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- # Thank you to everyone that made Pion possible. If you are interested in contributing
- # we would love to have you https://github.com/pion/webrtc/wiki/Contributing
- #
- # This file is auto generated, using git to list all individuals contributors.
- # see https://github.com/pion/.goassets/blob/master/scripts/generate-authors.sh for the scripting
- Aaron France <aaron.l.france@gmail.com>
- Adrian Cable <adrian.cable@gmail.com>
- Atsushi Watanabe <atsushi.w@ieee.org>
- backkem <mail@backkem.me>
- Cecylia Bocovich <cohosh@torproject.org>
- chenkaiC4 <chenkaic4@gmail.com>
- Eric Daniels <eric@erdaniels.com>
- Hugo Arregui <hugo.arregui@gmail.com>
- Hugo Arregui <hugo@decentraland.org>
- Jerko Steiner <jerko.steiner@gmail.com>
- Jerry Tao <taojay315@gmail.com>
- John Bradley <jrb@turrettech.com>
- Konstantin Itskov <konstantin.itskov@kovits.com>
- Lukas Herman <lherman.cs@gmail.com>
- Luke Curley <lcurley@twitch.tv>
- Michael MacDonald <github@macdonald.cx>
- ronan <ronan.jezequel@gmail.com>
- Sam Lancia <sam@vaion.com>
- Sean DuBois <seaduboi@amazon.com>
- Sean DuBois <sean@siobud.com>
- Steffen Vogel <post@steffenvogel.de>
- Teddy <richardgeorgeoff@gmail.com>
- Will Forcey <wsforc3y@gmail.com>
- Yutaka Takeda <yt0916@gmail.com>
- ZHENK <chengzhenyang@gmail.com>
- # List of contributors not appearing in Git history