ReadMeWin32.txt 2.8 KB

  1. Build Instructions For XML-RPC For C/C++ On Windows
  2. ---------------------------------------------------
  3. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. These instructions are for static link libraries, using Microsoft Visual
  5. Studio 7 and later. There are project files to create DLLs, using
  6. Visual Studio 2008 or later, in the 'dll' subdirectory. People maintain
  7. those project files separately from the rest of the build system, so it's
  8. not uncommon for something to work with one but not the other.
  9. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10. 1. Run the batch file ConfigureWin32.bat, found in the Windows
  11. directory. This will copy four(4) headers to the appropriate folders.
  12. 2. Load xmlrpc.dsw in MSVC[7,8] or later, and build the Release or Debug
  13. configurations. DLL configurations are not included, and may not compile.
  14. This build requires that you have a Microsoft SDK, or Plaform SDK
  15. installed, since among other things, it uses <http.h>, and
  16. HTTPAPI.LIB, from the SDK.
  17. Once built, the rpctest.exe, in the bin folder, should run with no errors,
  18. and the xmlrpc_sample_add_server.exe, using port 8080, and
  19. xmlrpc_sample_add_sync_client.exe should communicate ... proving 7+5 = 12 ;=))
  20. Have fun.
  21. PS: Several other batch files are included in the Windows folder ...
  22. delsln.bat - to delete all the MSVC7 and 8 solution file.
  23. diffcfg.bat - compare the headers in windows with the version used in
  24. the compile. Requires diff.exe to be in the path.
  25. updcfg.bat - copy the 3 manually maintained configuration files back
  26. to the Windows folder (for distribution).
  27. cleawin32.bat - deletes the headers used in the compile. That is does the
  28. opposite of ConfigureWin32.bat.
  29. cleanall.bat - to remove ALL the binary files created. Requires an xdelete
  30. program which will recursively delete an entire folder.
  31. There is some historical information in ReadMeOld.txt, which used to be
  32. the contents of this file. Some of it is still valid.
  33. Developing XML-RPC For C/C++ for Windows
  34. ----------------------------------------
  35. If you fix or enhance something in the Windows build system, please send
  36. your updates to the Xmlrpc-c maintainer to be included in future releases
  37. so others don't have to repeat your work.
  38. Output of a Subversion 'diff' is usually the best way to send updates,
  39. but you can also send complete files or just a description of the
  40. change if that is easier.
  41. For the project files, we distribute only MSVC6-compatible DSP and DSW
  42. files (which are, of course, usable as input to later versions of MSVC
  43. as well). That means if you need to modify something in the project
  44. files and you are not using MSVC6, you must edit the project files
  45. manually as text files. Modifying them via the IDE would simply
  46. generate new files in a format that cannot be used with older MSVC.