123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227 |
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # SRT - Secure, Reliable, Transport
- # Copyright (c) 2021, Thierry Lelegard
- #
- # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
- #
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- <#
- Build the SRT static libraries installer for Windows.
- .PARAMETER Version
- Use the specified string as version number from libsrt. By default, if
- the current commit has a tag, use that tag (initial 'v' removed). Otherwise,
- the defaut version is a detailed version number (most recent version, number
- of commits since then, short commit SHA).
- Do not wait for the user to press <enter> at end of execution. By default,
- execute a "pause" instruction at the end of execution, which is useful
- when the script was run from Windows Explorer.
- #>
- [CmdletBinding()]
- param(
- [string]$Version = "",
- [switch]$NoPause = $false
- )
- Write-Output "Building the SRT static libraries installer for Windows"
- # Directory containing this script:
- $ScriptDir = $PSScriptRoot
- # The root of the srt repository is two levels up.
- $RepoDir = (Split-Path -Parent (Split-Path -Parent $ScriptDir))
- # Output directory for final installers:
- $OutDir = "$ScriptDir\installers"
- # Temporary directory for build operations:
- $TmpDir = "$ScriptDir\tmp"
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # A function to exit this script with optional error message, using -NoPause
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Exit-Script([string]$Message = "")
- {
- $Code = 0
- if ($Message -ne "") {
- Write-Output "ERROR: $Message"
- $Code = 1
- }
- if (-not $NoPause) {
- pause
- }
- exit $Code
- }
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Build SRT version strings
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # By default, let git format a decent version number.
- if (-not $Version) {
- $Version = (git describe --tags ) -replace '-g','-'
- }
- $Version = $Version -replace '^v',''
- # Split version string in pieces and make sure to get at least four elements.
- $VField = ($Version -split "[-\. ]") + @("0", "0", "0", "0") | Select-String -Pattern '^\d*$'
- $VersionInfo = "$($VField[0]).$($VField[1]).$($VField[2]).$($VField[3])"
- Write-Output "SRT version: $Version"
- Write-Output "Windows version info: $VersionInfo"
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Initialization phase, verify prerequisites
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Locate OpenSSL root from local installation.
- $SslRoot = @{
- "x64" = "C:\Program Files\OpenSSL-Win64";
- "Win32" = "C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenSSL-Win32"
- }
- # Verify OpenSSL directories.
- $Missing = 0
- foreach ($file in @($SslRoot["x64"], $SslRoot["Win32"])) {
- if (-not (Test-Path $file)) {
- Write-Output "**** Missing $file"
- $Missing = $Missing + 1
- }
- }
- if ($Missing -gt 0) {
- Exit-Script "Missing $Missing OpenSSL files, use install-openssl.ps1 to install OpenSSL"
- }
- # Locate MSBuild and CMake, regardless of Visual Studio version.
- Write-Output "Searching MSBuild ..."
- $MSRoots = @("C:\Program Files*\MSBuild", "C:\Program Files*\Microsoft Visual Studio", "C:\Program Files*\CMake*")
- $MSBuild = Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path $MSRoots -Include MSBuild.exe -ErrorAction Ignore |
- ForEach-Object { (Get-Command $_).FileVersionInfo } |
- Sort-Object -Unique -Property FileVersion |
- ForEach-Object { $_.FileName} |
- Select-Object -Last 1
- if (-not $MSBuild) {
- Exit-Script "MSBuild not found"
- }
- Write-Output "Searching CMake ..."
- $CMake = Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path $MSRoots -Include cmake.exe -ErrorAction Ignore |
- ForEach-Object { (Get-Command $_).FileVersionInfo } |
- Sort-Object -Unique -Property FileVersion |
- ForEach-Object { $_.FileName} |
- Select-Object -Last 1
- if (-not $CMake) {
- Exit-Script "CMake not found, check option 'C++ CMake tools for Windows' in Visual Studio installer"
- }
- # Locate NSIS, the Nullsoft Scriptable Installation System.
- Write-Output "Searching NSIS ..."
- $NSIS = Get-Item "C:\Program Files*\NSIS\makensis.exe" | ForEach-Object { $_.FullName} | Select-Object -Last 1
- if (-not $NSIS) {
- Exit-Script "NSIS not found, use install-nsis.ps1 to install NSIS"
- }
- Write-Output "MSBuild: $MSBuild"
- Write-Output "CMake: $CMake"
- Write-Output "NSIS: $NSIS"
- # Create the directories for builds when necessary.
- [void](New-Item -Path $TmpDir -ItemType Directory -Force)
- [void](New-Item -Path $OutDir -ItemType Directory -Force)
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Configure and build SRT library using CMake on two architectures.
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- foreach ($Platform in @("x64", "Win32")) {
- # Build directory. Cleanup to force a fresh cmake config.
- $BuildDir = "$TmpDir\build.$Platform"
- Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $BuildDir
- [void](New-Item -Path $BuildDir -ItemType Directory -Force)
- # Run CMake.
- Write-Output "Configuring build for platform $Platform ..."
- $SRoot = $SslRoot[$Platform]
- & $CMake -S $RepoDir -B $BuildDir -A $Platform `
- -DOPENSSL_LIBRARIES="$SRoot\lib\libssl_static.lib;$SRoot\lib\libcrypto_static.lib" `
- -DOPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR="$SRoot\include"
- # Patch version string in version.h
- Get-Content "$BuildDir\version.h" |
- ForEach-Object {
- $_ -replace "#define *SRT_VERSION_STRING .*","#define SRT_VERSION_STRING `"$Version`""
- } |
- Out-File "$BuildDir\version.new" -Encoding ascii
- Move-Item "$BuildDir\version.new" "$BuildDir\version.h" -Force
- # Compile SRT.
- Write-Output "Building for platform $Platform ..."
- foreach ($Conf in @("Release", "Debug")) {
- & $MSBuild "$BuildDir\SRT.sln" /nologo /maxcpucount /property:Configuration=$Conf /property:Platform=$Platform /target:srt_static
- }
- }
- # Verify the presence of compiled libraries.
- Write-Output "Checking compiled libraries ..."
- $Missing = 0
- foreach ($Conf in @("Release", "Debug")) {
- foreach ($Platform in @("x64", "Win32")) {
- $Path = "$TmpDir\build.$Platform\$Conf\srt_static.lib"
- if (-not (Test-Path $Path)) {
- Write-Output "**** Missing $Path"
- $Missing = $Missing + 1
- }
- }
- }
- if ($Missing -gt 0) {
- Exit-Script "Missing $Missing files"
- }
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Build the binary installer.
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- $InstallExe = "$OutDir\libsrt-$Version.exe"
- $InstallZip = "$OutDir\libsrt-$Version-win-installer.zip"
- Write-Output "Building installer ..."
- & $NSIS /V2 `
- /DVersion="$Version" `
- /DVersionInfo="$VersionInfo" `
- /DOutDir="$OutDir" `
- /DBuildRoot="$TmpDir" `
- /DRepoDir="$RepoDir" `
- "$ScriptDir\libsrt.nsi"
- if (-not (Test-Path $InstallExe)) {
- Exit-Script "**** Missing $InstallExe"
- }
- Write-Output "Building installer archive ..."
- Remove-Item -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $InstallZip
- Compress-Archive -Path $InstallExe -DestinationPath $InstallZip -CompressionLevel Optimal
- if (-not (Test-Path $InstallZip)) {
- Exit-Script "**** Missing $InstallZip"
- }
- Exit-Script