Pion Interceptor

RTCP and RTCP processors for building real time communications

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Interceptor is a framework for building RTP/RTCP communication software. This framework defines a interface that each interceptor must satisfy. These interceptors are then run sequentially. We also then provide common interceptors that will be useful for building RTC software. This package was built for [pion/webrtc](https://github.com/pion/webrtc), but we designed it to be consumable by anyone. With the following tenets in mind. * Useful defaults. Each interceptor will be configured to give you a good default experience. * Unblock unique use cases. New use cases are what is driving WebRTC, we want to empower them. * Encourage modification. Add your own interceptors without forking. Mixing with the ones we provide. * Empower learning. This code base should be useful to read and learn even if you aren't using Pion. ### Current Interceptors * [NACK Generator/Responder](https://github.com/pion/interceptor/tree/master/pkg/nack) * [Sender and Receiver Reports](https://github.com/pion/interceptor/tree/master/pkg/report) * [Transport Wide Congestion Control Feedback](https://github.com/pion/interceptor/tree/master/pkg/twcc) * [Packet Dump](https://github.com/pion/interceptor/tree/master/pkg/packetdump) * [Google Congestion Control](https://github.com/pion/interceptor/tree/master/pkg/gcc) * [Stats](https://github.com/pion/interceptor/tree/master/pkg/stats) A [webrtc-stats](https://www.w3.org/TR/webrtc-stats/) compliant statistics generation * [Interval PLI](https://github.com/pion/interceptor/tree/master/pkg/intervalpli) Generate PLI on a interval. Useful when no decoder is available. ### Planned Interceptors * Bandwidth Estimation - [NADA](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8698) * JitterBuffer, re-order packets and wait for arrival * [FlexFec](https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-payload-flexible-fec-scheme-20) * [RTCP Feedback for Congestion Control](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8888) the standardized alternative to TWCC. ### Interceptor Public API The public interface is defined in [interceptor.go](https://github.com/pion/interceptor/blob/master/interceptor.go). The methods you need to satisy are broken up into 4 groups. * `BindRTCPWriter` and `BindRTCPReader` allow you to inspect/modify RTCP traffic. * `BindLocalStream` and `BindRemoteStream` notify you of a new SSRC stream and allow you to inspect/modify. * `UnbindLocalStream` and `UnbindRemoteStream` notify you when a SSRC stream has been removed * `Close` called when the interceptor is closed. Interceptors also pass Attributes between each other. These are a collection of key/value pairs and are useful for storing metadata or caching. [noop.go](https://github.com/pion/interceptor/blob/master/noop.go) is an interceptor that satisfies this interface, but does nothing. You can embed this interceptor as a starting point so you only need to define exactly what you need. [chain.go]( https://github.com/pion/interceptor/blob/master/chain.go) is used to combine multiple interceptors into one. They are called sequentially as the packet moves through them. ### Examples The [examples](https://github.com/pion/interceptor/blob/master/examples) directory provides some basic examples. If you need more please file an issue! You should also look in [pion/webrtc](https://github.com/pion/webrtc) for real world examples. ### Roadmap The library is used as a part of our WebRTC implementation. Please refer to that [roadmap](https://github.com/pion/webrtc/issues/9) to track our major milestones. ### Community Pion has an active community on the [Slack](https://pion.ly/slack). Follow the [Pion Twitter](https://twitter.com/_pion) for project updates and important WebRTC news. We are always looking to support **your projects**. Please reach out if you have something to build! If you need commercial support or don't want to use public methods you can contact us at [team@pion.ly](mailto:team@pion.ly) ### Contributing Check out the [contributing wiki](https://github.com/pion/webrtc/wiki/Contributing) to join the group of amazing people making this project possible: [AUTHORS.txt](./AUTHORS.txt) ### License MIT License - see [LICENSE](LICENSE) for full text