1. ==============================================
  2. Release notes for current version of Sofia-SIP
  3. ==============================================
  4. Changes since last release
  5. --------------------------
  6. <changes since last written in freshmeat.net "Changes:" style;
  7. and in less than 10 lines, written in 3rd person English, with
  8. complete sentences />
  9. Bugs in blaa and foo have been fixed. The stack now supports
  10. use of foobar...
  11. API/ABI changes and versioning
  12. ------------------------------
  13. <see previous release notes at
  14. http://sofia-sip.sourceforge.net/relnotes/ for examples ;
  15. - should include all changes to public headers, and
  16. other important information to developers;
  17. - and should be updated _continuously_! />
  18. **template**: New features in API are marked with Doxytag macro @VERSION_1_XX_X.
  19. libsofia-sip-ua:
  20. - **template**: Added foobar() function (sofia-sip/foobar.h).
  21. - Timing out CANCELed INVITE client transactions is now done with timer D.
  22. Previously, the INVITE client transactions were restarted instead of
  23. timing out under certain circumstances.
  24. - An INVITE transaction that has been timed out with stack timer C is now
  25. CANCELed automatically. Previously, such the INVITE client transactions
  26. were restarted instead of timing out under certain circumstances.
  27. - Timing out forked INVITE client transactions is now done by stack.
  28. The stack generates a 408 response to each INVITE transaction fork that
  29. has not received a final response within 32 seconds (or 64 times SIP T1)
  30. after first final response to the INVITE was received.
  31. - The mp_len type was changed from usize_t to unsigned.
  32. The change is binary-incompatible on 64-bit platforms when compiled with
  33. the configure opetion --disable-size-compat
  34. - This release is ABI/API compatible with applications linked against
  35. any 1.12.x release. However, applications built against this release won't
  36. work against an older library. The ABI has been tested with the nua module
  37. unit test (test_nua) built against original 1.12.0 release.
  38. Removed globals which should have been static in first place:
  39. - su_t64_to_time()
  40. - mutex_trylocker()
  41. - su_port_set_system_preferences()
  42. - t_null_next(), t_null_move(), t_null_dup(), t_null_copy(), t_null_find()
  43. - t_skip_next(), t_skip_move(), t_skip_len(), t_skip_dup(), t_skip_filter()
  44. - t_next_next(), t_next_move(), t_next_len(), t_next_dup(), t_next_filter()
  45. - t_filter_with(), t_any_filter()
  46. - sres_record_class(), urandom
  47. - u2s_alloc()
  48. libsofia-sip-ua-glib:
  49. - No ABI/API changes, compatible with 1.12.0. Note, libsofia-sip-ua-glib
  50. interface is not considered stable and may change in a future 1.12.x
  51. release.
  52. Contributors to this release
  53. ----------------------------
  54. Jarod Neuner <j dot neuner at networkharbor dot com>
  55. Michael Jerris <mike at jerris dot com>
  56. <list of people who contributed to _this_ release
  57. - update as people's patches are added, or when you commit stuff
  58. - current development team members (see AUTHORS) may be omitted,
  59. or listed at the end of the contribur list (depending on the scope
  60. of the work done since the last release)
  61. - name of the contributor should be enough (email addresses in AUTHORS),
  62. plus a _brief_ description of what was contributed
  63. - roughly sorted by number of patches accepted
  64. />
  65. - **template**: First Surname (patch to nua/soa/msg)
  66. See the AUTHORS file in the distribution package.
  67. Notes on new features
  68. ---------------------
  69. Jarod Neuner has improved certificate validation facilities of TLS
  70. transport. Significant changes include:
  71. 1) The TLS handshake is no longer handled via transparent negotiation.
  72. Certain static methods from tport.c were exposed to make this possible.
  73. 2) Certificate subjects are copied out of the peer certificate before
  74. the first message is sent. The next patch will include code that allows
  75. the stack to reject messages sent to a untrusted peer.
  76. 3) The tport module can now report whether a secondary has a verified
  77. certificate chain and the subjects of the peer certificate.
  78. Bugs fixed in this release
  79. --------------------------
  80. < notable bugs fixed in this release
  81. - check the sf.net bug tracker; see closed bugs,
  82. sorted by closing date
  83. - other bugs as fixed in CVS/darcs
  84. />
  85. - **template**: #9499652 sf.net bug item title
  86. - Accept multiple WWW-Authenticate and Authorization headers.
  87. Bug reported by Andrew Rechenberg.