12345678910111213141516171819 |
- set testmodule [file normalize tests/modules/subcommands.so]
- start_server {tags {"modules"}} {
- r module load $testmodule
- test "Module subcommands via COMMAND" {
- set reply [r command info subcommands.bitarray]
- set subcmds [lindex [lindex $reply 0] 8]
- assert_equal [lsort $subcmds] {{get -2 {} 1 1 1 {} {{flags read begin_search {type index spec {index 1}} find_keys {type range spec {lastkey 0 keystep 1 limit 0}}}} {}} {set -2 {} 1 1 1 {} {{flags write begin_search {type index spec {index 1}} find_keys {type range spec {lastkey 0 keystep 1 limit 0}}}} {}}}
- }
- test "Module pure-container command fails on arity error" {
- catch {r subcommands.bitarray} e
- assert_match {*wrong number of arguments*} $e
- # Subcommands can be called
- assert_equal [r subcommands.bitarray get k1] {OK}
- }
- }