
- "merge_method": "true",
- })
- req.WithMultipart().WithFile("file", path)
- req.WithHeader("Authorization", base.GetToken())
- resp := req.Expect()
- resp.Status(http.StatusOK)
- r := gjson.ParseBytes([]byte(resp.Body().Raw()))
- Expect(r.Get("code").Uint()).To(Equal(uint64(0)))
- Expect(r.Get("data").Map()["route"].Get("failed").Uint()).To(Equal(uint64(1)))
- Expect(r.Get("data").Map()["route"].Get("errors").Array()[0].String()).
- To(ContainSubstring("is duplicated with route duplicate_"))
- }),
- Entry("Clean resources", func() {
- base.CleanResource("routes")
- base.CleanResource("upstreams")
- base.CleanResource("services")
- }),
- )
- DescribeTable("Real API cases",
- func(f func()) {
- f()
- },
- Entry("Import httpbin.org YAML", func() {
- path, err := filepath.Abs("../../testdata/import/httpbin.yaml")
- Expect(err).To(BeNil())
- req := base.ManagerApiExpect().POST("/apisix/admin/import/routes")
- req.WithMultipart().WithForm(map[string]string{
- "type": "openapi3",
- "task_name": "httpbin",
- "_file": "httpbin.yaml",
- })
- req.WithMultipart().WithFile("file", path)
- req.WithHeader("Authorization", base.GetToken())
- resp := req.Expect()
- resp.Status(http.StatusOK)
- r := gjson.ParseBytes([]byte(resp.Body().Raw()))
- Expect(r.Get("code").Uint()).To(Equal(uint64(0)))
- r = r.Get("data")
- for s, result := range r.Map() {
- if s == "route" {
- Expect(result.Get("total").Uint()).To(Equal(uint64(1)))
- Expect(result.Get("failed").Uint()).To(Equal(uint64(0)))
- }
- }
- }),
- Entry("Modify upstream", func() {
- body := make(map[string]interface{})
- body["nodes"] = []map[string]interface{}{
- {
- "host": "httpbin.org",
- "port": 80,
- "weight": 1,
- },
- }
- body["type"] = "roundrobin"
- _body, err := json.Marshal(body)
- Expect(err).To(BeNil())
- base.RunTestCase(base.HttpTestCase{
- Object: base.ManagerApiExpect(),
- Method: http.MethodPatch,
- Path: "/apisix/admin/upstreams/httpbin",
- Body: string(_body),
- Headers: map[string]string{"Authorization": base.GetToken()},
- ExpectStatus: http.StatusOK,
- })
- }),
- Entry("Enable route", func() {
- // get route id
- req := base.ManagerApiExpect().GET("/apisix/admin/routes")
- req.WithHeader("Authorization", base.GetToken())
- resp := req.Expect()
- resp.Status(http.StatusOK)
- r := gjson.ParseBytes([]byte(resp.Body().Raw()))
- Expect(r.Get("code").Uint()).To(Equal(uint64(0)))
- id := r.Get("data").Get("rows").Array()[0].Get("id").String()
- body := make(map[string]interface{})
- body["status"] = 1
- _body, err := json.Marshal(body)
- Expect(err).To(BeNil())
- base.RunTestCase(base.HttpTestCase{
- Object: base.ManagerApiExpect(),
- Method: http.MethodPatch,
- Path: "/apisix/admin/routes/" + id,
- Body: string(_body),
- Headers: map[string]string{"Authorization": base.GetToken()},
- ExpectStatus: http.StatusOK,
- Sleep: base.SleepTime,
- })
- }),
- Entry("Request API", func() {
- req := base.APISIXExpect().GET("/get")
- resp := req.Expect()
- resp.Status(http.StatusOK)
- r := gjson.ParseBytes([]byte(resp.Body().Raw()))
- Expect(r.Get("headers").Get("User-Agent").String()).To(Equal("Go-http-client/1.1"))
- }),
- )
- })