Create a pull request (contains the changelog and version change) to master
> The changelog only needs to provide a link to the minor branch.
Create a pull request (contains the backport commits, and the change in step 1) to minor branch
> This should include those PRs that contain the need backport tag since the last patch release. Also, the title of these PRs need to be added to the changelog of the minor branch.
Merge it into minor branch
Package a vote artifact to Apache's dev-apisix repo. The artifact can be created via VERSION=x.y.z make release-src
Send the vote email to
> After executing the VERSION=x.y.z make release-src command, the content of the vote email will be automatically generated in the ./release directory named apache-apisix-${x.y.z}-vote-contents
When the vote is passed, send the vote result email to
Update APISIX rpm package
> Go to apisix-build-tools repository and create a new tag named apisix-${x.y.z} to automatically submit the
package to yum repo
- If the version number is the largest, update APISIX docker in APISIX docker repository, after PR merged, then create a new branch from master, named as release/apisix-${version}, e.g. release/apisix-2.10.2.
If released an LTS version and the version number less than the current largest(e.g. the current largest version number is 2.14.1, but the LTS version 2.13.2 is to be released), submit a PR like APISIX docker in APISIX docker repository and named as release/apisix-${version}, e.g. release/apisix-2.13.2, after PR reviewed, don't need to merged PR, just close the PR and push the branch to APISIX docker repository.
Send the ANNOUNCE email to &
Release minor version
Create a minor branch, and create pull request to master branch from it
Package a vote artifact to Apache's dev-apisix repo. The artifact can be created via VERSION=x.y.z make release-src
Send the vote email to
> After executing the VERSION=x.y.z make release-src command, the content of the vote email will be automatically generated in the ./release directory named apache-apisix-${x.y.z}-vote-contents
When the vote is passed, send the vote result email to
Update APISIX rpm package.
> Go to apisix-build-tools repository and create a new tag named apisix-${x.y.z} to automatically submit the rpm package to yum repo
- If the version number is the largest, update APISIX docker in APISIX docker repository, after PR merged, then create a new branch from master, named as release/apisix-${version}, e.g. release/apisix-2.10.2.
If released an LTS version and the version number less than the current largest(e.g. the current largest version number is 2.14.1, but the LTS version 2.13.2 is to be released), submit a PR like APISIX docker in APISIX docker repository and named as release/apisix-${version}, e.g. release/apisix-2.13.2, after PR reviewed, don't need to merged PR, just close the PR and push the branch to APISIX docker repository.