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- # Thank you to everyone that made Pion possible. If you are interested in contributing
- # we would love to have you https://github.com/pion/webrtc/wiki/Contributing
- #
- # This file is auto generated, using git to list all individuals contributors.
- # see `.github/generate-authors.sh` for the scripting
- Adam Roach <adam@caffeine.tv>
- adwpc <adwpc@hotmail.com>
- aggresss <aggresss@163.com>
- Atsushi Watanabe <atsushi.w@ieee.org>
- cnderrauber <zengjie9004@gmail.com>
- Gabor Pongracz <gabor.pongracz@proemergotech.com>
- Hugo Arregui <hugo.arregui@gmail.com>
- Hugo Arregui <hugo@decentraland.org>
- Juliusz Chroboczek <jch@irif.fr>
- Kevin Wang <kevmo314@gmail.com>
- lllf <littlelightlittlefire@gmail.com>
- Luke Curley <kixelated@gmail.com>
- Mathis Engelbart <mathis.engelbart@gmail.com>
- Max Hawkins <maxhawkins@gmail.com>
- Sean DuBois <seaduboi@amazon.com>
- Sean DuBois <sean@siobud.com>
- Simone Gotti <simone.gotti@gmail.com>
- Woodrow Douglass <wdouglass@carnegierobotics.com>