123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318 |
- % fdmdv_ut.m
- %
- % Unit Test program for FDMDV modem. Useful for general development as it has
- % both tx and rx sides, and basic AWGN channel simulation.
- %
- % Copyright David Rowe 2012
- % This program is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- % Version 2
- %
- fdmdv; % load modem code
- % Simulation Parameters --------------------------------------
- frames = 25;
- EbNo_dB = 7.3;
- Foff_hz = 0;
- modulation = 'dqpsk';
- hpa_clip = 150;
- % ------------------------------------------------------------
- tx_filt = zeros(Nc,M);
- rx_symbols_log = [];
- rx_phase_log = 0;
- rx_timing_log = 0;
- tx_pwr = 0;
- noise_pwr = 0;
- rx_fdm_log = [];
- rx_baseband_log = [];
- rx_bits_offset = zeros(Nc*Nb*2);
- prev_tx_symbols = ones(Nc+1,1);
- prev_rx_symbols = ones(Nc+1,1);
- ferr = 0;
- foff = 0;
- foff_log = [];
- tx_baseband_log = [];
- tx_fdm_log = [];
- % BER stats
- total_bit_errors = 0;
- total_bits = 0;
- bit_errors_log = [];
- sync_log = [];
- test_frame_sync_log = [];
- test_frame_sync_state = 0;
- % SNR estimation states
- sig_est = zeros(Nc+1,1);
- noise_est = zeros(Nc+1,1);
- % fixed delay simuation
- Ndelay = M+20;
- rx_fdm_delay = zeros(Ndelay,1);
- % ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- % Eb/No calculations. We need to work out Eb/No for each FDM carrier.
- % Total power is sum of power in all FDM carriers
- % ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- C = 1; % power of each FDM carrier (energy/sample). Total Carrier power should = Nc*C = Nc
- N = 1; % total noise power (energy/sample) of noise source across entire bandwidth
- % Eb = Carrier power * symbol time / (bits/symbol)
- % = C *(1/Rs) / 2
- Eb_dB = 10*log10(C) - 10*log10(Rs) - 10*log10(2);
- No_dBHz = Eb_dB - EbNo_dB;
- % Noise power = Noise spectral density * bandwidth
- % Noise power = Noise spectral density * Fs/2 for real signals
- N_dB = No_dBHz + 10*log10(Fs/2);
- Ngain_dB = N_dB - 10*log10(N);
- Ngain = 10^(Ngain_dB/20);
- % C/No = Carrier Power/noise spectral density
- % = power per carrier*number of carriers / noise spectral density
- CNo_dB = 10*log10(C) + 10*log10(Nc) - No_dBHz;
- % SNR in equivalent 3000 Hz SSB channel
- B = 3000;
- SNR = CNo_dB - 10*log10(B);
- % freq offset simulation states
- phase_offset = 1;
- freq_offset = exp(j*2*pi*Foff_hz/Fs);
- foff_phase = 1;
- t = 0;
- foff = 0;
- fest_state = 0;
- track = 0;
- track_log = [];
- % ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- % Main loop
- % ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- for f=1:frames
- % -------------------
- % Modulator
- % -------------------
- tx_bits = get_test_bits(Nc*Nb);
- tx_symbols = bits_to_qpsk(prev_tx_symbols, tx_bits, modulation);
- prev_tx_symbols = tx_symbols;
- tx_baseband = tx_filter(tx_symbols);
- tx_baseband_log = [tx_baseband_log tx_baseband];
- tx_fdm = fdm_upconvert(tx_baseband);
- tx_pwr = 0.9*tx_pwr + 0.1*real(tx_fdm)*real(tx_fdm)'/(M);
- % -------------------
- % Channel simulation
- % -------------------
- % frequency offset
- %Foff_hz += 1/Rs;
- Foff = Foff_hz;
- for i=1:M
- % Time varying freq offset
- %Foff = Foff_hz + 100*sin(t*2*pi/(300*Fs));
- %t++;
- freq_offset = exp(j*2*pi*Foff/Fs);
- phase_offset *= freq_offset;
- tx_fdm(i) = phase_offset*tx_fdm(i);
- end
- tx_fdm = real(tx_fdm);
- % HPA non-linearity
- tx_fdm(find(abs(tx_fdm) > hpa_clip)) = hpa_clip;
- tx_fdm_log = [tx_fdm_log tx_fdm];
- rx_fdm = tx_fdm;
- % AWGN noise
- noise = Ngain*randn(1,M);
- noise_pwr = 0.9*noise_pwr + 0.1*noise*noise'/M;
- rx_fdm += noise;
- rx_fdm_log = [rx_fdm_log rx_fdm];
- % Delay
- rx_fdm_delay(1:Ndelay-M) = rx_fdm_delay(M+1:Ndelay);
- rx_fdm_delay(Ndelay-M+1:Ndelay) = rx_fdm;
- %rx_fdm_delay = rx_fdm;
- % -------------------
- % Demodulator
- % -------------------
- % frequency offset estimation and correction, need to call rx_est_freq_offset even in track
- % mode to keep states updated
- [pilot prev_pilot pilot_lut_index prev_pilot_lut_index] = get_pilot(pilot_lut_index, prev_pilot_lut_index, M);
- [foff_course S1 S2] = rx_est_freq_offset(rx_fdm_delay, pilot, prev_pilot, M);
- if track == 0
- foff = foff_course;
- end
- foff_log = [ foff_log foff ];
- foff_rect = exp(j*2*pi*foff/Fs);
- for i=1:M
- foff_phase *= foff_rect';
- rx_fdm_delay(i) = rx_fdm_delay(i)*foff_phase;
- end
- % baseband processing
- rx_baseband = fdm_downconvert(rx_fdm_delay(1:M), M);
- rx_baseband_log = [rx_baseband_log rx_baseband];
- rx_filt = rx_filter(rx_baseband, M);
- [rx_symbols rx_timing] = rx_est_timing(rx_filt, rx_baseband, M);
- rx_timing_log = [rx_timing_log rx_timing];
- %rx_phase = rx_est_phase(rx_symbols);
- %rx_phase_log = [rx_phase_log rx_phase];
- %rx_symbols = rx_symbols*exp(j*rx_phase);
- [rx_bits sync foff_fine pd] = qpsk_to_bits(prev_rx_symbols, rx_symbols, modulation);
- if strcmp(modulation,'dqpsk')
- %rx_symbols_log = [rx_symbols_log rx_symbols.*conj(prev_rx_symbols)*exp(j*pi/4)];
- rx_symbols_log = [rx_symbols_log pd];
- else
- rx_symbols_log = [rx_symbols_log rx_symbols];
- endif
- foff -= 0.5*ferr;
- prev_rx_symbols = rx_symbols;
- sync_log = [sync_log sync];
- % freq est state machine
- [track fest_state] = freq_state(sync, fest_state);
- track_log = [track_log track];
- % Update SNR est
- [sig_est noise_est] = snr_update(sig_est, noise_est, pd);
- % count bit errors if we find a test frame
- % Allow 15 frames for filter memories to fill and time est to settle
- [test_frame_sync bit_errors] = put_test_bits(rx_bits);
- if test_frame_sync == 1
- total_bit_errors = total_bit_errors + bit_errors;
- total_bits = total_bits + Ntest_bits;
- bit_errors_log = [bit_errors_log bit_errors];
- else
- bit_errors_log = [bit_errors_log 0];
- end
- % test frame sync state machine, just for more informative plots
- next_test_frame_sync_state = test_frame_sync_state;
- if (test_frame_sync_state == 0)
- if (test_frame_sync == 1)
- next_test_frame_sync_state = 1;
- test_frame_count = 0;
- end
- end
- if (test_frame_sync_state == 1)
- % we only expect another test_frame_sync pulse every 4 symbols
- test_frame_count++;
- if (test_frame_count == 4)
- test_frame_count = 0;
- if ((test_frame_sync == 0))
- next_test_frame_sync_state = 0;
- end
- end
- end
- test_frame_sync_state = next_test_frame_sync_state;
- test_frame_sync_log = [test_frame_sync_log test_frame_sync_state];
- end
- % ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- % Print Stats
- % ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ber = total_bit_errors / total_bits;
- % Peak to Average Power Ratio calcs from http://www.dsplog.com
- papr = max(tx_fdm_log.*conj(tx_fdm_log)) / mean(tx_fdm_log.*conj(tx_fdm_log));
- papr_dB = 10*log10(papr);
- % Note Eb/No set point is for Nc data carriers only, exclduing pilot.
- % This is convenient for testing BER versus Eb/No. Measured Eb/No
- % includes power of pilot. Similar for SNR, first number is SNR excluding
- % pilot pwr for Eb/No set point, 2nd value is measured SNR which will be a little
- % higher as pilot power is included.
- printf("Eb/No (meas): %2.2f (%2.2f) dB\n", EbNo_dB, 10*log10(0.25*tx_pwr*Fs/(Rs*Nc*noise_pwr)));
- printf("bits........: %d\n", total_bits);
- printf("errors......: %d\n", total_bit_errors);
- printf("BER.........: %1.4f\n", ber);
- printf("PAPR........: %1.2f dB\n", papr_dB);
- printf("SNR...(meas): %2.2f (%2.2f) dB\n", SNR, calc_snr(sig_est, noise_est));
- % ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- % Plots
- % ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- figure(1)
- clf;
- [n m] = size(rx_symbols_log);
- plot(real(rx_symbols_log(1:Nc+1,15:m)),imag(rx_symbols_log(1:Nc+1,15:m)),'+')
- axis([-3 3 -3 3]);
- title('Scatter Diagram');
- figure(2)
- clf;
- subplot(211)
- plot(rx_timing_log)
- title('timing offset (samples)');
- subplot(212)
- plot(foff_log, '-;freq offset;')
- hold on;
- plot(track_log*75, 'r;course-fine;');
- hold off;
- title('Freq offset (Hz)');
- figure(3)
- clf;
- subplot(211)
- plot(real(tx_fdm_log));
- title('FDM Tx Signal');
- subplot(212)
- Nfft=Fs;
- S=fft(rx_fdm_log,Nfft);
- SdB=20*log10(abs(S));
- plot(SdB(1:Fs/4))
- title('FDM Rx Spectrum');
- figure(4)
- clf;
- subplot(311)
- stem(sync_log)
- axis([0 frames 0 1.5]);
- title('BPSK Sync')
- subplot(312)
- stem(bit_errors_log);
- title('Bit Errors for test frames')
- subplot(313)
- plot(test_frame_sync_log);
- axis([0 frames 0 1.5]);
- title('Test Frame Sync')