123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839 |
- #!perl
- #
- # test apparatus for Text::Template module
- # still incomplete.
- use Text::Template;
- die "This is the test program for Text::Template version 1.46.
- You are using version $Text::Template::VERSION instead.
- That does not make sense.\n
- Aborting"
- unless $Text::Template::VERSION == 1.46;
- print "1..2\n";
- $n=1;
- $template = new Text::Template TYPE => STRING, SOURCE => q{My process ID is {$$}};
- $of = "t$$";
- END { unlink $of }
- open O, "> $of" or die;
- $text = $template->fill_in(OUTPUT => \*O);
- # (1) No $text should have been constructed. Return value should be true.
- print +($text eq '1' ? '' : 'not '), "ok $n\n";
- $n++;
- close O or die;
- open I, "< $of" or die;
- { local $/; $t = <I> }
- close I;
- # (2) The text should have been printed to the file
- print +($t eq "My process ID is $$" ? '' : 'not '), "ok $n\n";
- $n++;
- exit;