freeswitch.spec 99 KB

  1. ######################################################################################################################
  2. #
  3. # spec file for package freeswitch
  4. #
  5. # includes module(s): freeswitch-devel freeswitch-codec-passthru-amr freeswitch-codec-passthru-amrwb freeswitch-codec-passthru-g729
  6. # freeswitch-codec-passthru-g7231 freeswitch-lua freeswitch-perl freeswitch-python freeswitch-v8
  7. # freeswitch-lan-de freeswitch-lang-en freeswitch-lang-fr freeswitch-lang-hu freeswitch-lang-ru freeswitch-freetdm
  8. # and others
  9. #
  10. # Initial Version Copyright (C) 2007 Peter Nixon and Michal Bielicki, All Rights Reserved.
  11. #
  12. # This file is part of:
  13. # FreeSWITCH Modular Media Switching Software Library / Soft-Switch Application
  14. # Copyright (C) 2005-2015, Anthony Minessale II <anthm@freeswitch.org>
  15. #
  16. # This file and all modifications and additions to the pristine package are under the same license as the package itself.
  17. #
  18. # Contributor(s): Mike Jerris
  19. # Brian West
  20. # Anthony Minessale II <anthm@freeswitch.org>
  21. # Raul Fragoso
  22. # Rupa Shomaker
  23. # Marc Olivier Chouinard
  24. # Raymond Chandler
  25. # Ken Rice <krice@freeswitch.org>
  26. # Chris Rienzo <crienzo@grasshopper.com>
  27. #
  28. # Maintainer(s): Ken Rice <krice@freeswitch.org>
  29. #
  30. ######################################################################################################################
  31. # Module build settings
  32. %define build_sng_isdn 0
  33. %define build_sng_ss7 0
  34. %define build_sng_tc 0
  35. %define build_py26_esl 0
  36. %define build_timerfd 0
  37. %define build_mod_esl 0
  38. %define build_mod_rayo 1
  39. %define build_mod_ssml 1
  40. %{?with_sang_tc:%define build_sng_tc 1 }
  41. %{?with_sang_isdn:%define build_sng_isdn 1 }
  42. %{?with_sang_ss7:%define build_sng_ss7 1 }
  43. %{?with_py26_esl:%define build_py26_esl 1 }
  44. %{?with_timerfd:%define build_timerfd 1 }
  45. %{?with_mod_esl:%define build_mod_esl 1 }
  46. %define version 1.4.19
  47. %define release 1
  48. ######################################################################################################################
  49. #
  50. # disable rpath checking
  51. #%define __arch_install_post /usr/lib/rpm/check-buildroot
  52. #%define _prefix /usr
  53. #%define prefix %{_prefix}
  54. #%define sysconfdir /etc/freeswitch
  55. #%define _sysconfdir %{sysconfdir}
  56. #%define logfiledir /var/log/freeswitch
  57. #%define _logfiledir %{logfiledir}
  58. #%define runtimedir /var/run/freeswitch
  59. #%define _runtimedir %{runtimedir}
  60. ######################################################################################################################
  61. # Layout of packages FHS (Redhat/SUSE), FS (Standard FreeSWITCH layout using /usr/local), OPT (/opt based layout)
  62. %define packagelayout FHS
  63. %define PREFIX %{_prefix}
  64. %define EXECPREFIX %{_exec_prefix}
  65. %define BINDIR %{_bindir}
  66. %define SBINDIR %{_sbindir}
  67. %define LIBEXECDIR %{_libexecdir}/%name
  68. %define SYSCONFDIR %{_sysconfdir}/%name
  69. %define SHARESTATEDIR %{_sharedstatedir}/%name
  70. %define LOCALSTATEDIR %{_localstatedir}/lib/%name
  71. %define LIBDIR %{_libdir}
  72. %define INCLUDEDIR %{_includedir}
  73. %define _datarootdir %{_prefix}/share
  74. %define DATAROOTDIR %{_datarootdir}
  75. %define DATADIR %{_datadir}
  76. %define INFODIR %{_infodir}
  77. %define LOCALEDIR %{_datarootdir}/locale
  78. %define MANDIR %{_mandir}
  79. %define DOCDIR %{_defaultdocdir}/%name
  80. %define HTMLDIR %{_defaultdocdir}/%name/html
  81. %define DVIDIR %{_defaultdocdir}/%name/dvi
  82. %define PDFDIR %{_defaultdocdir}/%name/pdf
  83. %define PSDIR %{_defaultdocdir}/%name/ps
  84. %define LOGFILEDIR /var/log/%name
  85. %define MODINSTDIR %{_libdir}/%name/mod
  86. %define RUNDIR %{_localstatedir}/run/%name
  87. %define DBDIR %{LOCALSTATEDIR}/db
  88. %define HTDOCSDIR %{_datarootdir}/%name/htdocs
  89. %define SOUNDSDIR %{_datarootdir}/%name/sounds
  90. %define GRAMMARDIR %{_datarootdir}/%name/grammar
  91. %define SCRIPTDIR %{_datarootdir}/%name/scripts
  92. %define RECORDINGSDIR %{LOCALSTATEDIR}/recordings
  93. %define PKGCONFIGDIR %{_datarootdir}/%name/pkgconfig
  95. Name: freeswitch
  96. Summary: FreeSWITCH open source telephony platform
  97. License: MPL1.1
  98. Group: Productivity/Telephony/Servers
  99. Version: %{version}
  100. Release: %{release}%{?dist}
  101. URL: http://www.freeswitch.org/
  102. Packager: Ken Rice
  103. Vendor: http://www.freeswitch.org/
  104. ######################################################################################################################
  105. #
  106. # Source files and where to get them
  107. #
  108. ######################################################################################################################
  109. Source0: http://files.freeswitch.org/%{name}-%{version}.tar.bz2
  110. Source1: http://files.freeswitch.org/downloads/libs/celt-0.10.0.tar.gz
  111. Source2: http://files.freeswitch.org/downloads/libs/flite-2.0.0-release.tar.bz2
  112. Source3: http://files.freeswitch.org/downloads/libs/lame-3.98.4.tar.gz
  113. Source4: http://files.freeswitch.org/downloads/libs/libshout-2.2.2.tar.gz
  114. Source5: http://files.freeswitch.org/downloads/libs/mpg123-1.13.2.tar.gz
  115. #Source6: http://files.freeswitch.org/downloads/libs/openldap-2.4.11.tar.gz
  116. Source6: http://files.freeswitch.org/downloads/libs/pocketsphinx-0.8.tar.gz
  117. Source7: http://files.freeswitch.org/downloads/libs/soundtouch-1.7.1.tar.gz
  118. Source8: http://files.freeswitch.org/downloads/libs/sphinxbase-0.8.tar.gz
  119. Source9: http://files.freeswitch.org/downloads/libs/communicator_semi_6000_20080321.tar.gz
  120. Source10: http://files.freeswitch.org/downloads/libs/libmemcached-0.32.tar.gz
  121. Source11: http://files.freeswitch.org/downloads/libs/opus-1.1-p2.tar.gz
  122. Source12: http://files.freeswitch.org/downloads/libs/v8-3.24.14.tar.bz2
  123. Source13: http://files.freeswitch.org/downloads/libs/mongo-c-driver-1.1.0.tar.gz
  124. Prefix: %{prefix}
  125. ######################################################################################################################
  126. #
  127. # Build Dependencies
  128. #
  129. ######################################################################################################################
  130. %if 0%{?suse_version} > 100
  131. #BuildRequires: openldap2-devel
  132. BuildRequires: lzo-devel
  133. %else
  134. #BuildRequires: openldap-devel
  135. %endif
  136. BuildRequires: autoconf
  137. BuildRequires: automake
  138. BuildRequires: bzip2
  139. BuildRequires: curl-devel
  140. BuildRequires: gcc-c++
  141. BuildRequires: gnutls-devel
  142. BuildRequires: libtool >= 1.5.17
  143. BuildRequires: ncurses-devel
  144. BuildRequires: openssl-devel >= 1.0.1e
  145. BuildRequires: pcre-devel
  146. BuildRequires: speex-devel
  147. BuildRequires: sqlite-devel
  148. BuildRequires: ldns-devel
  149. BuildRequires: libedit-devel
  150. BuildRequires: perl
  151. %if 0%{?fedora} >= 8 || 0%{?rhel} >= 6
  152. BuildRequires: perl-ExtUtils-Embed
  153. %endif
  154. BuildRequires: pkgconfig
  155. %if 0%{?rhel} < 6 && 0%{?fedora} <= 6
  156. BuildRequires: termcap
  157. %endif
  158. BuildRequires: unixODBC-devel
  159. BuildRequires: gdbm-devel
  160. %if 0%{?suse_version} > 100
  161. BuildRequires: db-devel
  162. %else
  163. BuildRequires: db4-devel
  164. %endif
  165. BuildRequires: python-devel
  166. BuildRequires: libogg-devel
  167. BuildRequires: libvorbis-devel
  168. BuildRequires: libjpeg-devel
  169. #BuildRequires: mono-devel
  170. BuildRequires: alsa-lib-devel
  171. BuildRequires: which
  172. BuildRequires: zlib-devel
  173. BuildRequires: e2fsprogs-devel
  174. BuildRequires: libtheora-devel
  175. BuildRequires: libxml2-devel
  176. BuildRequires: bison
  177. BuildRequires: net-snmp-devel
  178. BuildRequires: libmemcached-devel
  179. BuildRequires: portaudio-devel
  180. %if %{build_py26_esl}
  181. BuildRequires: python26-devel
  182. Requires: python26
  183. %endif
  184. Requires: alsa-lib
  185. Requires: libogg
  186. Requires: libvorbis
  187. Requires: curl
  188. Requires: ncurses
  189. Requires: pcre
  190. Requires: speex
  191. Requires: sqlite
  192. Requires: libedit
  193. Requires: openssl >= 1.0.1e
  194. Requires: unixODBC
  195. Requires: libjpeg
  196. #Requires: openldap
  197. Requires: db4
  198. Requires: gdbm
  199. Requires: zlib
  200. Requires: libtiff
  201. Requires: python
  202. Requires: libtheora
  203. Requires: libxml2
  204. %if %{?suse_version:1}0
  205. %if 0%{?suse_version} > 910
  206. #BuildRequires: autogen
  207. %endif
  208. %endif
  209. %if 0%{?suse_version} > 800
  210. #PreReq: /usr/sbin/useradd /usr/sbin/groupadd
  211. PreReq: %insserv_prereq %fillup_prereq
  212. %endif
  213. ######################################################################################################################
  214. #
  215. # Where the packages are going to be built
  216. #
  217. ######################################################################################################################
  218. BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)
  219. %description
  220. FreeSWITCH is an open source telephony platform designed to facilitate the creation of voice
  221. and chat driven products scaling from a soft-phone up to a soft-switch. It can be used as a
  222. simple switching engine, a media gateway or a media server to host IVR applications using
  223. simple scripts or XML to control the callflow.
  224. We support various communication technologies such as SIP, H.323 and GoogleTalk making
  225. it easy to interface with other open source PBX systems such as sipX, OpenPBX, Bayonne, YATE or Asterisk.
  226. We also support both wide and narrow band codecs making it an ideal solution to bridge legacy
  227. devices to the future. The voice channels and the conference bridge module all can operate
  228. at 8, 16 or 32 kilohertz and can bridge channels of different rates.
  229. FreeSWITCH runs on several operating systems including Windows, Max OS X, Linux, BSD and Solaris
  230. on both 32 and 64 bit platforms.
  231. Our developers are heavily involved in open source and have donated code and other resources to
  232. other telephony projects including sipXecs, OpenSER, Asterisk, CodeWeaver and OpenPBX.
  233. ######################################################################################################################
  234. #
  235. # Sub Package definitions. Description and Runtime Requirements go here
  236. # What goes into which package is in the files section after the whole build enchilada
  237. #
  238. ######################################################################################################################
  239. %package devel
  240. Summary: Development package for FreeSWITCH open source telephony platform
  241. Group: System/Libraries
  242. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  243. %description devel
  244. FreeSWITCH development files
  245. ######################################################################################################################
  246. # FreeSWITCH Application Modules
  247. ######################################################################################################################
  248. %package application-abstraction
  249. Summary: FreeSWITCH mod_abstraction
  250. Group: System/Libraries
  251. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  252. %description application-abstraction
  253. Provide an abstraction to FreeSWITCH API calls
  254. %package application-avmd
  255. Summary: FreeSWITCH voicemail detector
  256. Group: System/Libraries
  257. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  258. %description application-avmd
  259. Provide an voicemail beep detector for FreeSWITCH
  260. %package application-blacklist
  261. Summary: FreeSWITCH blacklist module
  262. Group: System/Libraries
  263. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  264. %description application-blacklist
  265. Provide black/white listing of various fields used for routing calls in
  266. FreeSWITCH
  267. %package application-callcenter
  268. Summary: FreeSWITCH mod_callcenter Call Queuing Application
  269. Group: System/Libraries
  270. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  271. %description application-callcenter
  272. Provide Automated Call Distribution capabilities for FreeSWITCH
  273. %package application-cidlookup
  274. Summary: FreeSWITCH mod_cidlookup
  275. Group: System/Libraries
  276. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  277. %description application-cidlookup
  278. Provide FreeSWITCH access to third party CallerID Name Databases via HTTP
  279. %package application-conference
  280. Summary: FreeSWITCH mod_conference
  281. Group: System/Libraries
  282. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  283. %description application-conference
  284. Provide FreeSWITCH Conference Bridge Services.
  285. %package application-curl
  286. Summary: FreeSWITCH mod_curl
  287. Group: System/Libraries
  288. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  289. %description application-curl
  290. Provide FreeSWITCH dialplan access to CURL
  291. %package application-db
  292. Summary: FreeSWITCH mod_db
  293. Group: System/Libraries
  294. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  295. %description application-db
  296. mod_db implements an API and dialplan interface to a database backend for
  297. FreeSWITCH. The database can either be in sqlite or ODBC. It also provides
  298. support for group dialing and provides database backed limit interface.
  299. %package application-directory
  300. Summary: FreeSWITCH mod_directory
  301. Group: System/Libraries
  302. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  303. %description application-directory
  304. Provides FreeSWITCH mod_directory, a dial by name directory application.
  305. %package application-distributor
  306. Summary: FreeSWITCH mod_distributor
  307. Group: System/Libraries
  308. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  309. %description application-distributor
  310. Provides FreeSWITCH mod_distributor, a simple round-robbin style distribution
  311. to call gateways.
  312. %package application-easyroute
  313. Summary: FreeSWITCH mod_easyroute
  314. Group: System/Libraries
  315. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  316. %description application-easyroute
  317. Provides FreeSWITCH mod_easyroute, a simple, easy to use DB Backed DID routing
  318. Engine. Uses ODBC to connect to the DB of your choice.
  319. %package application-enum
  320. Summary: FreeSWITCH mod_enum
  321. Group: System/Libraries
  322. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  323. %description application-enum
  324. Provides FreeSWITCH mod_enum, a ENUM dialplan, with API and Dialplan extensions
  325. supporting ENUM lookups.
  326. %package application-esf
  327. Summary: FreeSWITCH mod_esf
  328. Group: System/Libraries
  329. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  330. %description application-esf
  331. Provides FreeSWITCH mod_esf, Extra Sip Functionality such as Multicast Support
  332. %if %{build_mod_esl}
  333. %package application-esl
  334. Summary: FreeSWITCH mod_esl
  335. Group: System/Libraries
  336. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  337. %description application-esl
  338. Provides FreeSWITCH mod_esl, add api commands for remote ESL commands
  339. %endif
  340. %package application-expr
  341. Summary: FreeSWITCH mod_expr
  342. Group: System/Libraries
  343. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  344. %description application-expr
  345. Provides FreeSWITCH mod_expr, implements Brian Allen Vanderburg's ExprEval
  346. expression evaluation library for FreeSWITCH.
  347. %package application-fifo
  348. Summary: FreeSWITCH mod_fifo
  349. Group: System/Libraries
  350. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  351. %description application-fifo
  352. Provides FreeSWITCH mod_fifo, a parking-like app which allows you to make
  353. custom call queues
  354. %package application-fsk
  355. Summary: FreeSWITCH mod_fsk
  356. Group: System/Libraries
  357. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  358. %description application-fsk
  359. Provides FreeSWITCH mod_fsk, a module to send and receive information via
  360. Frequency-shift keying
  361. %package application-fsv
  362. Summary: FreeSWITCH mod_fsv
  363. Group: System/Libraries
  364. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  365. %description application-fsv
  366. Provides FreeSWITCH mod_fsk, implements functions to record and play back video
  367. %package application-hash
  368. Summary: FreeSWITCH mod_hash
  369. Group: System/Libraries
  370. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  371. %description application-hash
  372. Provides FreeSWITCH mod_hash, implements an API and application interface for
  373. manipulating a hash table. It also provides a limit backend.
  374. %package application-httapi
  375. Summary: FreeSWITCH mod_httapi
  376. Group: System/Libraries
  377. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  378. %description application-httapi
  379. Provides FreeSWITCH mod_httapi, provides an HTTP based Telephony API using a
  380. standard FreeSWITCH application interface as well as a cached http file format
  381. interface
  382. %package application-http-cache
  383. Summary: FreeSWITCH mod_http_cache
  384. Group: System/Libraries
  385. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  386. %description application-http-cache
  387. Provides FreeSWITCH mod_http_cache, allows one to make a HTTP GET request to
  388. cache a document. The primary use case is to download and cache audio files
  389. from a web server.
  390. %package application-lcr
  391. Summary: FreeSWITCH mod_lcr
  392. Group: System/Libraries
  393. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  394. %description application-lcr
  395. Provides FreeSWITCH mod_lcr, provide basic Least Cost Routing Services
  396. %package application-limit
  397. Summary: FreeSWITCH mod_limit
  398. Group: System/Libraries
  399. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  400. %description application-limit
  401. Provides FreeSWITCH mod_limit, provide application to limit both concurrent and call per time period
  402. %package application-memcache
  403. Summary: FreeSWITCH mod_memcache
  404. Group: System/Libraries
  405. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  406. %description application-memcache
  407. Provides FreeSWITCH mod_memcache, implements an API interface to memcached which
  408. is a "high-performance, distributed memory object caching system, generic in
  409. nature, but intended for use in speeding up dynamic web applications by
  410. alleviating database load."
  411. %package application-mongo
  412. Summary: FreeSWITCH mod_mongo
  413. Group: System/Libraries
  414. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  415. %description application-mongo
  416. Provides FreeSWITCH mod_mongo, which implements an API interface to mongodb.
  417. %package application-nibblebill
  418. Summary: FreeSWITCH mod_nibblebill
  419. Group: System/Libraries
  420. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  421. %description application-nibblebill
  422. Provides FreeSWITCH mod_nibblebill, provides a credit/debit module for
  423. FreeSWITCH to allow real-time debiting of credit or cash from a database
  424. while calls are in progress.
  425. %package application-redis
  426. Summary: FreeSWITCH mod_redis
  427. Group: System/Libraries
  428. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  429. %description application-redis
  430. Provides FreeSWITCH mod_redis, access to the redis key value pair db system from
  431. FreeSWITCH
  432. %package application-rss
  433. Summary: FreeSWITCH mod_rss
  434. Group: System/Libraries
  435. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  436. %description application-rss
  437. Provides FreeSWITCH mod_rss, edisrse and read an XML based RSS feed, then read
  438. the entries aloud via a TTS engine
  439. %package application-sms
  440. Summary: FreeSWITCH mod_sms
  441. Group: System/Libraries
  442. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  443. %description application-sms
  444. Provides FreeSWITCH mod_sms, provide a way to route messages in freeswitch,
  445. potentially allowing one to build a powerful chatting system like in XMPP using
  446. using SIP SIMPLE on SIP clients
  447. %package application-snapshot
  448. Summary: FreeSWITCH mod_snapshot
  449. Group: System/Libraries
  450. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  451. %description application-snapshot
  452. Provides FreeSWITCH mod_snapshot, allows recording a sliding window of audio
  453. and taking snapshots to disk.
  454. %package application-snom
  455. Summary: FreeSWITCH mod_snom
  456. Group: System/Libraries
  457. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  458. %description application-snom
  459. Provides FreeSWITCH mod_snom, an application for controlling the functionality
  460. and appearance of the programmable softkeys on Snom phones
  461. %package application-soundtouch
  462. Summary: FreeSWITCH mod_soundtouch
  463. Group: System/Libraries
  464. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  465. %description application-soundtouch
  466. Provides FreeSWITCH mod_soundtouch, uses the soundtouch library, which can do
  467. pitch shifting and other audio effects, so you can pipe the audio of a call
  468. (or any other channel audio) through this module and achieve those effects. You
  469. can specifically adjust pitch, rate, and tempo.
  470. %package application-spy
  471. Summary: FreeSWITCH mod_spy
  472. Group: System/Libraries
  473. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  474. %description application-spy
  475. Provides FreeSWITCH mod_spy, implements userspy application which provides
  476. persistent eavesdrop on all channels bridged to a certain user
  477. %package application-stress
  478. Summary: FreeSWITCH mod_stress
  479. Group: System/Libraries
  480. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  481. %description application-stress
  482. Provides FreeSWITCH mod_stress. mod_stress attempts to detect stress in a
  483. person's voice and generates FreeSWITCH events based on that data.
  484. %package application-valet_parking
  485. Summary: FreeSWITCH mod_valet_parking
  486. Group: System/Libraries
  487. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  488. %description application-valet_parking
  489. Provides FreeSWITCH mod_valet_parking. Provides 'Call Parking' in the switch
  490. as opposed to on the phone and allows for a number of options to handle call
  491. retrieval
  492. %package application-voicemail
  493. Summary: FreeSWITCH mod_voicemail
  494. Group: System/Libraries
  495. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  496. %description application-voicemail
  497. Provides FreeSWITCH mod_voicemail. Implements Voicemail Application
  498. %package application-voicemail-ivr
  499. Summary: FreeSWITCH mod_voicemail_ivr
  500. Group: System/Libraries
  501. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  502. %description application-voicemail-ivr
  503. Provides FreeSWITCH mod_voicemail_ivr. Provides a custimizable audio navigation
  504. system for backend voicemail systems
  505. ######################################################################################################################
  506. # FreeSWITCH ASR TTS Modules
  507. ######################################################################################################################
  508. %package asrtts-flite
  509. Summary: FreeSWITCH mod_flite
  510. Group: System/Libraries
  511. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  512. %description asrtts-flite
  513. Provides FreeSWITCH mod_flite, a interface to the flite text to speech engine
  514. %package asrtts-pocketsphinx
  515. Summary: FreeSWITCH mod_pocketsphinx
  516. Group: System/Libraries
  517. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  518. %description asrtts-pocketsphinx
  519. Provides FreeSWITCH mod_pocketsphinx, a interface to the OpenSource
  520. Pocketsphinx speech recognition engine
  521. %package asrtts-tts-commandline
  522. Summary: FreeSWITCH mod_tts_commandline
  523. Group: System/Libraries
  524. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  525. %description asrtts-tts-commandline
  526. Provides FreeSWITCH mod_tts_commandline, Run a command line and play the
  527. output file.
  528. %package asrtts-unimrcp
  529. Summary: FreeSWITCH mod_unimrcp
  530. Group: System/Libraries
  531. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  532. %description asrtts-unimrcp
  533. Provides FreeSWITCH mod_unimrcp, allows communication with Media Resource
  534. Control Protocol (MRCP) servers
  535. ######################################################################################################################
  536. # FreeSWITCH Codec Modules
  537. ######################################################################################################################
  538. %package codec-passthru-amr
  539. Summary: Pass-through AMR Codec support for FreeSWITCH open source telephony platform
  540. Group: System/Libraries
  541. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  542. Conflicts: codec-amr
  543. %description codec-passthru-amr
  544. Pass-through AMR Codec support for FreeSWITCH open source telephony platform
  545. %package codec-passthru-amrwb
  546. Summary: Pass-through AMR WideBand Codec support for FreeSWITCH open source telephony platform
  547. Group: System/Libraries
  548. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  549. Conflicts: codec-amrwb
  550. %description codec-passthru-amrwb
  551. Pass-through AMR WideBand Codec support for FreeSWITCH open source telephony platform
  552. %package codec-bv
  553. Summary: BroadVoice16 and BroadVoice32 WideBand Codec support for FreeSWITCH open source telephony platform
  554. Group: System/Libraries
  555. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  556. %description codec-bv
  557. BroadVoice16 and BroadVoice32 WideBand Codec support for FreeSWITCH open source telephony platform
  558. %package codec-celt
  559. Summary: CELT ultra low delay Codec support for FreeSWITCH open source telephony platform
  560. Group: System/Libraries
  561. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  562. %description codec-celt
  563. CELT ultra low delay Codec support for FreeSWITCH open source telephony platform
  564. %package codec-codec2
  565. Summary: Codec2 Narrow Band Codec support for FreeSWITCH open source telephony platform
  566. Group: System/Libraries
  567. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  568. %description codec-codec2
  569. CODEC2 narrow band codec support for FreeSWITCH open source telephony platform.
  570. CODEC2 was created by the developers of Speex.
  571. %package codec-passthru-g723_1
  572. Summary: Pass-through g723.1 Codec support for FreeSWITCH open source telephony platform
  573. Group: System/Libraries
  574. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  575. Conflicts: codec-g723_1
  576. %description codec-passthru-g723_1
  577. Pass-through g723.1 Codec support for FreeSWITCH open source telephony platform
  578. %package codec-passthru-g729
  579. Summary: Pass-through g729 Codec support for FreeSWITCH open source telephony platform
  580. Group: System/Libraries
  581. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  582. Conflicts: codec-com-g729
  583. %description codec-passthru-g729
  584. Pass-through g729 Codec support for FreeSWITCH open source telephony platform
  585. %package codec-h26x
  586. Summary: H.263/H.264 Video Codec support for FreeSWITCH open source telephony platform
  587. Group: System/Libraries
  588. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  589. %description codec-h26x
  590. H.263/H.264 Video Codec support for FreeSWITCH open source telephony platform
  591. %package codec-ilbc
  592. Summary: iLCB Codec support for FreeSWITCH open source telephony platform
  593. Group: System/Libraries
  594. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  595. %description codec-ilbc
  596. iLBC Codec support for FreeSWITCH open source telephony platform
  597. %package codec-isac
  598. Summary: iSAC Codec support for FreeSWITCH open source telephony platform
  599. Group: System/Libraries
  600. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  601. %description codec-isac
  602. iSAC Codec support for FreeSWITCH open source telephony platform
  603. %package codec-vp8
  604. Summary: vp8 Codec support for FreeSWITCH open source telephony platform
  605. Group: System/Libraries
  606. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  607. %description codec-vp8
  608. iSAC Codec support for FreeSWITCH open source telephony platform
  609. %package codec-mp4v
  610. Summary: MP4V Video Codec support for FreeSWITCH open source telephony platform
  611. Group: System/Libraries
  612. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  613. %description codec-mp4v
  614. MP4V Video Codec support for FreeSWITCH open source telephony platform
  615. %package codec-opus
  616. Summary: Opus Codec support for FreeSWITCH open source telephony platform
  617. Group: System/Libraries
  618. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  619. %description codec-opus
  620. OPUS Codec support for FreeSWITCH open source telephony platform
  621. %if %{build_sng_tc}
  622. %package sangoma-codec
  623. Summary: Sangoma D100 and D500 Codec Card Support
  624. Group: System/Libraries
  625. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  626. Requires: sng-tc-linux
  627. BuildRequires: sng-tc-linux
  628. %description sangoma-codec
  629. Sangoma D100 and D500 Codec Card Support
  630. %endif
  631. %package codec-silk
  632. Summary: Silk Codec support for FreeSWITCH open source telephony platform
  633. Group: System/Libraries
  634. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  635. %description codec-silk
  636. Silk Codec (from Skype) support for FreeSWITCH open source telephony platform
  637. %package codec-siren
  638. Summary: Siren Codec support for FreeSWITCH open source telephony platform
  639. Group: System/Libraries
  640. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  641. %description codec-siren
  642. Siren Codec support for FreeSWITCH open source telephony platform. Using
  643. mod_siren in a commercial product will require you to acquire a patent license
  644. directly from Polycom(R) for your company.
  645. see http://www.polycom.com/usa/en/company/about_us/technology/siren_g7221/siren_g7221.html
  646. and http://www.polycom.com/usa/en/company/about_us/technology/siren14_g7221c/siren14_g7221c.html
  647. At the time of this packaging, Polycom does not charge for licensing.
  648. %package codec-theora
  649. Summary: Theora Video Codec support for FreeSWITCH open source telephony platform
  650. Group: System/Libraries
  651. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  652. %description codec-theora
  653. Theora Video Codec support for FreeSWITCH open source telephony platform.
  654. ######################################################################################################################
  655. # FreeSWITCH Directory Modules
  656. ######################################################################################################################
  657. #%package directory-ldap
  658. #Summary: LDAP Directory support for FreeSWITCH open source telephony platform
  659. #Group: System/Libraries
  660. #Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  661. #%description directory-ldap
  662. #LDAP Directory support for FreeSWITCH open source telephony platform.
  663. ######################################################################################################################
  664. # FreeSWITCH Endpoint Modules
  665. ######################################################################################################################
  666. %package endpoint-dingaling
  667. Summary: Generic XMPP support for FreeSWITCH open source telephony platform
  668. Group: System/Libraries
  669. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  670. %description endpoint-dingaling
  671. XMPP support for FreeSWITCH open source telephony platform. Allows FreeSWITCH
  672. to be used as a client for GoogleTalk or other XMPP Servers.
  673. #%package endpoint-gsmopen
  674. #Summary: Generic GSM enpoint support for FreeSWITCH open source telephony platform
  675. #Group: System/Libraries
  676. #Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  677. #
  678. #%description endpoint-gsmopen
  679. #GSMopen is an endpoint (channel driver) that allows an SMS to be sent or
  680. #received from FreeSWITCH as well as incoming and outgoing GSM voice calls.
  681. #SMS is handled via the standard CHAT API in FreeSWITCH.
  682. #%package endpoint-h323
  683. #Summary: H.323 enpoint support for FreeSWITCH open source telephony platform
  684. #Group: System/Libraries
  685. #Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  686. #
  687. #%description endpoint-h323
  688. #H.323 enpoint support for FreeSWITCH open source telephony platform
  689. #%package endpoint-khomp
  690. #Summary: khomp endpoint support for FreeSWITCH open source telephony platform
  691. #Group: System/Libraries
  692. #Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  693. #
  694. #%description endpoint-khomp
  695. #Khomp hardware endpoint support for FreeSWITCH open source telephony platform.
  696. %package endpoint-portaudio
  697. Summary: PortAudio endpoint support for FreeSWITCH open source telephony platform
  698. Group: System/Libraries
  699. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  700. Requires: alsa-lib
  701. BuildRequires: alsa-lib-devel
  702. %description endpoint-portaudio
  703. PortAudio endpoint support for FreeSWITCH open source telephony platform.
  704. %package endpoint-rtmp
  705. Summary: RTPM Endpoint support for FreeSWITCH open source telephony platform
  706. Group: System/Libraries
  707. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  708. %description endpoint-rtmp
  709. RTMP Endpoint support for FreeSWITCH open source telephony platform. Allows FreeSWITCH
  710. to be used from a RTMP client. See http://wiki.freeswitch.org/wiki/Mod_rtmp#Flex_Client
  711. for the OpenSouce FreeSWITCH backed Client.
  712. %package endpoint-skinny
  713. Summary: Skinny/SCCP endpoint support for FreeSWITCH open source telephony platform
  714. Group: System/Libraries
  715. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  716. %description endpoint-skinny
  717. SCCP/Skinny support for FreeSWITCH open source telephony platform.
  718. %package endpoint-verto
  719. Summary: Verto endpoint support for FreeSWITCH open source telephony platform
  720. Group: System/Libraries
  721. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  722. %description endpoint-verto
  723. Verto protocol support for FreeSWITCH open source telephony platform.
  724. %package endpoint-rtc
  725. Summary: Verto endpoint support for FreeSWITCH open source telephony platform
  726. Group: System/Libraries
  727. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  728. %description endpoint-rtc
  729. Verto protocol support for FreeSWITCH open source telephony platform.
  730. %package freetdm
  731. Summary: Provides a unified interface to hardware TDM cards and ss7 stacks for FreeSWITCH
  732. Group: System/Libraries
  733. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  734. %description freetdm
  735. FreeTDM
  736. %if %{build_sng_isdn}
  737. %package freetdm-sng-isdn
  738. Summary: Sangoma ISDN Module for FreeTDM
  739. Group: System/Libraries
  740. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  741. Requires: %{name}-freetdm = %{version}-%{release}
  742. Requires: wanpipe
  743. Requires: libsng_isdn
  744. BuildRequires: wanpipe
  745. BuildRequires: libsng_isdn
  746. %description freetdm-sng-isdn
  747. Sangoma ISDN Module for freetdm
  748. %endif
  749. %if %{build_sng_ss7}
  750. %package freetdm-sng-ss7
  751. Summary: Provides a unified interface to hardware TDM cards and ss7 stacks for FreeSWITCH, Sangoma SS7 Module
  752. Group: System/Libraries
  753. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  754. Requires: %{name}-freetdm = %{version}-%{release}
  755. Requires: wanpipe
  756. Requires: libsng_ss7
  757. BuildRequires: wanpipe
  758. BuildRequires: libsng_ss7
  759. %if 0%{?fedora_version} >= 8 || 0%{?rhel} >= 6
  760. Requires: openssl098e
  761. BuildRequires: openssl098e
  762. %endif
  763. %description freetdm-sng-ss7
  764. Sangoma SMG-SS7 drivers for FreeTDM
  765. %endif
  766. %package endpoint-skypopen
  767. Summary: Skype Endpoint
  768. Group: System/Libraries
  769. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  770. Requires: libX11
  771. BuildRequires: libX11-devel
  772. %description endpoint-skypopen
  773. This software (Skypopen) uses the Skype API but is not endorsed, certified or
  774. otherwise approved in any way by Skype. Skypopen is an endpoint (channel
  775. driver) that uses the Skype client as an interface to the Skype network, and
  776. allows incoming and outgoing Skype calls to/from FreeSWITCH (that can be
  777. bridged, originated, answered, etc. as in all other endpoints, e.g. Sofia-SIP).
  778. ######################################################################################################################
  779. # FreeSWITCH Event Handler Modules
  780. ######################################################################################################################
  781. %package event-cdr-mongodb
  782. Summary: MongoDB CDR Logger for the FreeSWITCH open source telephony platform
  783. Group: System/Libraries
  784. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  785. %description event-cdr-mongodb
  786. MongoDB CDR Logger for FreeSWITCH
  787. %package event-cdr-pg-csv
  788. Summary: PostgreSQL CDR Logger for the FreeSWITCH open source telephony platform
  789. Group: System/Libraries
  790. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  791. Requires: postgresql-libs
  792. BuildRequires: postgresql-devel
  793. %description event-cdr-pg-csv
  794. PostgreSQL CDR Logger for FreeSWITCH.
  795. %package event-cdr-sqlite
  796. Summary: SQLite CDR Logger for the FreeSWITCH open source telephony platform
  797. Group: System/Libraries
  798. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  799. %description event-cdr-sqlite
  800. SQLite CDR Logger for FreeSWITCH.
  801. %package event-erlang-event
  802. Summary: Erlang Event Module for the FreeSWITCH open source telephony platform
  803. Group: System/Libraries
  804. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  805. Requires: erlang
  806. BuildRequires: erlang
  807. %description event-erlang-event
  808. Erlang Event Module for FreeSWITCH.
  809. %package event-multicast
  810. Summary: Multicast Event System for the FreeSWITCH open source telephony platform
  811. Group: System/Libraries
  812. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  813. %description event-multicast
  814. Multicast Event System for FreeSWITCH.
  815. #%package event-zmq
  816. #Summary: ZeroMQ Event System for the FreeSWITCH open source telephony platform
  817. #Group: System/Libraries
  818. #Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  819. #
  820. #%description event-zmq
  821. #ZeroMQ Event System for FreeSWITCH.
  822. %package event-json-cdr
  823. Summary: JSON CDR Logger for the FreeSWITCH open source telephony platform
  824. Group: System/Libraries
  825. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  826. %description event-json-cdr
  827. JSON CDR Logger for FreeSWITCH.
  828. %if %{build_mod_rayo}
  829. %package event-rayo
  830. Summary: Rayo (XMPP 3PCC) server for the FreeSWITCH open source telephony platform
  831. Group: System/Libraries
  832. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  833. %description event-rayo
  834. Rayo 3PCC for FreeSWITCH. http://rayo.org http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0327.html
  835. Rayo is an XMPP protocol extension for third-party control of telephone calls.
  836. %endif
  837. %package event-snmp
  838. Summary: SNMP stats reporter for the FreeSWITCH open source telephony platform
  839. Group: System/Libraries
  840. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  841. Requires: net-snmp
  842. BuildRequires: net-snmp-devel
  843. %description event-snmp
  844. SNMP stats reporter for the FreeSWITCH open source telephony platform
  845. ######################################################################################################################
  846. # FreeSWITCH Logger Modules
  847. ######################################################################################################################
  848. %package logger-graylog2
  849. Summary: GELF logger for Graylog2 and Logstash
  850. Group: System/Libraries
  851. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  852. %description logger-graylog2
  853. GELF logger for Graylog2 and Logstash
  854. ######################################################################################################################
  855. # FreeSWITCH Media Format Modules
  856. ######################################################################################################################
  857. %package format-local-stream
  858. Summary: Local File Streamer for the FreeSWITCH open source telephony platform
  859. Group: System/Libraries
  860. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  861. %description format-local-stream
  862. Local File Streamer for FreeSWITCH. It streams files from a directory and
  863. multiple channels connected to the same stream will hear the same (looped)
  864. file playback .. similar to a shoutcast stream. Useful for Music-on-hold type
  865. scenarios.
  866. %package format-native-file
  867. Summary: Native Media File support for the FreeSWITCH open source telephony platform
  868. Group: System/Libraries
  869. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  870. %description format-native-file
  871. The native file module is designed to make it easy to play sound files where no
  872. transcoding is necessary. The default FreeSWITCH sound files are in wav format.
  873. Generally, these require transcoding when being played to callers. However, if
  874. a native format sound file is available then FreeSWITCH can use it.
  875. %package format-portaudio-stream
  876. Summary: PortAudio Media Steam support for the FreeSWITCH open source telephony platform
  877. Group: System/Libraries
  878. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  879. %description format-portaudio-stream
  880. Portaudio Streaming interface Audio for FreeSWITCH
  881. %package format-shell-stream
  882. Summary: Implements Media Steaming from arbitrary shell commands for the FreeSWITCH open source telephony platform
  883. Group: System/Libraries
  884. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  885. %description format-shell-stream
  886. Mod shell stream is a FreeSWITCH module to allow you to stream audio from an
  887. arbitrary shell command. You could use it to read audio from a database, from
  888. a soundcard, etc.
  889. %package format-mod-shout
  890. Summary: Implements Media Steaming from arbitrary shell commands for the FreeSWITCH open source telephony platform
  891. Group: System/Libraries
  892. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  893. %description format-mod-shout
  894. Mod Shout is a FreeSWITCH module to allow you to stream audio from MP3s or a i
  895. shoutcast stream.
  896. %if %{build_mod_ssml}
  897. %package format-ssml
  898. Summary: Adds Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML) parser format for the FreeSWITCH open source telephony platform
  899. Group: System/Libraries
  900. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  901. %description format-ssml
  902. mod_ssml is a FreeSWITCH module that renders SSML into audio. This module requires a text-to-speech module for speech synthesis.
  903. %endif
  904. %package format-tone-stream
  905. Summary: Implements TGML Tone Generation for the FreeSWITCH open source telephony platform
  906. Group: System/Libraries
  907. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  908. %description format-tone-stream
  909. Implements TGML Tone Generation for the FreeSWITCH open source telephony platform
  910. ######################################################################################################################
  911. # FreeSWITCH Programing Language Modules
  912. ######################################################################################################################
  913. %package lua
  914. Summary: Lua support for the FreeSWITCH open source telephony platform
  915. Group: System/Libraries
  916. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  917. %description lua
  918. %package perl
  919. Summary: Perl support for the FreeSWITCH open source telephony platform
  920. Group: System/Libraries
  921. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  922. Requires: perl
  923. %description perl
  924. %package python
  925. Summary: Python support for the FreeSWITCH open source telephony platform
  926. Group: System/Libraries
  927. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  928. Requires: python
  929. %description python
  930. %package v8
  931. Summary: JavaScript support for the FreeSWITCH open source telephony platform, using Google V8 JavaScript engine
  932. Group: System/Libraries
  933. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  934. %description v8
  935. ######################################################################################################################
  936. # FreeSWITCH Say Modules
  937. ######################################################################################################################
  938. %package lang-en
  939. Summary: Provides english language dependand modules and speech config for the FreeSWITCH Open Source telephone platform.
  940. Group: System/Libraries
  941. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  942. %description lang-en
  943. English language phrases module and directory structure for say module and voicemail
  944. %package lang-ru
  945. Summary: Provides russian language dependand modules and speech config for the FreeSWITCH Open Source telephone platform.
  946. Group: System/Libraries
  947. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  948. %description lang-ru
  949. Russian language phrases module and directory structure for say module and voicemail
  950. %package lang-fr
  951. Summary: Provides french language dependend modules and speech config for the FreeSWITCH Open Source telephone platform.
  952. Group: System/Libraries
  953. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  954. %description lang-fr
  955. French language phrases module and directory structure for say module and voicemail
  956. %package lang-de
  957. Summary: Provides german language dependend modules and speech config for the FreeSWITCH Open Source telephone platform.
  958. Group: System/Libraries
  959. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  960. %description lang-de
  961. German language phrases module and directory structure for say module and voicemail
  962. %package lang-he
  963. Summary: Provides hebrew language dependend modules and speech config for the FreeSWITCH Open Source telephone platform.
  964. Group: System/Libraries
  965. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  966. %description lang-he
  967. Hebrew language phrases module and directory structure for say module and voicemail
  968. %package lang-es
  969. Summary: Provides Spanish language dependend modules and speech config for the FreeSWITCH Open Source telephone platform.
  970. Group: System/Libraries
  971. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  972. %description lang-es
  973. Spanish language phrases module and directory structure for say module and voicemail
  974. %package lang-pt
  975. Summary: Provides Portugese language dependend modules and speech config for the FreeSWITCH Open Source telephone platform.
  976. Group: System/Libraries
  977. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  978. %description lang-pt
  979. Portugese language phrases module and directory structure for say module and voicemail
  980. %package lang-sv
  981. Summary: Provides Swedish language dependend modules and speech config for the FreeSWITCH Open Source telephone platform.
  982. Group: System/Libraries
  983. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  984. %description lang-sv
  985. Swedish language phrases module and directory structure for say module and voicemail
  986. ######################################################################################################################
  987. # FreeSWITCH Timer Modules
  988. ######################################################################################################################
  989. %package timer-posix
  990. Summary: Provides posix timer for the FreeSWITCH Open Source telephone platform.
  991. Group: System/Libraries
  992. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  993. %description timer-posix
  994. Provides posix timer for the FreeSWITCH Open Source telephone platform.
  995. %if %{build_timerfd}
  996. %package timer-timerfd
  997. Summary: Provides Linux Timerfs based timer for the FreeSWITCH Open Source telephone platform.
  998. Group: System/Libraries
  999. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  1000. %description timer-timerfd
  1001. Provides Linux Timerfs based timer for the FreeSWITCH Open Source telephone
  1002. platform.
  1003. %endif
  1004. ######################################################################################################################
  1005. # FreeSWITCH XML INT Modules
  1006. ######################################################################################################################
  1007. %package xml-cdr
  1008. Summary: Provides XML CDR interface for the FreeSWITCH Open Source telephone platform.
  1009. Group: System/Libraries
  1010. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  1011. %description xml-cdr
  1012. Provides XML CDR interface for the FreeSWITCH Open Source telephone platform.
  1013. %package xml-curl
  1014. Summary: Provides XML Curl interface for the FreeSWITCH Open Source telephone platform.
  1015. Group: System/Libraries
  1016. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  1017. %description xml-curl
  1018. Provides XML Curl interface for the FreeSWITCH Open Source telephone platform.
  1019. Pull dynamic XML configs for FreeSWITCH over HTTP.
  1020. %package xml-rpc
  1021. Summary: Provides XML-RPC interface for the FreeSWITCH Open Source telephone platform.
  1022. Group: System/Libraries
  1023. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  1024. %description xml-rpc
  1025. Provides XML-RPC interface for the FreeSWITCH Open Source telephone platform.
  1026. ######################################################################################################################
  1027. # FreeSWITCH basic config module
  1028. ######################################################################################################################
  1029. %package config-vanilla
  1030. Summary: Basic vanilla config set for the FreeSWITCH Open Source telephone platform.
  1031. Group: System/Libraries
  1032. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
  1033. Requires: freeswitch-application-abstraction
  1034. Requires: freeswitch-application-avmd
  1035. Requires: freeswitch-application-blacklist
  1036. Requires: freeswitch-application-callcenter
  1037. Requires: freeswitch-application-cidlookup
  1038. Requires: freeswitch-application-conference
  1039. Requires: freeswitch-application-curl
  1040. Requires: freeswitch-application-db
  1041. Requires: freeswitch-application-directory
  1042. Requires: freeswitch-application-distributor
  1043. Requires: freeswitch-application-easyroute
  1044. Requires: freeswitch-application-enum
  1045. Requires: freeswitch-application-esf
  1046. Requires: freeswitch-application-expr
  1047. Requires: freeswitch-application-fifo
  1048. Requires: freeswitch-application-fsk
  1049. Requires: freeswitch-application-fsv
  1050. Requires: freeswitch-application-hash
  1051. Requires: freeswitch-application-httapi
  1052. Requires: freeswitch-application-http-cache
  1053. Requires: freeswitch-application-lcr
  1054. Requires: freeswitch-application-limit
  1055. Requires: freeswitch-application-memcache
  1056. Requires: freeswitch-application-nibblebill
  1057. Requires: freeswitch-application-redis
  1058. Requires: freeswitch-application-rss
  1059. Requires: freeswitch-application-sms
  1060. Requires: freeswitch-application-snapshot
  1061. Requires: freeswitch-application-snom
  1062. Requires: freeswitch-application-soundtouch
  1063. Requires: freeswitch-application-spy
  1064. Requires: freeswitch-application-stress
  1065. Requires: freeswitch-application-valet_parking
  1066. Requires: freeswitch-application-voicemail
  1067. Requires: freeswitch-application-voicemail-ivr
  1068. Requires: freeswitch-codec-passthru-amr
  1069. Requires: freeswitch-codec-bv
  1070. Requires: freeswitch-codec-passthru-g723_1
  1071. Requires: freeswitch-codec-passthru-g729
  1072. Requires: freeswitch-codec-h26x
  1073. Requires: freeswitch-codec-ilbc
  1074. Requires: freeswitch-codec-siren
  1075. Requires: freeswitch-format-local-stream
  1076. Requires: freeswitch-format-native-file
  1077. Requires: freeswitch-format-portaudio-stream
  1078. Requires: freeswitch-format-tone-stream
  1079. Requires: freeswitch-lang-en
  1080. %description config-vanilla
  1081. Basic vanilla config set for the FreeSWITCH Open Source telephone platform.
  1082. ######################################################################################################################
  1083. #
  1084. # Unpack and prepare Source archives, copy stuff around etc ..
  1085. #
  1086. ######################################################################################################################
  1087. %prep
  1088. %setup -b0 -q
  1089. cp %{SOURCE1} libs/
  1090. cp %{SOURCE2} libs/
  1091. cp %{SOURCE3} libs/
  1092. cp %{SOURCE4} libs/
  1093. cp %{SOURCE5} libs/
  1094. cp %{SOURCE6} libs/
  1095. cp %{SOURCE7} libs/
  1096. cp %{SOURCE8} libs/
  1097. cp %{SOURCE9} libs/
  1098. cp %{SOURCE10} libs/
  1099. cp %{SOURCE11} libs/
  1100. cp %{SOURCE12} libs/
  1101. cp %{SOURCE13} libs/
  1102. ######################################################################################################################
  1103. #
  1104. # Start the Build process
  1105. #
  1106. ######################################################################################################################
  1107. %build
  1108. %ifos linux
  1109. %if 0%{?suse_version} > 1000 && 0%{?suse_version} < 1030
  1110. export CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -fstack-protector"
  1111. %endif
  1112. %if 0%{?fedora_version} >= 8
  1113. export QA_RPATHS=$[ 0x0001|0x0002 ]
  1114. %endif
  1115. %endif
  1116. ######################################################################################################################
  1117. #
  1118. # Here the modules that will be build get defined
  1119. #
  1120. ######################################################################################################################
  1121. ######################################################################################################################
  1122. #
  1123. # Application Modules
  1124. #
  1125. ######################################################################################################################
  1126. APPLICATION_MODULES_AC="applications/mod_abstraction applications/mod_avmd applications/mod_blacklist \
  1127. applications/mod_callcenter applications/mod_cidlookup \
  1128. applications/mod_commands applications/mod_conference applications/mod_curl"
  1129. APPLICATION_MODULES_DE="applications/mod_db applications/mod_directory applications/mod_distributor \
  1130. applications/mod_dptools applications/mod_easyroute applications/mod_enum applications/mod_esf \
  1131. applications/mod_expr "
  1132. %if %{build_mod_esl}
  1133. APPLICATION_MODULES_DE+="applications/mod_esl"
  1134. %endif
  1135. APPLICATION_MODULES_FR="applications/mod_fifo applications/mod_fsk applications/mod_fsv applications/mod_hash \
  1136. applications/mod_httapi applications/mod_http_cache applications/mod_lcr applications/mod_limit \
  1137. applications/mod_memcache applications/mod_mongo applications/mod_nibblebill applications/mod_redis applications/mod_rss"
  1138. APPLICATION_MODULES_SZ="applications/mod_sms applications/mod_snapshot applications/mod_snom applications/mod_soundtouch \
  1139. applications/mod_spandsp applications/mod_spy applications/mod_stress \
  1140. applications/mod_valet_parking applications/mod_voicemail \
  1141. applications/mod_voicemail_ivr"
  1143. ######################################################################################################################
  1144. #
  1145. # Automatic Speech Recognition and Text To Speech Modules
  1146. #
  1147. ######################################################################################################################
  1148. ASR_TTS_MODULES="asr_tts/mod_flite asr_tts/mod_pocketsphinx asr_tts/mod_tts_commandline asr_tts/mod_unimrcp"
  1149. ######################################################################################################################
  1150. #
  1151. # Codecs
  1152. #
  1153. ######################################################################################################################
  1154. CODECS_MODULES="codecs/mod_amr codecs/mod_amrwb codecs/mod_bv codecs/mod_celt codecs/mod_codec2 codecs/mod_g723_1 \
  1155. codecs/mod_g729 codecs/mod_h26x codecs/mod_ilbc codecs/mod_isac codecs/mod_mp4v codecs/mod_opus codecs/mod_silk \
  1156. codecs/mod_siren codecs/mod_theora codecs/mod_vp8"
  1157. #
  1158. %if %{build_sng_tc}
  1159. CODECS_MODULES+="codecs/mod_sangoma_codec"
  1160. %endif
  1161. ######################################################################################################################
  1162. #
  1163. # Dialplan Modules
  1164. #
  1165. ######################################################################################################################
  1166. DIALPLANS_MODULES="dialplans/mod_dialplan_directory dialplans/mod_dialplan_xml"
  1167. #DISABLED DIALPLANS dialplans/mod_dialplan_asterisk
  1168. ######################################################################################################################
  1169. #
  1170. # Directory Modules
  1171. #
  1172. ######################################################################################################################
  1174. ######################################################################################################################
  1175. #
  1176. # Endpoints
  1177. #
  1178. ######################################################################################################################
  1179. ENDPOINTS_MODULES="endpoints/mod_dingaling ../../libs/freetdm/mod_freetdm \
  1180. endpoints/mod_loopback endpoints/mod_portaudio endpoints/mod_rtmp \
  1181. endpoints/mod_skinny endpoints/mod_verto endpoints/mod_rtc endpoints/mod_skypopen endpoints/mod_sofia"
  1182. ## DISABLED MODULES DUE TO BUILD ISSUES endpoints/mod_gsmopen endpoints/mod_h323 endpoints/mod_khomp
  1183. ######################################################################################################################
  1184. #
  1185. # Event Handlers
  1186. #
  1187. ######################################################################################################################
  1188. EVENT_HANDLERS_MODULES="event_handlers/mod_cdr_csv event_handlers/mod_cdr_sqlite \
  1189. event_handlers/mod_cdr_mongodb event_handlers/mod_erlang_event event_handlers/mod_event_multicast \
  1190. event_handlers/mod_event_socket event_handlers/mod_json_cdr \
  1191. event_handlers/mod_snmp"
  1192. %if %{build_mod_rayo}
  1193. EVENT_HANDLERS_MODULES+=" event_handlers/mod_rayo"
  1194. %endif
  1195. #### BUILD ISSUES NET RESOLVED FOR RELEASE event_handlers/mod_event_zmq event_handlers/mod_cdr_pg_csv
  1196. ######################################################################################################################
  1197. #
  1198. # File and Audio Format Handlers
  1199. #
  1200. ######################################################################################################################
  1201. FORMATS_MODULES="formats/mod_local_stream formats/mod_native_file formats/mod_portaudio_stream \
  1202. formats/mod_shell_stream formats/mod_shout formats/mod_sndfile formats/mod_tone_stream"
  1203. %if %{build_mod_ssml}
  1204. FORMATS_MODULES+=" formats/mod_ssml"
  1205. %endif
  1206. ######################################################################################################################
  1207. #
  1208. # Embedded Languages
  1209. #
  1210. ######################################################################################################################
  1211. LANGUAGES_MODULES="languages/mod_lua languages/mod_perl languages/mod_python "
  1212. #LANGUAGES_MODULES+="languages/mod_v8"
  1213. ######################################################################################################################
  1214. #
  1215. # Logging Modules
  1216. #
  1217. ######################################################################################################################
  1218. LOGGERS_MODULES="loggers/mod_console loggers/mod_graylog2 loggers/mod_logfile loggers/mod_syslog"
  1219. ######################################################################################################################
  1220. #
  1221. # Phrase engine language modules
  1222. #
  1223. ######################################################################################################################
  1224. SAY_MODULES="say/mod_say_de say/mod_say_en say/mod_say_fr say/mod_say_he say/mod_say_ru say/mod_say_sv"
  1225. ######################################################################################################################
  1226. #
  1227. # Timers
  1228. #
  1229. ######################################################################################################################
  1230. TIMERS_MODULES="timers/mod_posix_timer "
  1231. %if %{build_timerfd}
  1232. TIMERS_MODULES+="timers/mod_timerfd"
  1233. %endif
  1234. ######################################################################################################################
  1235. #
  1236. # XML Modules
  1237. #
  1238. ######################################################################################################################
  1239. XML_INT_MODULES="xml_int/mod_xml_cdr xml_int/mod_xml_curl xml_int/mod_xml_rpc"
  1240. ######################################################################################################################
  1241. #
  1242. # Create one environment variable out of all the module defs
  1243. #
  1244. ######################################################################################################################
  1248. ######################################################################################################################
  1249. #
  1250. # Create Modules build list and set variables
  1251. #
  1252. ######################################################################################################################
  1253. export MODULES=$MYMODULES
  1254. test ! -f modules.conf || rm -f modules.conf
  1255. touch modules.conf
  1256. for i in $MODULES; do echo $i >> modules.conf; done
  1257. export VERBOSE=yes
  1258. export DESTDIR=%{buildroot}/
  1259. export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/bin/pkg-config:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH
  1260. export ACLOCAL_FLAGS="-I /usr/share/aclocal"
  1261. ######################################################################################################################
  1262. #
  1263. # Bootstrap, Configure and Build the whole enchilada
  1264. #
  1265. ######################################################################################################################
  1266. if test -f bootstrap.sh
  1267. then
  1268. ./bootstrap.sh
  1269. else
  1270. ./rebootstrap.sh
  1271. fi
  1272. %configure -C \
  1273. --prefix=%{PREFIX} \
  1274. --exec-prefix=%{EXECPREFIX} \
  1275. --bindir=%{BINDIR} \
  1276. --sbindir=%{SBINDIR} \
  1277. --libexecdir=%{LIBEXECDIR} \
  1278. --sharedstatedir=%{SHARESTATEDIR} \
  1279. --localstatedir=%{LOCALSTATEDIR} \
  1280. --libdir=%{LIBDIR} \
  1281. --includedir=%{INCLUDEDIR} \
  1282. --datadir=%{DATADIR} \
  1283. --infodir=%{INFODIR} \
  1284. --mandir=%{MANDIR} \
  1285. --with-logfiledir=%{LOGFILEDIR} \
  1286. --with-modinstdir=%{MODINSTDIR} \
  1287. --with-rundir=%{RUNDIR} \
  1288. --with-dbdir=%{DBDIR} \
  1289. --with-htdocsdir=%{HTDOCSDIR} \
  1290. --with-soundsdir=%{SOUNDSDIR} \
  1291. --enable-core-pgsql-support \
  1292. --enable-core-odbc-support \
  1293. --enable-core-libedit-support \
  1294. --with-grammardir=%{GRAMMARDIR} \
  1295. --with-scriptdir=%{SCRIPTDIR} \
  1296. --with-recordingsdir=%{RECORDINGSDIR} \
  1297. --with-pkgconfigdir=%{PKGCONFIGDIR} \
  1298. --with-odbc \
  1299. --with-erlang \
  1300. --with-openssl \
  1301. %{?configure_options}
  1302. unset MODULES
  1303. %{__make}
  1304. cd libs/esl
  1305. %{__make} pymod
  1306. ######################################################################################################################
  1307. #
  1308. # Install it and create some required dirs and links
  1309. #
  1310. ######################################################################################################################
  1311. %install
  1312. %{__make} DESTDIR=%{buildroot} install
  1313. # Create a log dir
  1314. %{__mkdir} -p %{buildroot}%{prefix}/log
  1315. %{__mkdir} -p %{buildroot}%{logfiledir}
  1316. %{__mkdir} -p %{buildroot}%{runtimedir}
  1317. #install the esl stuff
  1318. cd libs/esl
  1319. %{__make} DESTDIR=%{buildroot} pymod-install
  1320. %if %{build_py26_esl}
  1321. #install esl for python 26
  1322. %{__make} clean
  1323. sed -i s/python\ /python26\ /g python/Makefile
  1324. %{__make} pymod
  1325. %{__mkdir} -p %{buildroot}/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages
  1326. %{__make} DESTDIR=%{buildroot} pymod-install
  1327. %endif
  1328. cd ../..
  1329. %ifos linux
  1330. # Install init files
  1331. # On SuSE:
  1332. %if 0%{?suse_version} > 100
  1333. %{__install} -D -m 744 build/freeswitch.init.suse %{buildroot}/etc/rc.d/init.d/freeswitch
  1334. %else
  1335. # On RedHat like
  1336. %{__install} -D -m 0755 build/freeswitch.init.redhat %{buildroot}/etc/rc.d/init.d/freeswitch
  1337. %endif
  1338. # On SuSE make /usr/sbin/rcfreeswitch a link to /etc/rc.d/init.d/freeswitch
  1339. %if 0%{?suse_version} > 100
  1340. %{__mkdir} -p %{buildroot}/usr/sbin
  1341. %{__ln_s} -f /etc/rc.d/init.d/freeswitch %{buildroot}/usr/sbin/rcfreeswitch
  1342. %endif
  1343. # Add the sysconfiguration file
  1344. %{__install} -D -m 744 build/freeswitch.sysconfig %{buildroot}/etc/sysconfig/freeswitch
  1345. # Add monit file
  1346. %{__install} -D -m 644 build/freeswitch.monitrc %{buildroot}/etc/monit.d/freeswitch.monitrc
  1347. %endif
  1348. ######################################################################################################################
  1349. #
  1350. # Remove files that are not wanted if they exist
  1351. #
  1352. ######################################################################################################################
  1353. %if %{build_sng_ss7}
  1354. #do not delete a thing
  1355. %else
  1356. %{__rm} -f %{buildroot}/%{MODINSTDIR}/ftmod_sangoma_ss7*
  1357. %endif
  1358. %if %{build_sng_isdn}
  1359. #do not delete a thing
  1360. %else
  1361. %{__rm} -f %{buildroot}/%{MODINSTDIR}/ftmod_sangoma_isdn*
  1362. %endif
  1363. ######################################################################################################################
  1364. #
  1365. # Add a freeswitch user with group daemon that will own the whole enchilada
  1366. #
  1367. ######################################################################################################################
  1368. %pre
  1369. %ifos linux
  1370. if ! /usr/bin/id freeswitch &>/dev/null; then
  1371. /usr/sbin/useradd -r -g daemon -s /bin/false -c "The FreeSWITCH Open Source Voice Platform" -d %{prefix} freeswitch || \
  1372. %logmsg "Unexpected error adding user \"freeswitch\". Aborting installation."
  1373. fi
  1374. %endif
  1375. %post
  1376. %{?run_ldconfig:%run_ldconfig}
  1377. # Make FHS2.0 happy
  1378. # %{__mkdir} -p /etc/opt
  1379. # %{__ln_s} -f %{sysconfdir} /etc%{prefix}
  1380. chown freeswitch:daemon /var/log/freeswitch /var/run/freeswitch
  1381. chkconfig --add freeswitch
  1382. %postun
  1383. ######################################################################################################################
  1384. #
  1385. # On uninstallation get rid of the freeswitch user
  1386. #
  1387. ######################################################################################################################
  1388. %{?run_ldconfig:%run_ldconfig}
  1389. if [ $1 -eq 0 ]; then
  1390. userdel freeswitch || %logmsg "User \"freeswitch\" could not be deleted."
  1391. fi
  1392. %clean
  1393. %{__rm} -rf %{buildroot}
  1394. %files
  1395. ######################################################################################################################
  1396. #
  1397. # What to install where ... first set default permissions
  1398. #
  1399. ######################################################################################################################
  1400. %defattr(-,root,root)
  1401. ######################################################################################################################
  1402. #
  1403. # Directories
  1404. #
  1405. ######################################################################################################################
  1406. #
  1407. #################################### Basic Directory Structure #######################################################
  1408. #
  1409. %dir %attr(0750, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}
  1410. %dir %attr(0750, freeswitch, daemon) %{LOCALSTATEDIR}
  1411. %dir %attr(0750, freeswitch, daemon) %{DBDIR}
  1412. %dir %attr(0755, -, -) %{GRAMMARDIR}
  1413. %dir %attr(0755, -, -) %{HTDOCSDIR}
  1414. %dir %attr(0750, freeswitch, daemon) %{logfiledir}
  1415. %dir %attr(0750, freeswitch, daemon) %{runtimedir}
  1416. %dir %attr(0755, -, -) %{SCRIPTDIR}
  1417. #
  1418. #################################### Config Directory Structure #######################################################
  1419. #
  1420. %dir %attr(0750, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/autoload_configs
  1421. %dir %attr(0750, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/dialplan
  1422. %dir %attr(0750, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/dialplan/default
  1423. %dir %attr(0750, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/dialplan/public
  1424. %dir %attr(0750, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/dialplan/skinny-patterns
  1425. %dir %attr(0750, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/directory
  1426. %dir %attr(0750, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/directory/default
  1427. %dir %attr(0750, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/jingle_profiles
  1428. %dir %attr(0750, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/lang
  1429. %dir %attr(0750, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/mrcp_profiles
  1430. %dir %attr(0750, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/sip_profiles
  1431. %dir %attr(0750, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/sip_profiles/external
  1432. %dir %attr(0750, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/sip_profiles/external-ipv6
  1433. %dir %attr(0750, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/skinny_profiles
  1434. #
  1435. #################################### Grammar Directory Structure #####################################################
  1436. #
  1437. %dir %attr(0755, -, -) %{GRAMMARDIR}/model
  1438. %dir %attr(0755, -, -) %{GRAMMARDIR}/model/communicator
  1439. ######################################################################################################################
  1440. #
  1441. # Other Files
  1442. #
  1443. ######################################################################################################################
  1444. %config(noreplace) %attr(0644,-,-) %{HTDOCSDIR}/*
  1445. %ifos linux
  1446. /etc/rc.d/init.d/freeswitch
  1447. %config(noreplace) /etc/sysconfig/freeswitch
  1448. %if 0%{?suse_version} > 100
  1449. /usr/sbin/rcfreeswitch
  1450. %endif
  1451. %endif
  1452. %ifos linux
  1453. %dir %attr(0750,-,-) /etc/monit.d
  1454. %config(noreplace) %attr(0644,-,-) /etc/monit.d/freeswitch.monitrc
  1455. %endif
  1456. ######################################################################################################################
  1457. #
  1458. # Binaries
  1459. #
  1460. ######################################################################################################################
  1461. %attr(0755,-,-) %{prefix}/bin/*
  1462. %{LIBDIR}/libfreeswitch*.so*
  1463. ######################################################################################################################
  1464. #
  1465. # Modules in Alphabetical Order, please keep them that way..
  1466. #
  1467. ######################################################################################################################
  1468. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_cdr_csv.so*
  1469. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_console.so*
  1470. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_commands.so*
  1471. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_dialplan_directory.so*
  1472. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_dialplan_xml.so*
  1473. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_dptools.so*
  1474. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_event_socket.so*
  1475. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_logfile.so*
  1476. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_loopback.so*
  1477. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_native_file.so*
  1478. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_sndfile.so*
  1479. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_sofia.so*
  1480. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_spandsp.so*
  1481. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_syslog.so*
  1482. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_tone_stream.so*
  1483. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_xml_rpc.so*
  1484. ######################################################################################################################
  1485. #
  1486. # Package for the developer
  1487. #
  1488. ######################################################################################################################
  1489. %files devel
  1490. %{LIBDIR}/*.a
  1491. %{LIBDIR}/*.la
  1492. %{PKGCONFIGDIR}/*
  1493. %{MODINSTDIR}/*.*a
  1494. %{INCLUDEDIR}/*.h
  1495. ######################################################################################################################
  1496. # Vanilla Config Files
  1497. ######################################################################################################################
  1498. %files config-vanilla
  1499. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/*.tpl
  1500. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/*.ttml
  1501. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/*.xml
  1502. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/extensions.conf
  1503. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/mime.types
  1504. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/autoload_configs/abstraction.conf.xml
  1505. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/autoload_configs/acl.conf.xml
  1506. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/autoload_configs/alsa.conf.xml
  1507. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/autoload_configs/amqp.conf.xml
  1508. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/autoload_configs/blacklist.conf.xml
  1509. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/autoload_configs/callcenter.conf.xml
  1510. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/autoload_configs/cdr_csv.conf.xml
  1511. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/autoload_configs/cdr_mongodb.conf.xml
  1512. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/autoload_configs/cdr_pg_csv.conf.xml
  1513. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/autoload_configs/cdr_sqlite.conf.xml
  1514. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/autoload_configs/cepstral.conf.xml
  1515. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/autoload_configs/cidlookup.conf.xml
  1516. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/autoload_configs/conference.conf.xml
  1517. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/autoload_configs/console.conf.xml
  1518. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/autoload_configs/db.conf.xml
  1519. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/autoload_configs/dialplan_directory.conf.xml
  1520. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/autoload_configs/dingaling.conf.xml
  1521. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/autoload_configs/directory.conf.xml
  1522. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/autoload_configs/distributor.conf.xml
  1523. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/autoload_configs/easyroute.conf.xml
  1524. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/autoload_configs/enum.conf.xml
  1525. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/autoload_configs/erlang_event.conf.xml
  1526. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/autoload_configs/event_multicast.conf.xml
  1527. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/autoload_configs/event_socket.conf.xml
  1528. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/autoload_configs/fax.conf.xml
  1529. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/autoload_configs/fifo.conf.xml
  1530. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/autoload_configs/format_cdr.conf.xml
  1531. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/autoload_configs/graylog2.conf.xml
  1532. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/autoload_configs/hash.conf.xml
  1533. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/autoload_configs/httapi.conf.xml
  1534. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/autoload_configs/http_cache.conf.xml
  1535. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/autoload_configs/ivr.conf.xml
  1536. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/autoload_configs/java.conf.xml
  1537. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/autoload_configs/lcr.conf.xml
  1538. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/autoload_configs/local_stream.conf.xml
  1539. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/autoload_configs/logfile.conf.xml
  1540. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/autoload_configs/memcache.conf.xml
  1541. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/autoload_configs/modules.conf.xml
  1542. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/autoload_configs/mongo.conf.xml
  1543. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/autoload_configs/nibblebill.conf.xml
  1544. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/autoload_configs/opal.conf.xml
  1545. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/autoload_configs/oreka.conf.xml
  1546. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/autoload_configs/osp.conf.xml
  1547. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/autoload_configs/pocketsphinx.conf.xml
  1548. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/autoload_configs/portaudio.conf.xml
  1549. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/autoload_configs/post_load_modules.conf.xml
  1550. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/autoload_configs/presence_map.conf.xml
  1551. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/autoload_configs/redis.conf.xml
  1552. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/autoload_configs/rss.conf.xml
  1553. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/autoload_configs/rtmp.conf.xml
  1554. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/autoload_configs/sangoma_codec.conf.xml
  1555. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/autoload_configs/shout.conf.xml
  1556. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/autoload_configs/skinny.conf.xml
  1557. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/autoload_configs/sofia.conf.xml
  1558. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/autoload_configs/spandsp.conf.xml
  1559. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/autoload_configs/switch.conf.xml
  1560. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/autoload_configs/syslog.conf.xml
  1561. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/autoload_configs/timezones.conf.xml
  1562. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/autoload_configs/translate.conf.xml
  1563. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/autoload_configs/tts_commandline.conf.xml
  1564. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/autoload_configs/unicall.conf.xml
  1565. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/autoload_configs/unimrcp.conf.xml
  1566. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/autoload_configs/verto.conf.xml
  1567. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/autoload_configs/voicemail.conf.xml
  1568. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/autoload_configs/voicemail_ivr.conf.xml
  1569. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/autoload_configs/xml_cdr.conf.xml
  1570. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/autoload_configs/xml_curl.conf.xml
  1571. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/autoload_configs/xml_rpc.conf.xml
  1572. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/autoload_configs/xml_scgi.conf.xml
  1573. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/autoload_configs/zeroconf.conf.xml
  1574. ######################################################################################################################
  1575. # Chatplans
  1576. ######################################################################################################################
  1577. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/chatplan/default.xml
  1578. ######################################################################################################################
  1579. # Dialplans
  1580. ######################################################################################################################
  1581. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/dialplan/*.xml
  1582. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/dialplan/default/*.xml
  1583. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/dialplan/public/*.xml
  1584. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/dialplan/skinny-patterns/*.xml
  1585. ######################################################################################################################
  1586. # User Directories
  1587. ######################################################################################################################
  1588. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/directory/*.xml
  1589. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/directory/default/*
  1590. ######################################################################################################################
  1591. # IVR Menues
  1592. ######################################################################################################################
  1593. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/ivr_menus/*.xml
  1594. ######################################################################################################################
  1595. # Sip Profiles
  1596. ######################################################################################################################
  1597. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/sip_profiles/*.xml
  1598. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/sip_profiles/external/*.xml
  1599. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/sip_profiles/external-ipv6/*.xml
  1600. ######################################################################################################################
  1601. # Other Protocol Profiles (skinny, jingle, mrcp)
  1602. ######################################################################################################################
  1603. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/skinny_profiles/*.xml
  1604. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/jingle_profiles/*.xml
  1605. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/mrcp_profiles/*.xml
  1606. ######################################################################################################################
  1607. # Grammar Files
  1608. ######################################################################################################################
  1609. %config(noreplace) %attr(0644, -, -) %{GRAMMARDIR}/default.dic
  1610. %config(noreplace) %attr(0644, -, -) %{GRAMMARDIR}/model/communicator/*
  1611. ### END OF config-vanilla
  1612. ######################################################################################################################
  1613. #
  1614. # Application Packages
  1615. #
  1616. ######################################################################################################################
  1617. %files application-abstraction
  1618. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_abstraction.so*
  1619. %files application-avmd
  1620. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_avmd.so*
  1621. %files application-blacklist
  1622. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_blacklist.so*
  1623. %files application-callcenter
  1624. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_callcenter.so*
  1625. %files application-cidlookup
  1626. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_cidlookup.so*
  1627. %files application-conference
  1628. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_conference.so*
  1629. %files application-curl
  1630. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_curl.so*
  1631. %files application-db
  1632. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_db.so*
  1633. %files application-directory
  1634. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_directory.so*
  1635. %files application-distributor
  1636. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_distributor.so*
  1637. %files application-easyroute
  1638. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_easyroute.so*
  1639. %files application-enum
  1640. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_enum.so*
  1641. %files application-esf
  1642. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_esf.so*
  1643. %if %{build_mod_esl}
  1644. %files application-esl
  1645. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_esl.so*
  1646. %endif
  1647. %files application-expr
  1648. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_expr.so*
  1649. %files application-fifo
  1650. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_fifo.so*
  1651. %files application-fsk
  1652. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_fsk.so*
  1653. %files application-fsv
  1654. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_fsv.so*
  1655. %files application-hash
  1656. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_hash.so*
  1657. %files application-httapi
  1658. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_httapi.so*
  1659. %files application-http-cache
  1660. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_http_cache.so*
  1661. %files application-lcr
  1662. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_lcr.so*
  1663. %files application-limit
  1664. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_limit.so*
  1665. %files application-memcache
  1666. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_memcache.so*
  1667. %files application-mongo
  1668. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_mongo.so*
  1669. %files application-nibblebill
  1670. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_nibblebill.so*
  1671. %files application-redis
  1672. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_redis.so*
  1673. %files application-rss
  1674. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_rss.so*
  1675. %files application-sms
  1676. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_sms.so*
  1677. %files application-snapshot
  1678. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_snapshot.so*
  1679. %files application-snom
  1680. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_snom.so*
  1681. %files application-soundtouch
  1682. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_soundtouch.so*
  1683. %files application-spy
  1684. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_spy.so*
  1685. %files application-stress
  1686. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_stress.so*
  1687. %files application-valet_parking
  1688. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_valet_parking.so*
  1689. %files application-voicemail
  1690. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_voicemail.so*
  1691. %files application-voicemail-ivr
  1692. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_voicemail_ivr.so*
  1693. ######################################################################################################################
  1694. #
  1695. # ASR TTS Packages
  1696. #
  1697. ######################################################################################################################
  1698. %files asrtts-flite
  1699. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_flite.so*
  1700. %files asrtts-pocketsphinx
  1701. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_pocketsphinx.so*
  1702. %files asrtts-tts-commandline
  1703. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_tts_commandline.so*
  1704. %files asrtts-unimrcp
  1705. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_unimrcp.so*
  1706. ######################################################################################################################
  1707. #
  1708. # CODEC Packages
  1709. #
  1710. ######################################################################################################################
  1711. %files codec-passthru-amr
  1712. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_amr.so*
  1713. %files codec-passthru-amrwb
  1714. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_amrwb.so*
  1715. %files codec-bv
  1716. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_bv.so*
  1717. %files codec-celt
  1718. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_celt.so*
  1719. %files codec-codec2
  1720. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_codec2.so*
  1721. %files codec-passthru-g723_1
  1722. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_g723_1.so*
  1723. %files codec-passthru-g729
  1724. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_g729.so*
  1725. %files codec-h26x
  1726. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_h26x.so*
  1727. %files codec-ilbc
  1728. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_ilbc.so*
  1729. %files codec-isac
  1730. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_isac.so*
  1731. %files codec-mp4v
  1732. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_mp4v.so*
  1733. %files codec-vp8
  1734. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_vp8.so*
  1735. %files codec-opus
  1736. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_opus.so*
  1737. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/autoload_configs/opus.conf.xml
  1738. %if %{build_sng_tc}
  1739. %files sangoma-codec
  1740. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_sangoma_codec.so*
  1741. %endif
  1742. %files codec-silk
  1743. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_silk.so*
  1744. %files codec-siren
  1745. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_siren.so*
  1746. %files codec-theora
  1747. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_theora.so*
  1748. ######################################################################################################################
  1749. #
  1750. # FreeSWITCH Directory Modules
  1751. #
  1752. ######################################################################################################################
  1753. #%files directory-ldap
  1754. #%{MODINSTDIR}/mod_ldap.so*
  1755. ######################################################################################################################
  1756. #
  1757. # FreeSWITCH endpoint Modules
  1758. #
  1759. ######################################################################################################################
  1760. %files endpoint-dingaling
  1761. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_dingaling.so*
  1762. #%files endpoint-gsmopen
  1763. #%{MODINSTDIR}/mod_gsmopen.so*
  1764. #%files endpoint-h323
  1765. #%{MODINSTDIR}/mod_h323.so*
  1766. #%files endpoint-khomp
  1767. #%{MODINSTDIR}/mod_khomp.so*
  1768. %files endpoint-portaudio
  1769. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_portaudio.so*
  1770. %files endpoint-rtmp
  1771. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_rtmp.so*
  1772. %files endpoint-skinny
  1773. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_skinny.so*
  1774. %files endpoint-verto
  1775. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_verto.so*
  1776. %files endpoint-rtc
  1777. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_rtc.so*
  1778. %files endpoint-skypopen
  1779. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_skypopen.so*
  1780. ######################################################################################################################
  1781. #
  1782. # FreeTDM Module for TDM Interaction
  1783. #
  1784. ######################################################################################################################
  1785. %files freetdm
  1786. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/tones.conf
  1787. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/autoload_configs/freetdm.conf.xml
  1788. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/pika.conf
  1789. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/freetdm.conf
  1790. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/wanpipe.conf
  1791. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/zt.conf
  1792. %{LIBDIR}/libfreetdm.so*
  1793. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_freetdm.so*
  1794. %{MODINSTDIR}/ftmod_skel*.so*
  1795. %{MODINSTDIR}/ftmod_[a-r,t-z]*.so*
  1796. %if %{build_sng_ss7}
  1797. %files freetdm-sng-ss7
  1798. %{MODINSTDIR}/ftmod_sangoma_ss7.so*
  1799. %endif
  1800. %if %{build_sng_isdn}
  1801. %files freetdm-sng-isdn
  1802. %{MODINSTDIR}/ftmod_sangoma_isdn.so*
  1803. %endif
  1804. ######################################################################################################################
  1805. #
  1806. # Event Modules
  1807. #
  1808. ######################################################################################################################
  1809. %files event-cdr-mongodb
  1810. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_cdr_mongodb.so*
  1811. #%files event-cdr-pg-csv
  1812. #%{MODINSTDIR}/mod_cdr_pg_csv.so*
  1813. %files event-cdr-sqlite
  1814. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_cdr_sqlite.so*
  1815. %files event-erlang-event
  1816. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_erlang_event.so*
  1817. %files event-multicast
  1818. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_event_multicast.so*
  1819. #%files event-zmq
  1820. #%{MODINSTDIR}/mod_xmq.so*
  1821. %files event-json-cdr
  1822. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_json_cdr.so*
  1823. %if %{build_mod_rayo}
  1824. %files event-rayo
  1825. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_rayo.so*
  1826. %endif
  1827. %files event-snmp
  1828. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_snmp.so*
  1829. ######################################################################################################################
  1830. #
  1831. # Event Modules
  1832. #
  1833. ######################################################################################################################
  1834. %files format-local-stream
  1835. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_local_stream.so*
  1836. %files format-native-file
  1837. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_native_file.so*
  1838. %files format-portaudio-stream
  1839. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_portaudio_stream.so*
  1840. %files format-shell-stream
  1841. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_shell_stream.so*
  1842. %files format-mod-shout
  1843. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_shout.so*
  1844. %if %{build_mod_ssml}
  1845. %files format-ssml
  1846. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_ssml.so*
  1847. %endif
  1848. %files format-tone-stream
  1849. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_tone_stream.so*
  1850. ######################################################################################################################
  1851. #
  1852. # Embedded Language Modules
  1853. #
  1854. ######################################################################################################################
  1855. %files lua
  1856. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_lua*.so*
  1857. %dir %attr(0750, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/autoload_configs
  1858. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/autoload_configs/lua.conf.xml
  1859. %files perl
  1860. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_perl*.so*
  1861. %{prefix}/perl/*
  1862. %dir %attr(0750, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/autoload_configs
  1863. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/autoload_configs/perl.conf.xml
  1864. %files python
  1865. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_python*.so*
  1866. %attr(0644, root, bin) /usr/lib/python*/site-packages/freeswitch.py*
  1867. %attr(0755, root, bin) /usr/lib/python*/site-packages/_ESL.so*
  1868. %attr(0755, root, bin) /usr/lib/python*/site-packages/ESL.py*
  1869. %dir %attr(0750, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/autoload_configs
  1870. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/autoload_configs/python.conf.xml
  1871. %files v8
  1872. #%{MODINSTDIR}/mod_v8*.so*
  1873. #%{LIBDIR}/libv8.so
  1874. #%{LIBDIR}/libicui18n.so
  1875. #%{LIBDIR}/libicuuc.so
  1876. #%dir %attr(0750, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/autoload_configs
  1877. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/autoload_configs/v8.conf.xml
  1878. ######################################################################################################################
  1879. #
  1880. # Language Modules
  1881. #
  1882. ######################################################################################################################
  1883. %files lang-en
  1884. %dir %attr(0750, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/lang/en
  1885. %dir %attr(0750, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/lang/en/demo
  1886. %dir %attr(0750, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/lang/en/vm
  1887. %dir %attr(0750, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/lang/en/dir
  1888. %dir %attr(0750, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/lang/en/ivr
  1889. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/lang/en/*.xml
  1890. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/lang/en/demo/*.xml
  1891. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/lang/en/vm/*.xml
  1892. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/lang/en/dir/*.xml
  1893. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/lang/en/ivr/*.xml
  1894. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_say_en.so*
  1895. %files lang-de
  1896. %dir %attr(0750, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/lang/de
  1897. %dir %attr(0750, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/lang/de/demo
  1898. %dir %attr(0750, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/lang/de/vm
  1899. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/lang/de/*.xml
  1900. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/lang/de/demo/*.xml
  1901. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/lang/de/vm/*.xml
  1902. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_say_de.so*
  1903. %files lang-fr
  1904. %dir %attr(0750, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/lang/fr
  1905. %dir %attr(0750, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/lang/fr/demo
  1906. %dir %attr(0750, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/lang/fr/vm
  1907. %dir %attr(0750, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/lang/fr/dir
  1908. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/lang/fr/*.xml
  1909. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/lang/fr/demo/*.xml
  1910. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/lang/fr/vm/*.xml
  1911. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/lang/fr/dir/*.xml
  1912. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_say_fr.so*
  1913. %files lang-ru
  1914. %dir %attr(0750, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/lang/ru
  1915. %dir %attr(0750, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/lang/ru/demo
  1916. %dir %attr(0750, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/lang/ru/vm
  1917. %dir %attr(0750, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/lang/ru/dir
  1918. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/lang/ru/*.xml
  1919. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/lang/ru/demo/*.xml
  1920. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/lang/ru/vm/*.xml
  1921. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/lang/ru/dir/*.xml
  1922. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_say_ru.so*
  1923. %files lang-he
  1924. %dir %attr(0750, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/lang/he/
  1925. %dir %attr(0750, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/lang/he/demo
  1926. %dir %attr(0750, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/lang/he/vm
  1927. %dir %attr(0750, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/lang/he/dir
  1928. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/lang/he/*.xml
  1929. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/lang/he/demo/*.xml
  1930. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/lang/he/vm/*.xml
  1931. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/lang/he/dir/*.xml
  1932. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_say_he.so*
  1933. %files lang-es
  1934. %dir %attr(0750, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/lang/es
  1935. %dir %attr(0750, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/lang/es/demo
  1936. %dir %attr(0750, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/lang/es/vm
  1937. %dir %attr(0750, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/lang/es/dir
  1938. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/lang/es/*.xml
  1939. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/lang/es/demo/*.xml
  1940. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/lang/es/vm/*.xml
  1941. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/lang/es/dir/*.xml
  1942. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_say_en.so*
  1943. %files lang-pt
  1944. %dir %attr(0750, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/lang/pt
  1945. %dir %attr(0750, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/lang/pt/demo
  1946. %dir %attr(0750, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/lang/pt/vm
  1947. %dir %attr(0750, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/lang/pt/dir
  1948. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/lang/pt/*.xml
  1949. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/lang/pt/demo/*.xml
  1950. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/lang/pt/vm/*.xml
  1951. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/lang/pt/dir/*.xml
  1952. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_say_en.so*
  1953. %files lang-sv
  1954. %dir %attr(0750, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/lang/sv
  1955. %dir %attr(0750, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/lang/sv/vm
  1956. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/lang/sv/*.xml
  1957. %config(noreplace) %attr(0640, freeswitch, daemon) %{sysconfdir}/lang/sv/vm/*.xml
  1958. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_say_sv.so*
  1959. ######################################################################################################################
  1960. #
  1961. # Logger Modules
  1962. #
  1963. ######################################################################################################################
  1964. %files logger-graylog2
  1965. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_graylog2.so*
  1966. ######################################################################################################################
  1967. #
  1968. # Timer Modules
  1969. #
  1970. ######################################################################################################################
  1971. %files timer-posix
  1972. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_posix_timer.so*
  1973. %if %{build_timerfd}
  1974. %files timer-timerfd
  1975. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_timerfd.so*
  1976. %endif
  1977. ######################################################################################################################
  1978. #
  1979. # XMLINT Modules
  1980. #
  1981. ######################################################################################################################
  1982. %files xml-cdr
  1983. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_xml_cdr.so*
  1984. %files xml-curl
  1985. %{MODINSTDIR}/mod_xml_curl.so*
  1986. ######################################################################################################################
  1987. #
  1988. # Changelog
  1989. #
  1990. ######################################################################################################################
  1991. %changelog
  1992. * Tue Nov 04 2014 - crienzo@grasshopper.com
  1993. - add mod_graylog2 and mod_mongo
  1994. * Thu Sep 11 2014 - krice@freeswitch.org
  1995. - add and fix mod_verto and mod_rtc
  1996. * Fri Jul 20 2014 - krice@freeswitch.org
  1997. - remove mod_cdr_pg_csv as its broken on centos
  1998. * Mon Jun 02 2014 - krice@freeswitch.org
  1999. - remove mod_spidermoney as its been deprecated
  2000. * Fri Feb 21 2014 - crienzo@grasshopper.com
  2001. - change file owner to root
  2002. * Wed Feb 19 2014 - crienzo@grasshopper.com
  2003. - remove mod_speex
  2004. * Sun Feb 02 2014 - jakob@mress.se
  2005. - add support for building Swedish say language module
  2006. * Mon Jan 13 2014 - peter@olssononline.se
  2007. - Add mod_v8
  2008. * Mon Dec 09 2013 - crienzo@grasshopper.com
  2009. - Add mod_ssml, mod_rayo
  2010. - Fix build on master
  2011. * Fri Jun 28 2013 - krice@freeswitch.org
  2012. - Add module for VP8
  2013. * Wed Jun 19 2013 - krice@freeswitch.org
  2014. - tweak files included for vanilla configs
  2015. * Wed Sep 19 2012 - krice@freeswitch.org
  2016. - Add support for Spanish and Portugese say language modules
  2017. * Thu Jan 26 2012 - krice@freeswitch.org
  2018. - complete rework of spec file
  2019. * Tue Jun 14 2011 - michal.bielicki@seventhsignal.de
  2020. - added mod_http_cache
  2021. * Tue Jun 14 2011 - michal.bielicki@seventhsignal.de
  2022. - added mod_rtmp
  2023. * Fri Apr 01 2011 - michal.bielicki@seventhsignal.de
  2024. - added hebrew language stuff
  2025. * Wed Mar 30 2011 - michal.bielicki@seventhsignal.de
  2026. - removed mod_file_string since it has been merged into dptools
  2027. * Wed Feb 16 2011 - michal.bielicki@seventhsignal.de
  2028. - added mod_skinny
  2029. - added sangoma libraries
  2030. - added sangoma codec module for D100 and D150 and D500
  2031. - added skypopen module
  2032. - fixes for ss7 freetdm modules
  2033. - added mod_opus
  2034. - added selector for sangoma modules
  2035. - addded python esl module to rpm
  2036. - some minor cleanups
  2037. - cut sangoma modules into separate rpms as addons for freetdm
  2038. * Tue Jan 18 2011 - michal.bielicki@seventhsignal.de
  2039. - Fedora adjustments
  2040. * Fri Oct 15 2010 - michal.bielicki@seventhsignal.de
  2041. - added mod_curl
  2042. * Sat Oct 09 2010 - michal.bielicki@seventhsignal.de
  2043. - added mod_silk
  2044. - added mod_codec2
  2045. - moved from openzap to freetdm to make way for inclusion of libsng_isdn and wanpipe
  2046. - added mod_freetdm
  2047. - added mod_cidlookup
  2048. - added more runtime dependencies
  2049. * Thu Sep 30 2010 - michal.bielicki@seventhsignal.de
  2050. - added mod_nibblebill to standard modules
  2051. * Sun Sep 26 2010 - michal.bielicki@seventhsignal.de
  2052. - added portaudio_stream module
  2053. - some more formating work
  2054. * Mon Jul 19 2010 - michal.bielicki@seventhsignal.de
  2055. - new hash module config file added to freeswitch.spec
  2056. * Mon Jul 19 2010 - michal.bielicki@seventhsignal.de
  2057. - Adjusted sphinxbase
  2058. - Fixed Version Revisions for head versions
  2059. - Renamed packages to head to comply with git
  2060. * Tue Jun 22 2010 - michal.bielicki@seventhsignal.de
  2061. - Added comments and made the spec file sections more transparent
  2062. - Added proper header to the Spec file
  2063. - Added Contributors
  2064. - Added Anthony's copyright for the whole package into the header
  2065. * Tue Jun 22 2010 - michal.bielicki@seventhsignal.de
  2066. - Reorganized the modules alphabeticaly
  2067. - synced SFEopensolaris and centos spec
  2068. - started to fix Run Dependencies
  2069. - added mod_say_ru which seemd to have gone missing
  2070. - added comment blocks to show the spec file structure for easier management and editing
  2071. * Mon Jun 21 2010 - michal.bielicki@seventhsignal.de
  2072. - added mod_limit shim for backwards compatibility
  2073. - added mod_hash correctly
  2074. * Sun Jun 20 2010 - michal.bielicki@seventhsignal.de
  2075. - replaced mod_limit with mod_db
  2076. - added mod_spy
  2077. - added mod_valet_parking
  2078. - addded mod_memcache
  2079. - added mod_distributor
  2080. - added mod_avmd
  2081. * Thu Apr 29 2010 - michal.bielicki@seventhsignal.de
  2082. - added osp conf file
  2083. * Fri Apr 23 2010 - michal.bielicki@seventhsignal.de
  2084. - bumped spec file vrersion up to 1.0.7-trunk for trunk
  2085. - added skinny dialplan stuff to specfile
  2086. * Sun Mar 28 2010 - michal.bielicki@seventhsignal.de
  2087. - added sangoma codec config file
  2088. * Wed Dec 02 2009 - michal.bielicki@seventhsignal.de
  2089. - Soundfiles are moving into a separate spec
  2090. * Wed Nov 25 2009 - brian@freeswitch.org
  2091. - added mod_bv.so
  2092. * Wed Nov 25 2009 - michal.bielicki@seventhsignal.de
  2093. - Removed mod_yaml
  2094. - added directory files to russian language
  2095. * Sat Nov 21 2009 - michal.bielicki@seventhsignal.de
  2096. - added patch by Igor Neves <neves.igor@gmail.com>: Added some checkup in %post and %postun to prevent upgrades from removing freeswitch user
  2097. * Wed Nov 18 2009 - michal.bielicki@seventhsignal.de
  2098. - added new config files for diretory and distributor
  2099. - removed sangoma boost from openzap for builds that do not inherit wanpipe while building.
  2100. * Fri Jul 24 2009 - mike@jerris.com
  2101. - removed mod_http
  2102. - removed ozmod_wanpipe
  2103. * Tue Jun 23 2009 - raulfragoso@gmail.com
  2104. - Adjusted for the latest SVN trunk (13912)
  2105. - Included new config and mod files to catch up with latest SVN
  2106. - Included new sound files for base256 and zrtp
  2107. - mod_unimrcp must be built after mod_sofia
  2108. * Tue Feb 17 2009 - michal.bielicki@halokwadrat.de
  2109. - added mod_python
  2110. - added mod_fax
  2111. - added mod_amrwb.so
  2112. - added mod_celt.so
  2113. - added mod_easyroute.so
  2114. - added mod_http.so
  2115. - added mod_lcr.so
  2116. - added mod_loopback.so
  2117. - added mod_siren.so
  2118. - added mod/mod_stress.so
  2119. - added mod_yaml.so
  2120. - added mod_shout.so
  2121. - added rpms or all sounds
  2122. - openzap is now its own rpm
  2123. - added french
  2124. - added german
  2125. - added missing dependencies
  2126. - added soundfiles with separate rpms
  2127. - added definition of all sourcefiles and added them to the SRPM
  2128. - fixes to monit file
  2129. - changes to redhat init file
  2130. * Thu May 22 2008 - michal.bielicki@voiceworks.pl
  2131. - disabled beta class language stuff
  2132. - bumped revision up to rc6
  2133. - added mod_lua
  2134. - added mod_perl
  2135. - Only bootstrap if no Makfile.in exists
  2136. * Mon Feb 04 2008 - michal.bielicki@voiceworks.pl
  2137. - More fixes to specfile
  2138. - First go at SFE files
  2139. * Sun Feb 03 2008 - michal.bielicki@voiceworks.pl
  2140. - abstraction of prefix
  2141. - more wrong stuff deleted
  2142. - abstraction of mkdir, mv, rm, install etc into macros
  2143. * Fri Jan 18 2008 - michal.bielicki@voiceworks.pl
  2144. - fixes, fixes and more fixes in preparation for rc1
  2145. * Wed Dec 5 2007 - michal.bielicki@voiceworks.pl
  2146. - put in detail configfiles in to split of spidermonkey configs
  2147. - created link from /opt/freesxwitch/conf to /etc%{prefix}
  2148. * Thu Nov 29 2007 - michal.bielicki@voiceworks.pl
  2149. - Added ifdefs for susealities
  2150. - Added specifics for centos/redhat
  2151. - Added specifics for fedora
  2152. - Preparing to use it for adding it to SFE packaging for solaris
  2153. - Added odbc stuff back in
  2154. - made curl default
  2155. - Separate package for mod_spidermonkey
  2156. - got rid of modules.conf and stuffed everything in MODULES env var
  2157. - got rid of handmade Cflags peter added ;)
  2158. - fixed bin and libpaths
  2159. - fixed locationof nspr and js libs
  2160. - fixed odbc requirements
  2161. - added all buildable modules
  2162. - added redhat style init file
  2163. - splitted off language dependant stuff into separate language files
  2164. - disable non complete language modules
  2165. * Tue Apr 24 2007 - peter+rpmspam@suntel.com.tr
  2166. - Added a debug package
  2167. - Split the passthrough codecs into separate packages
  2168. * Fri Mar 16 2007 - peter+rpmspam@suntel.com.tr
  2169. - Added devel package
  2170. * Thu Mar 15 2007 - peter+rpmspam@suntel.com.tr
  2171. - Initial RPM release