/* * SRT - Secure, Reliable, Transport * Copyright (c) 2020 Haivision Systems Inc. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * */ /***************************************************************************** written by Haivision Systems Inc. *****************************************************************************/ #ifndef INC_F_ACCESS_CONTROL_H #define INC_F_ACCESS_CONTROL_H // A list of rejection codes that are SRT specific. #define SRT_REJX_FALLBACK 1000 // A code used in case when the application wants to report some problem, but can't precisely specify it. #define SRT_REJX_KEY_NOTSUP 1001 // The key used in the StreamID keyed string is not supported by the service. #define SRT_REJX_FILEPATH 1002 // The resource type designates a file and the path is either wrong syntax or not found #define SRT_REJX_HOSTNOTFOUND 1003 // The `h` host specification was not recognized by the service // The list of http codes adopted for SRT. // An example C++ header for HTTP codes can be found at: // https://github.com/j-ulrich/http-status-codes-cpp // Some of the unused code can be revived in the future, if there // happens to be a good reason for it. #define SRT_REJX_BAD_REQUEST 1400 // General syntax error in the SocketID specification (also a fallback code for undefined cases) #define SRT_REJX_UNAUTHORIZED 1401 // Authentication failed, provided that the user was correctly identified and access to the required resource would be granted #define SRT_REJX_OVERLOAD 1402 // The server is too heavily loaded, or you have exceeded credits for accessing the service and the resource. #define SRT_REJX_FORBIDDEN 1403 // Access denied to the resource by any kind of reason. #define SRT_REJX_NOTFOUND 1404 // Resource not found at this time. #define SRT_REJX_BAD_MODE 1405 // The mode specified in `m` key in StreamID is not supported for this request. #define SRT_REJX_UNACCEPTABLE 1406 // The requested parameters specified in SocketID cannot be satisfied for the requested resource. Also when m=publish and the data format is not acceptable. // CODE NOT IN USE 407: unused: proxy functionality not predicted // CODE NOT IN USE 408: unused: no timeout predicted for listener callback #define SRT_REJX_CONFLICT 1409 // The resource being accessed is already locked for modification. This is in case of m=publish and the specified resource is currently read-only. // CODE NOT IN USE 410: unused: treated as a specific case of 404 // CODE NOT IN USE 411: unused: no reason to include length in the protocol // CODE NOT IN USE 412: unused: preconditions not predicted in AC // CODE NOT IN USE 413: unused: AC size is already defined as 512 // CODE NOT IN USE 414: unused: AC size is already defined as 512 #define SRT_REJX_NOTSUP_MEDIA 1415 // The media type is not supported by the application. This is the `t` key that specifies the media type as stream, file and auth, possibly extended by the application. // CODE NOT IN USE 416: unused: no detailed specification defined // CODE NOT IN USE 417: unused: expectations not supported // CODE NOT IN USE 418: unused: sharks do not drink tea // CODE NOT IN USE 419: not defined in HTTP // CODE NOT IN USE 420: not defined in HTTP // CODE NOT IN USE 421: unused: misdirection not supported // CODE NOT IN USE 422: unused: aligned to general 400 #define SRT_REJX_LOCKED 1423 // The resource being accessed is locked for any access. #define SRT_REJX_FAILED_DEPEND 1424 // The request failed because it specified a dependent session ID that has been disconnected. // CODE NOT IN USE 425: unused: replaying not supported // CODE NOT IN USE 426: unused: tempting, but it requires resend in connected // CODE NOT IN USE 427: not defined in HTTP // CODE NOT IN USE 428: unused: renders to 409 // CODE NOT IN USE 429: unused: renders to 402 // CODE NOT IN USE 451: unused: renders to 403 #define SRT_REJX_ISE 1500 // Unexpected internal server error #define SRT_REJX_UNIMPLEMENTED 1501 // The request was recognized, but the current version doesn't support it. #define SRT_REJX_GW 1502 // The server acts as a gateway and the target endpoint rejected the connection. #define SRT_REJX_DOWN 1503 // The service has been temporarily taken over by a stub reporting this error. The real service can be down for maintenance or crashed. // CODE NOT IN USE 504: unused: timeout not supported #define SRT_REJX_VERSION 1505 // SRT version not supported. This might be either unsupported backward compatibility, or an upper value of a version. // CODE NOT IN USE 506: unused: negotiation and references not supported #define SRT_REJX_NOROOM 1507 // The data stream cannot be archived due to lacking storage space. This is in case when the request type was to send a file or the live stream to be archived. // CODE NOT IN USE 508: unused: no redirection supported // CODE NOT IN USE 509: not defined in HTTP // CODE NOT IN USE 510: unused: extensions not supported // CODE NOT IN USE 511: unused: intercepting proxies not supported #endif