# # SRT - Secure, Reliable, Transport # Copyright (c) 2018 Haivision Systems Inc. # # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # include(CheckCXXSourceCompiles) # Useful for combinging paths function(adddirname prefix lst out_lst) set(output) foreach(item ${lst}) list(APPEND output "${prefix}/${item}") endforeach() set(${out_lst} ${${out_lst}} ${output} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() # Splits a version formed as "major.minor.patch" recorded in variable 'prefix' # and writes it into variables started with 'prefix' and ended with _MAJOR, _MINOR and _PATCH. MACRO(set_version_variables prefix value) string(REPLACE "." ";" VERSION_LIST ${value}) list(GET VERSION_LIST 0 ${prefix}_MAJOR) list(GET VERSION_LIST 1 ${prefix}_MINOR) list(GET VERSION_LIST 2 ${prefix}_PATCH) set(${prefix}_DEFINESTR "") ENDMACRO(set_version_variables) # Sets given variable to 1, if the condition that follows it is satisfied. # Otherwise set it to 0. MACRO(set_if varname) IF(${ARGN}) SET(${varname} 1) ELSE(${ARGN}) SET(${varname} 0) ENDIF(${ARGN}) ENDMACRO(set_if) FUNCTION(join_arguments outvar) set (output) foreach (i ${ARGN}) set(output "${output} ${i}") endforeach() set (${outvar} ${output} PARENT_SCOPE) ENDFUNCTION() # The directory specifies the location of maffile and # all files specified in the list. MACRO(MafReadDir directory maffile) # ARGN contains the extra "section-variable" pairs # If empty, return nothing set (MAFREAD_TAGS SOURCES # source files PUBLIC_HEADERS # installable headers for include PROTECTED_HEADERS # installable headers used by other headers PRIVATE_HEADERS # non-installable headers SOURCES_WIN32_SHARED # windows specific SOURCES PRIVATE_HEADERS_WIN32_SHARED # windows specific PRIVATE_HEADERS OPTIONS ) cmake_parse_arguments(MAFREAD_VAR "" "${MAFREAD_TAGS}" "" ${ARGN}) # Arguments for these tags are variables to be filled # with the contents of particular section. # While reading the file, extract the section. # Section is recognized by either first uppercase character or space. # @c http://cmake.org/pipermail/cmake/2007-May/014222.html FILE(READ ${directory}/${maffile} MAFREAD_CONTENTS) STRING(REGEX REPLACE ";" "\\\\;" MAFREAD_CONTENTS "${MAFREAD_CONTENTS}") STRING(REGEX REPLACE "\n" ";" MAFREAD_CONTENTS "${MAFREAD_CONTENTS}") # Once correctly read, declare this file as dependency of the build file. # Normally you should use cmake_configure_depends(), but this is # available only since 3.0 version. configure_file(${directory}/${maffile} dummy_${maffile}.cmake.out) file(REMOVE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/dummy_${maffile}.cmake.out) #message("DEBUG: MAF FILE CONTENTS: ${MAFREAD_CONTENTS}") #message("DEBUG: PASSED VARIABLES:") #foreach(DEBUG_VAR ${MAFREAD_TAGS}) # message("DEBUG: ${DEBUG_VAR}=${MAFREAD_VAR_${DEBUG_VAR}}") #endforeach() # The unnamed section becomes SOURCES set (MAFREAD_VARIABLE ${MAFREAD_VAR_SOURCES}) set (MAFREAD_UNASSIGNED "") # Default section type. Another is 'flags'. set (MAFREAD_SECTION_TYPE file) FOREACH(MAFREAD_LINE ${MAFREAD_CONTENTS}) # Test what this line is string(STRIP ${MAFREAD_LINE} MAFREAD_OLINE) string(SUBSTRING ${MAFREAD_OLINE} 0 1 MAFREAD_FIRST) #message("DEBUG: LINE='${MAFREAD_LINE}' FIRST='${MAFREAD_FIRST}'") # The 'continue' command is cmake 3.2 - very late discovery if (MAFREAD_FIRST STREQUAL "") #message("DEBUG: ... skipped: empty") elseif (MAFREAD_FIRST STREQUAL "#") #message("DEBUG: ... skipped: comment") else() # Will be skipped if the line was a comment/empty string(REGEX MATCH "[ A-Z-]" MAFREAD_SECMARK ${MAFREAD_FIRST}) if (MAFREAD_SECMARK STREQUAL "") # This isn't a section, it's a list element. #message("DEBUG: ITEM: ${MAFREAD_OLINE} --> ${MAFREAD_VARIABLE}") if (${MAFREAD_SECTION_TYPE} STREQUAL file) get_filename_component(MAFREAD_OLINE ${directory}/${MAFREAD_OLINE} ABSOLUTE) endif() set (MAFREAD_CONDITION_OK 1) if (DEFINED MAFREAD_CONDITION_LIST) FOREACH(MFITEM IN ITEMS ${MAFREAD_CONDITION_LIST}) separate_arguments(MFITEM) FOREACH(MFVAR IN ITEMS ${MFITEM}) STRING(SUBSTRING ${MFVAR} 0 1 MFPREFIX) if (MFPREFIX STREQUAL "!") STRING(SUBSTRING ${MFVAR} 1 -1 MFVAR) if (${MFVAR}) set (MFCONDITION_RESULT 0) else() set (MFCONDITION_RESULT 1) endif() else() if (${MFVAR}) set (MFCONDITION_RESULT 1) else() set (MFCONDITION_RESULT 0) endif() endif() #message("CONDITION: ${MFPREFIX} ${MFVAR} -> ${MFCONDITION_RESULT}") MATH(EXPR MAFREAD_CONDITION_OK "${MAFREAD_CONDITION_OK} & (${MFCONDITION_RESULT})") ENDFOREACH() ENDFOREACH() endif() if (MAFREAD_CONDITION_OK) LIST(APPEND ${MAFREAD_VARIABLE} ${MAFREAD_OLINE}) else() #message("... NOT ADDED ITEM: ${MAFREAD_OLINE}") endif() else() # It's a section # Check for conditionals (clear current conditions first) unset(MAFREAD_CONDITION_LIST) STRING(FIND ${MAFREAD_OLINE} " -" MAFREAD_HAVE_CONDITION) if (NOT MAFREAD_HAVE_CONDITION EQUAL -1) # Cut off conditional specification, and # grab the section name and condition list STRING(REPLACE " -" ";" MAFREAD_CONDITION_LIST ${MAFREAD_OLINE}) #message("CONDITION READ: ${MAFREAD_CONDITION_LIST}") LIST(GET MAFREAD_CONDITION_LIST 0 MAFREAD_OLINE) LIST(REMOVE_AT MAFREAD_CONDITION_LIST 0) #message("EXTRACTING SECTION=${MAFREAD_OLINE} CONDITIONS=${MAFREAD_CONDITION_LIST}") endif() # change the running variable # Make it section name STRING(REPLACE " " "_" MAFREAD_SECNAME ${MAFREAD_OLINE}) #message("MAF SECTION: ${MAFREAD_SECNAME}") # The cmake's version of 'if (MAFREAD_SECNAME[0] == '-')' - sigh... string(SUBSTRING ${MAFREAD_SECNAME} 0 1 MAFREAD_SECNAME0) if (${MAFREAD_SECNAME0} STREQUAL "-") set (MAFREAD_SECTION_TYPE option) string(SUBSTRING ${MAFREAD_SECNAME} 1 -1 MAFREAD_SECNAME) else() set (MAFREAD_SECTION_TYPE file) endif() set(MAFREAD_VARIABLE ${MAFREAD_VAR_${MAFREAD_SECNAME}}) if (MAFREAD_VARIABLE STREQUAL "") set(MAFREAD_VARIABLE MAFREAD_UNASSIGNED) endif() #message("DEBUG: NEW SECTION: '${MAFREAD_SECNAME}' --> VARIABLE: '${MAFREAD_VARIABLE}'") endif() endif() ENDFOREACH() # Final debug report #set (ALL_VARS "") #message("DEBUG: extracted variables:") #foreach(DEBUG_VAR ${MAFREAD_TAGS}) # list(APPEND ALL_VARS ${MAFREAD_VAR_${DEBUG_VAR}}) #endforeach() #list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES ALL_VARS) #foreach(DEBUG_VAR ${ALL_VARS}) # message("DEBUG: --> ${DEBUG_VAR} = ${${DEBUG_VAR}}") #endforeach() ENDMACRO(MafReadDir) # NOTE: This is historical only. Not in use. # It should be a similar interface to mafread.tcl like # the above MafRead macro. MACRO(GetMafHeaders directory outvar) EXECUTE_PROCESS( COMMAND ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH}/mafread.tcl ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/${directory}/HEADERS.maf "PUBLIC HEADERS" "PROTECTED HEADERS" OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE OUTPUT_VARIABLE ${outvar} ) SEPARATE_ARGUMENTS(${outvar}) adddirname(${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/${directory} "${${outvar}}" ${outvar}) ENDMACRO(GetMafHeaders) function (getVarsWith _prefix _varResult) get_cmake_property(_vars VARIABLES) string (REGEX MATCHALL "(^|;)${_prefix}[A-Za-z0-9_]*" _matchedVars "${_vars}") set (${_varResult} ${_matchedVars} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() function (check_testcode_compiles testcode libraries _successful) set (save_required_libraries ${CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES}) set (CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES "${CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES} ${libraries}") check_cxx_source_compiles("${testcode}" ${_successful}) set (${_successful} ${${_successful}} PARENT_SCOPE) set (CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES ${save_required_libraries}) endfunction() function (test_requires_clock_gettime _enable _linklib) # This function tests if clock_gettime can be used # - at all # - with or without librt # Result will be: # - CLOCK_MONOTONIC is available, link with librt: # _enable = ON; _linklib = "-lrt". # - CLOCK_MONOTONIC is available, link without librt: # _enable = ON; _linklib = "". # - CLOCK_MONOTONIC is not available: # _enable = OFF; _linklib = "-". set (code " #include int main() { timespec res\; int result = clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &res)\; return result == 0\; } ") check_testcode_compiles(${code} "" HAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME_IN) if (HAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME_IN) message(STATUS "CLOCK_MONOTONIC: available, no extra libs needed") set (${_enable} ON PARENT_SCOPE) set (${_linklib} "" PARENT_SCOPE) return() endif() check_testcode_compiles(${code} "rt" HAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME_LIBRT) if (HAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME_LIBRT) message(STATUS "CLOCK_MONOTONIC: available, requires -lrt") set (${_enable} ON PARENT_SCOPE) set (${_linklib} "-lrt" PARENT_SCOPE) return() endif() set (${_enable} OFF PARENT_SCOPE) set (${_linklib} "-" PARENT_SCOPE) message(STATUS "CLOCK_MONOTONIC: not available on this system") endfunction() function (parse_compiler_type wct _type _suffix) if (wct STREQUAL "") set(${_type} "" PARENT_SCOPE) set(${_suffix} "" PARENT_SCOPE) else() string(REPLACE "-" ";" OUTLIST ${wct}) list(LENGTH OUTLIST OUTLEN) list(GET OUTLIST 0 ITEM) set(${_type} ${ITEM} PARENT_SCOPE) if (OUTLEN LESS 2) set(_suffix "" PARENT_SCOPE) else() list(GET OUTLIST 1 ITEM) set(${_suffix} "-${ITEM}" PARENT_SCOPE) endif() endif() endfunction()