[中文](admin-api-cn.md) # Contents - [Contents](#Contents) - [Protocol](#Protocol) - [Models](#Models) - [Console Login](#Login) - [Application](#API-Application) - [User](#API-User) - [Role](#API-role) - [Permission](#API-Permission) - [User-Role](#API-User-Role) - [Category](#API-Category) - [Resource](#API-Resource) - [AccessLog](#API-AccessLog) - [RBAC API For Wolf-Agent](#API-RBAC) - [OAuth2](./admin-api-oauth2.0.md) ## Protocol * The Wolf interface uses `Restful` + `JSON` to communicate. * `POST`, `PUT`, `DELETE` requests all use `Request Body` to pass parameters, all in JSON format. * `Content-Type` for both request and response is `application/json`. * The body of the response contains a unified structure, which is later documented and no longer lists the entire structure, only the `reason` and `data` parts. ### Example of a common structure of a response body: ``` {"ok": true, "reason": "error code or message", "errmsg": "error message", data: {When successful, the data returned}} ``` ### Generic field description of response Field | Type | Required | Description -------|-------|------|----- ok | boolean | Yes | Service Status reason | string | No | When `ok=false`, `reason` is the error code. errmsg | string | No | When `ok=false`, `errmsg` is the error message prompt. data | object | No | When `ok=true`, `data` is the returned information. ### The system contains the following generic error codes(reason): * `ERR_ARGS_ERROR` Request parameter error, response code is `400` * `ERR_TOKEN_INVALID` TOKEN invalid or missing, response code is `401` * `ERR_ACCESS_DENIED` No authority to perform operations, response code `401` * `ERR_DUPLICATE_KEY_ERROR` duplicated when updating data, response code `400` * `ERR_SERVER_ERROR` Server internal error, response code `500` ## Models ### UserModels #### UserInfo Field | Type | Required | Description -------|-------|------|----- id | integer |Yes| User ID username | string |Yes| User name nickname | string | Yes | User nickname email | string | No | User email appIDs | string[] | No | List of appIDs associated with users manager | string | Yes | admin role, super: super admin, admin: general admin createTime | integer | Yes | create time #### SimpleUserInfo Field | Type | Required | Description -------|-------|------|----- id | integer | Yes | User ID username | string | Yes | User name nickname | string | Yes | User nickname ### ApplicationModels #### SimpleApplication Field | Type | Required | Description -------|-------|------|----- id | string | Yes | Application ID name | string | Yes | Application name description | string | No | Description createTime | integer | Yes | Create time #### Application Field | Type | Required | Description -------|-------|------|----- id | string | Yes | Application ID name | string | Yes | Application name description | string | No | Description secret | string | No | Secret of application, used for OAuth2 login redirectUris | string[] | No | redirect urls after successful OAuth2 login accessTokenLifetime | integer | No | OAuth2's AccessToken life time, in seconds. refreshTokenLifetime | integer | No | OAuth2's RefreshToken life time, in seconds. createTime | integer | Yes | Create time updateTime | integer | Yes | Update time ### RoleModels #### Role Field | Type | Required | Description -------|-------|------|----- id | string | Yes | Role ID appID | string | Yes | Application ID name | string | Yes | Role name description | string | No | Role description permIDs | string[] | No | List of permissions held by the role createTime | integer | Yes | Create time ### PermissionModels #### Permission Field | Type | Required | Description -------|-------|------|----- id | string | Yes | Permission ID appID | string | Yes | Application ID name | string | Yes | Permission name description | string | No | Permission description categoryID | integer | No | Category ID of the permission createTime | integer | Yes | Create time ### CategoryModels #### Category Field | Type | Required | Description -------|-------|------|----- id | string | Yes | Category ID appID | string | Yes | Application ID name | string | Yes | Category name createTime | integer | Yes | Create name ### ResourceModels #### Resource Field | Type | Required | Description -------|-------|------|----- id | string | Yes | Resource ID appID | string | Yes | Application ID matchType | string | Yes | Resource match type, equal: equal match, suffix: suffix match, prefix: prefix match. name | string | Yes | Resource name, when matchType is equal, name is URL, when matchType is suffix, name is suffix value, when matchType is prefix, name is prefix of URL. action | string | Yes | The action/operation of the resource, usually the HTTP request method. The following values are available: ALL, GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS, PATCH. where ALL indicates that all HTTP methods can be matched. priority | integer | Yes | Resource priorities. permID | string | Yes | permission required to access the resource createTime | integer | Yes | Create time ### AccessLogModels #### AccessLog Field | Type | Required | Description -------|-------|------|----- id | integer | Yes | Log ID appID | string | Yes | Application ID userID | string | Yes | Operating user ID username | string | Yes | Operating user name nickname | string | Yes | Operating user nickname action | string | Yes | Operations performed (HTTP request method) resName | string | Yes | URL to access status | integer | Yes | response status code date | string | Yes | Date of access, formatted as yyyy-mm-dd accessTime | integer | Yes | Access time, unix timestamp ip | string | Yes | IP of the visitor ## Login The `Console` login interface is available only to users with administrator roles of `super` and `admin`. Most interfaces in the administration backend require a Token, which is obtained after login with the administrator account. For interfaces that require a token, the token can be passed through the request header `x-rbac-token`. The default token expiration time is 30 days. This can be changed via the environment variable `CONSOLE_TOKEN_EXPIRE_TIME`, in seconds. After modification, you need to restart `Wolf-Server`. #### Method: POST #### URL: /wolf/user/login #### `Request Body` parameters Field | Type | Required | Description -------|-------|------|----- username | string | Yes | User name password | string | Yes | Password authType | integer | No | Authentication type, 1: Password, 2: LDAP #### Response Body * data: Field | Type | Required | Description -------|-------|------|----- token | string | Yes | User login token userInfo | [UserInfo](#UserInfo) | Yes | Login User Information applications | [SimpleApplication](#SimpleApplication)[] | Yes | User's application list. * reason: * ERR_USER_NOT_FOUND: User do not exist * ERR_PASSWORD_ERROR: Password error * ERR_USER_DISABLED: User are disabled. * ERR_ACCESS_DENIED: Non-administrative users cannot login. * ERR_LDAP_CONFIG_NOT_FOUND: The server is not configured with LDAP when login with LDAP. #### example * Request ```json curl \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{ "username": "root", "password": "password"}' ``` * Response ```json { "ok": true, "reason": "", "data": { "token": "WOLF-TOKEN-ENCODE-BY-JWT", "userInfo": { "id": 1, "username": "root", "nickname": "root(super man)", "email": null, "appIDs": [ "openresty" ], "manager": "super", "createTime": 1580486400 }, "applications": [ { "id": "restful", "name": "restful app", "description": "restful", "createTime": 1580486400 } ] } } ``` To facilitate the execution of the later example, save the `token` above as a variable in the shell environment: ```shell export WOLF_TOKEN="WOLF-TOKEN-ENCODE-BY-JWT" ``` ## API-Application ### Add Application Add a new application #### Method: POST #### URL: /wolf/application #### `Header` parameters: Requires a token of [`Console` login](#Login), passed through the `x-rbac-token` request header. #### `Request Body` parameters Field | Type | Required | Description -------|-------|------|----- id | string | Yes | Application ID, must be unique name | string | Yes | Application name, must be unique description | string | No | Application description secret | string | No | Secret of application, used for OAuth2 login redirectUris | string[] | No | redirect urls after successful OAuth2 login accessTokenLifetime | integer | No | OAuth2's AccessToken life time in seconds, if it is 0, use the system default: 7 days. refreshTokenLifetime | integer | No | OAuth2's RefreshToken life time, in seconds, if it is 0, use the system default: 30 days. #### Response Body * data: Field | Type | Required | Description -------|-------|------|----- application | [Application](#Application) | Yes | Newly added application information #### example * Request ```json curl \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "x-rbac-token: $WOLF_TOKEN" \ -d '{ "id": "test-app", "name": "application for test", "description": "description of application", "secret": "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e", "redirectUris": [""], "accessTokenLifetime": 604801, "refreshTokenLifetime": 2592001 }' ``` * Response ```json { "ok": true, "reason": "", "data": { "application": { "id": "test-app", "name": "application for test", "description": "description of application", "redirectUris": [ "" ], "grants": null, "accessTokenLifetime": 604801, "refreshTokenLifetime": 2592001, "createTime": 1580486400, "updateTime": 1580486400 } } } ``` ### Modify application Modify application information #### Method: PUT #### URL: /wolf/application #### `Header` parameters: Requires a token of [`Console` login](#Login), passed through the `x-rbac-token` request header. #### `Request Body` parameters Field | Type | Required | Description -------|-------|------|----- id | string | Yes | Application ID, must be unique, application ID cannot be modified. name | string | Yes | Application name, must be unique description | string | No | Application description secret | string | No | Secret of application, used for OAuth2 login redirectUris | string[] | No | redirect urls after successful OAuth2 login accessTokenLifetime | integer | No | OAuth2's AccessToken life time in seconds, if it is 0, use the system default: 7 days. refreshTokenLifetime | integer | No | OAuth2's RefreshToken life time, in seconds, if it is 0, use the system default: 30 days. #### Response Body * data: Field | Type | Required | Description -------|-------|------|----- application | [Application](#Application) | Yes | Modified application information #### example * Request ```json curl \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "x-rbac-token: $WOLF_TOKEN" \ -X PUT \ -d '{ "id": "test-app", "name": "test-application", "description": "description of application", "secret": "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e", "redirectUris": [""], "accessTokenLifetime": 604802, "refreshTokenLifetime": 2592002 }' ``` * Response ```json { "ok": true, "reason": "", "data": { "application": { "id": "test-app", "name": "test-application", "description": "description of application", "redirectUris": [ "" ], "grants": null, "accessTokenLifetime": 604802, "refreshTokenLifetime": 2592002, "createTime": 1580486400, "updateTime": 1580486401 } } } ``` ### Query a single application Query a single application infomation #### Method: GET #### URL: /wolf/application/get #### `Header` parameters: Requires a token of [`Console` login](#Login), passed through the `x-rbac-token` request header. #### `Query` parameters Field | Type | Required | Description -------|-------|------|----- id | string | Yes | Application ID to query #### Response Body * data: Field | Type | Required | Description -------|-------|------|----- application | [Application](#Application) | Yes | Application information queried * reason: * `ERR_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND` The application ID of the query does not exist. #### example * Request ```json curl "" \ -H "x-rbac-token: $WOLF_TOKEN" ``` * Response ```json { "ok": true, "reason": "", "data": { "application": { "id": "test-app", "name": "test-application", "description": "description of application", "redirectUris": [ "" ], "grants": null, "accessTokenLifetime": 604802, "refreshTokenLifetime": 2592002, "createTime": 1580486400, "updateTime": 1580486401 } } } ``` ### Query the application Secret Query the Secret of an application. #### Method: GET #### URL: /wolf/application/secret #### `Header` parameters: Requires a token of [`Console` login](#Login), passed through the `x-rbac-token` request header. #### `Query` parameters Field | Type | Required | Description -------|-------|------|----- id | string | Yes | Application ID to query #### Response Body * data: Field | Type | Required | Description -------|-------|------|----- secret | string | Yes | Secret of application * reason: * `ERR_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND` The application ID of the query does not exist. #### example * Request ```json curl "" \ -H "x-rbac-token: $WOLF_TOKEN" ``` * Response ```json { "ok": true, "reason": "", "data": { "secret": "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e" } } ``` ### Application List Query Query the application list information. #### Method: GET #### URL: /wolf/application/list #### `Header` parameters: Requires a token of [`Console` login](#Login), passed through the `x-rbac-token` request header. #### `Query` parameters Field | Type | Required | Description -------|-------|------|----- key | string | No | Matching by ID or name sort | string | No | Sort field, e.g.: -id: means sort by id descending order. +name: Indicates ascending order by name. page | integer | No | Page number, incremental from 1, default is 1 limit | integer | No | Page size, default is 10 #### Response Body * data: Field | Type | Required | Description -------|-------|------|----- applications | [Application](#Application)[] | Yes | application list. total | integer | Yes | Total number of records #### example * Request ```json curl \ -H "x-rbac-token: $WOLF_TOKEN" ``` * Response ```json { "ok": true, "reason": "", "data": { "applications": [ { "id": "restful", "name": "restful app", "description": "restful", "redirectUris": [ "http://localhost:12180/wolf/oauth2/client_app" ], "grants": null, "accessTokenLifetime": 3600, "refreshTokenLifetime": 2592000, "createTime": 1578817535, "updateTime": 1587375156 }, ... ], "total": 6 } } ``` ### List of all applications Search all applications, no pagination. #### Method: GET #### URL: /wolf/application/list_all #### `Header` parameters: Requires a token of [`Console` login](#Login), passed through the `x-rbac-token` request header. #### `Query` parameters None #### Response Body * data: Field | Type | Required | Description -------|-------|------|----- applications | [Application](#Application)[] | Yes | all application list. total | integer | Yes | Total number of records #### example * Request ```json curl \ -H "x-rbac-token: $WOLF_TOKEN" ``` * Response ```json { "ok": true, "reason": "", "data": { "applications": [ { "id": "restful", "name": "restful app", "description": "restful", "redirectUris": [ "http://localhost:12180/wolf/oauth2/client_app" ], "grants": null, "accessTokenLifetime": 3600, "refreshTokenLifetime": 2592000, "createTime": 1578817535, "updateTime": 1587375156 }, ... ], "total": 6 } } ``` ### Delete application Delete an application #### Method: DELETE #### URL: /wolf/application #### `Header` parameters: Requires a token of [`Console` login](#Login), passed through the `x-rbac-token` request header. #### `Request Body` parameters Field | Type | Required | Description -------|-------|------|----- id | string | Yes | Application ID to be deleted #### Response Body * data: Field | Type | Required | Description -------|-------|------|----- count | integer | Yes | Number of deletions, usually 1. * reason: * `ERR_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND` The application to be deleted does not exist. #### example * Request ```json curl \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "x-rbac-token: $WOLF_TOKEN" \ -X DELETE \ -d '{ "id": "test-app" }' ``` * Response ```json { "ok": true, "reason": "", "data": { "count": 1 } } ``` ## API-User ### Add User Add a new user #### Method: POST #### URL: /wolf/user #### `Header` parameters: Requires a token of [`Console` login](#Login), passed through the `x-rbac-token` request header. #### `Request Body` parameters Field | Type | Required | Description -------|-------|------|----- username | string | Yes | User name, to be used when loginto the system, must be composed of `letter + number + underscore' and must be unique. nickname | string | Yes | User nickname password | string | No | The user password, if empty, will be generated by the service with a random value. email | string | No | User's email.(not used) tel | string | No | The user's mobile phone number. appIDs | string[] | No | A list of privileged appIDs managed by the user. manager | string | No | Administrative permission, super: super administrator, with all permissions, admin: with basic administrative permissions (cannot add, modify, delete interfaces to applications and users). status | integer | No | User status, 0: normal status, -1: disabled status. #### Response Body * data: Field | Type | Required | Description -------|-------|------|----- userInfo | [UserInfo](#UserInfo) | Yes | Newly added user information password | string | Yes | Password for newly added users #### example * Request ```json curl \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "x-rbac-token: $WOLF_TOKEN" \ -d '{ "username": "test-user", "nickname": "user for test", "password": "abc#123", "email": "test-user@test.com", "tel": "123456", "appIDs": ["restful"], "manager": "none", "status": 0 }' ``` * Response ```json { "ok": true, "reason": "", "data": { "password": "abc#123", "userInfo": { "id": 1024, "username": "test-user", "nickname": "user for test", "email": "test-user@test.com", "appIDs": [ "restful" ], "manager": "none", "createTime": 1588576578 } } ``` ### Modify user Modify user information #### Method: PUT #### URL: /wolf/user #### `Header` parameters: Requires a token of [`Console` login](#Login), passed through the `x-rbac-token` request header. #### `Request Body` parameters Field | Type | Required | Description -------|-------|------|----- id | integer | Yes | User ID, User ID to be modified username | string | Yes | User name, to be used when loginto the system, must be composed of `letter + number + underscore' and must be unique. nickname | string | Yes | User nickname email | string | No | User's email.(not used) tel | string | No | The user's mobile phone number. appIDs | string[] | No | A list of privileged appIDs managed by the user. manager | string | No | Administrative permission, super: super administrator, with all permissions, admin: with basic administrative permissions (cannot add, modify, delete interfaces to applications and users). status | integer | No | User status, 0: normal status, -1: disabled status. #### Response Body * data: Field | Type | Required | Description -------|-------|------|----- userInfo | [UserInfo](#UserInfo) | Yes | Modified user information * reason: * `ERR_USER_NOT_FOUND` The user ID to be modified does not exist. #### example * Request ```json curl \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "x-rbac-token: $WOLF_TOKEN" \ -X PUT \ -d '{ "id": 1024, "username": "test-user", "nickname": "nickname for test", "email": "test-user@test.com", "tel": "123456", "appIDs": ["restful"], "manager": "none", "status": 0 }' ``` * Response ```json { "ok": true, "reason": "", "data": { "effects": 1, "userInfo": { "id": 1024, "username": "test-user", "nickname": "nickname for test", "email": "test-user@test.com", "appIDs": [ "restful" ], "manager": "none", "createTime": 1588576578 } } } ``` ### Check current user information Query the user information of the specified token. #### Method: GET #### URL: /wolf/user/info #### `Header` parameters: Requires a token of [`Console` login](#Login), passed through the `x-rbac-token` request header. #### `Query` parameters None #### Response Body * data: Field | Type | Required | Description -------|-------|------|----- userInfo | [UserInfo](#UserInfo) | Yes | Modified user information applications | [SimpleApplication](#SimpleApplication)[] | No | User Associated Applications List. #### example * Request ```json curl "" \ -H "x-rbac-token: $WOLF_TOKEN" ``` * Response ```json "ok": true, "reason": "", "data": { "userInfo": { "id": 696, "username": "root", "nickname": "root(super man)", "email": null, "appIDs": [ "openresty" ], "manager": "super", "createTime": 1578401859 }, "applications": [ { "id": "restful", "name": "restful app", "description": "restful", "createTime": 1578817535 }, ... ] } } ``` ### User list query Query the user list information #### Method: GET #### URL: /wolf/user/list #### `Header` parameters: Requires a token of [`Console` login](#Login), passed through the `x-rbac-token` request header. #### `Query` parameters Field | Type | Required | Description -------|-------|------|----- key | string | No | Search for username,nickname,tel field. username | string | No | Use username for exact user matching. sort | string | No | Sort field, e.g.: -id: means sort by id descending order. +name: Indicates ascending order by name. page | integer | No | Page number, incremental from 1, default is 1 limit | integer | No | Page size, default is 10 #### Response Body * data: Field | Type | Required | Description -------|-------|------|----- userInfos | [UserInfo](#UserInfo)[] | Yes | user list total | integer | Yes | Total number of records #### example * Request ```json curl \ -H "x-rbac-token: $WOLF_TOKEN" ``` * Response ```json { "ok": true, "reason": "", "data": { "userInfos": [ { "id": 697, "username": "admin", "nickname": "administrator", "email": null, "appIDs": [ "openresty", "restful" ], "manager": "admin", "createTime": 1578401859 }, ... ], "total": 6 } } ``` ### Reset user password Reset the user's password #### Method: PUT #### URL: /wolf/user/reset_pwd #### `Header` parameters: Requires a token of [`Console` login](#Login), passed through the `x-rbac-token` request header. #### `Request Body` parameters Field | Type | Required | Description -------|-------|------|----- id | integer | Yes | User ID to reset password #### Response Body * data: Field | Type | Required | Description -------|-------|------|----- password | string | Yes | Password to reset. * reason: * `ERR_USER_NOT_FOUND` The user to be deleted does not exist. * `ERR_ACCESS_DENIED` Only a super administrator can do this. #### example * Request ```json curl \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "x-rbac-token: $WOLF_TOKEN" \ -X PUT \ -d '{ "id": 696 }' ``` * Response ```json { "ok": true, "reason": "", "data": { "password": "197TLR0dPVdm" } } ``` ### Delete user Delete an user #### Method: DELETE #### URL: /wolf/user #### `Header` parameters: Requires a token of [`Console` login](#Login), passed through the `x-rbac-token` request header. #### `Request Body` parameters Field | Type | Required | Description -------|-------|------|----- id | integer | Yes | User ID to be deleted #### Response Body * data: Field | Type | Required | Description -------|-------|------|----- userInfo | [UserInfo](#UserInfo) | Yes | Deleted user information count | integer | Yes | Number of deletions, usually 1. * reason: * `ERR_USER_NOT_FOUND` The user to be deleted does not exist. * `ERR_PERMISSION_DENY` Can't delete super account * `ERR_ACCESS_DENIED` Only a super administrator can do this. #### example * Request ```json curl \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "x-rbac-token: $WOLF_TOKEN" \ -X DELETE \ -d '{ "id": 2756 }' ``` * Response ```json { "ok": true, "reason": "", "data": { "count": 1 } } ``` ## API-Role ### Add Role Add a new role #### Method: POST #### URL: /wolf/role #### `Header` parameters: Requires a token of [`Console` login](#Login), passed through the `x-rbac-token` request header. #### `Request Body` parameters Field | Type | Required | Description -------|-------|------|----- appID | string | Yes | Application ID, the role can only belong to a certain application. id | string | Yes | Role ID, must be unique within the application name | string | Yes | Role name, must be unique within the application description | string | No | Role description permIDs | string[] | No | A list of permission IDs for the role. #### Response Body * data: Field | Type | Required | Description -------|-------|------|----- role | [Role](#Role) | Yes | Newly added role information #### example * Request ```json curl \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "x-rbac-token: $WOLF_TOKEN" \ -d '{ "id": "test-role", "appID": "restful", "name": "role for test", "description": "description of role", "permIDs": ["PERM_XXX"] }' ``` * Response ```json { "ok": true, "reason": "", "data": { "role": { "id": "test-role", "appID": "restful", "name": "role for test", "description": "description of role", "permIDs": [ "PERM_XXX" ], "createTime": 1588583707 } } } ``` ### Modify Role Modify a role #### Method: PUT #### URL: /wolf/role #### `Header` parameters: Requires a token of [`Console` login](#Login), passed through the `x-rbac-token` request header. #### `Request Body` parameters Field | Type | Required | Description -------|-------|------|----- appID | string | Yes | Application ID, cannot be modified id | string | Yes | Role ID, cannot be modified name | string | Yes | Role name, must be unique within the application description | string | No | Role Description. permIDs | string[] | No | A list of permission IDs for the role. #### Response Body * data: Field | Type | Required | Description -------|-------|------|----- role | [Role](#Role) | Yes | Modified role information #### example * Request ```json curl \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "x-rbac-token: $WOLF_TOKEN" \ -X PUT \ -d '{ "id": "test-role", "appID": "restful", "name": "role for test", "description": "description of role", "permIDs": ["PERM_YYY"] }' ``` * Response ```json { "ok": true, "reason": "", "data": { "role": { "id": "test-role", "appID": "restful", "name": "role for test", "description": "description of role", "permIDs": [ "PERM_YYY" ], "createTime": 1588583707 } } } ``` ### Adding permissions to role Adding permissions to roles. Unlike the PUT method, this method only adds new permissions. The existing permissions remain unchanged. #### Method: PATCH #### URL: /wolf/role #### `Header` parameters: Requires a token of [`Console` login](#Login), passed through the `x-rbac-token` request header. #### `Request Body` parameters Field | Type | Required | Description -------|-------|------|----- appID | string | Yes | Application ID, the role can only belong to a certain application. id | string | Yes | Role ID, must be unique within the application permIDs | string[] | Yes | List of permission IDs to add to the role. #### Response Body * data: Field | Type | Required | Description -------|-------|------|----- role | [Role](#Role) | Yes | Modified role information #### example * Request ```json curl \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "x-rbac-token: $WOLF_TOKEN" \ -X PUT \ -d '{ "id": "test-role", "appID": "restful", "name": "role for test", "description": "description of role", "permIDs": ["PERM_YYY"] }' ``` * Response ```json { "ok": true, "reason": "", "data": { "role": { "id": "test-role", "appID": "restful", "name": "role for test", "description": "description of role", "permIDs": [ "PERM_XXX", "PERM_YYY" ], "createTime": 1588583707 } } } ``` ### Role list query Query Role List Information #### Method: GET #### URL: /wolf/role/list #### `Header` parameters: Requires a token of [`Console` login](#Login), passed through the `x-rbac-token` request header. #### `Query` parameters Field | Type | Required | Description -------|-------|------|----- appID | string | Yes | Application ID key | string | No | Matching queries by ID or name sort | string | No | Sort field, e.g.: -id: means sort by id descending order. +name: Indicates ascending order by name. page | integer | No | Page number, incremental from 1, default is 1 limit | integer | No | Page size, default is 10 #### Response Body * data: Field | Type | Required | Description -------|-------|------|----- roles | [Role](#Role)[] | Yes | Role list total | integer | Yes | Total number of records #### example * Request ```json curl \ -H "x-rbac-token: $WOLF_TOKEN" ``` * Response ```json { "ok": true, "reason": "", "data": { "roles": [ { "id": "test-role", "name": "role for test", "description": "description of role", "appID": "restful", "permIDs": [ "PERM_YYY" ], "createTime": 1588583707, "updateTime": 1588586200 }, ... ], "total": 5 } } ``` ### Delete Role Delete a role #### Method: DELETE #### URL: /wolf/role #### `Header` parameters: Requires a token of [`Console` login](#Login), passed through the `x-rbac-token` request header. #### `Request Body` parameters Field | Type | Required | Description -------|-------|------|----- appID | string | Yes | Application ID id | string | Yes | Role ID to be deleted #### Response Body * data: Field | Type | Required | Description -------|-------|------|----- count | integer | Yes | Number of deletions, usually 1. #### example * Request ```json curl \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "x-rbac-token: $WOLF_TOKEN" \ -X DELETE \ -d '{ "id": "test-role", "appID": "restful" }' ``` * Response ```json { "ok": true, "reason": "", "data": { "count": 1 } } ``` ## API-Permission ### Add Permission Add a new permission #### Method: POST #### URL: /wolf/permission #### `Header` parameters: Requires a token of [`Console` login](#Login), passed through the `x-rbac-token` request header. #### `Request Body` parameters Field | Type | Required | Description -------|-------|------|----- appID | string | Yes | Application ID, permissions can only belong to a single application. id | string | Yes | Permission ID, must be unique within the application name | string | Yes | Permission name, must be unique within the application description | string | No | Description of permissions categoryID | integer | No | Permissions correspond to category IDs #### Response Body * data: Field | Type | Required | Description -------|-------|------|----- permission | [Permission](#Permission) | Yes | New permission information added #### example * Request ```json curl \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "x-rbac-token: $WOLF_TOKEN" \ -d '{ "id": "test-permission", "appID": "restful", "name": "permission for test", "description": "description of permission", "categoryID": 1 }' ``` * Response ```json { "ok": true, "reason": "", "data": { "permission": { "id": "test-permission", "appID": "restful", "name": "permission for test", "description": "description of permission", "categoryID": 1, "createTime": 1588658062 } } } ``` ### Modify permissions Modify permission information #### Method: PUT #### URL: /wolf/permission #### `Header` parameters: Requires a token of [`Console` login](#Login), passed through the `x-rbac-token` request header. #### `Request Body` parameters Field | Type | Required | Description -------|-------|------|----- appID | string | Yes | Application ID, cannot be modified id | string | Yes | Permission ID, cannot be modified name | string | Yes | Permission name, must be unique within the application description | string | No | Description of permissions categoryID | integer | No | Permissions correspond to category IDs #### Response Body * data: Field | Type | Required | Description -------|-------|------|----- permission | [Permission](#Permission) | Yes | Modified permission information #### example * Request ```json curl \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "x-rbac-token: $WOLF_TOKEN" \ -X PUT \ -d '{ "id": "test-permission", "appID": "restful", "name": "permission for test2", "description": "description of permission2", "categoryID": 2 }' ``` * Response ```json { "ok": true, "reason": "", "data": { "permission": { "id": "test-permission", "appID": "restful", "name": "permission for test2", "description": "description of permission2", "createTime": 1588658062 } } } ``` ### Permission list query Query list of permission information #### Method: GET #### URL: /wolf/permission/list #### `Header` parameters: Requires a token of [`Console` login](#Login), passed through the `x-rbac-token` request header. #### `Query` parameters Field | Type | Required | Description -------|-------|------|----- appID | string | Yes | Application ID key | string | No | Matching queries by ID or name sort | string | No | Sort field, e.g.: -id: means sort by id descending order. +name: Indicates ascending order by name. page | integer | No | Page number, incremental from 1, default is 1 limit | integer | No | Page size, default is 10 #### Response Body * data: Field | Type | Required | Description -------|-------|------|----- permissions | [Permission](#Permission)[] | Yes | List of permissions total | integer | Yes | Total number of records #### example * Request ```json curl \ -H "x-rbac-token: $WOLF_TOKEN" ``` * Response ```json "ok": true, "reason": "", "data": { "permissions": [ { "id": "test-permission", "appID": "restful", "name": "permission for test2", "description": "description of permission2", "categoryID": 2, "createTime": 1588658062, "updateTime": 1588658246, "category_id": 2, "category": null }, ... ], "total": 2 } } ``` ### Delete Permission Delete a permission #### Method: DELETE #### URL: /wolf/permission #### `Header` parameters: Requires a token of [`Console` login](#Login), passed through the `x-rbac-token` request header. #### `Request Body` parameters Field | Type | Required | Description -------|-------|------|----- appID | string | Yes | Application ID id | string | Yes | Permission ID to be removed #### Response Body * data: Field | Type | Required | Description -------|-------|------|----- count | integer | Yes | Number of deletions, usually 1. * reason * `ERR_ACCESS_DENIED` The permission to delete is being used, and cannot be deleted. #### example * Request ```json curl \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "x-rbac-token: $WOLF_TOKEN" \ -X DELETE \ -d '{ "id": "test-permission", "appID": "restful" }' ``` * Response ```json { "ok": true, "reason": "", "data": { "count": 1 } } ``` ## API-User-Role User role related operations can only work on one application. So the related interfaces need to pass `userID` and `appID` parameters. ### Get User Roles Get user roles and permissions #### Method: GET #### URL: /wolf/user-role #### `Header` parameters: Requires a token of [`Console` login](#Login), passed through the `x-rbac-token` request header. #### `Request Body` parameters Field | Type | Required | Description -------|-------|------|----- userID | integer | Yes | UserID for which roles and permissions need to be get appID | string | Yes | ApplicationID for which roles and permissions need to be get #### example * Request ```json curl "" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "x-rbac-token: $WOLF_TOKEN" ``` * Response ```json { "ok": true, "reason": "", "data": { "userRole": { "userID": 1, "appID": "restful", "permIDs": [ "RESTFUL_INDEX" ], "roleIDs": [ "application" ], "createTime": 1609055508 } } } ``` ### Set User Roles Set user roles or permissions #### Method: POST #### URL: /wolf/user-role/set #### `Header` parameters: Requires a token of [`Console` login](#Login), passed through the `x-rbac-token` request header. #### `Request Body` parameters Field | Type | Required | Description -------|-------|------|----- userID | integer | Yes | UserID for which roles or permissions need to be set appID | string | Yes | ApplicationID for which roles and permissions need to be set permIDs | string[] | Yes | List of permission IDs to be set roleIDs | string[] | Yes | List of role IDs to be set #### example * Request ```json curl \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "x-rbac-token: $WOLF_TOKEN" \ -d '{ "userID": 1, "appID": "restful", "permIDs": ["RESTFUL_INDEX"], "roleIDs": ["application"] }' ``` * Response ```json { "ok": true, "reason": "", "data": { "userRole": { "userID": 1, "appID": "restful", "permIDs": [ "RESTFUL_INDEX" ], "roleIDs": [ "application" ], "createTime": 1609054766 } } } ``` ### Clear User Roles Clear user roles and permissions #### Method: DELETE #### URL: /wolf/user-role #### `Header` parameters: Requires a token of [`Console` login](#Login), passed through the `x-rbac-token` request header. #### `Request Body` parameters Field | Type | Required | Description -------|-------|------|----- userID | integer | Yes | UserID for which roles or permissions need to be clear appID | string | Yes | ApplicationID for which roles and permissions need to be clear #### example * Request ```json curl \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "x-rbac-token: $WOLF_TOKEN" \ -X DELETE \ -d '{ "userID": 1, "appID": "restful" }' ``` * Response ```json { "ok": true, "reason": "", "data": { "count": 1 } } ``` ## API-Category ### Add Category Add a new category #### Method: POST #### URL: /wolf/category #### `Header` parameters: Requires a token of [`Console` login](#Login), passed through the `x-rbac-token` request header. #### `Request Body` parameters Field | Type | Required | Description -------|-------|------|----- appID | string | Yes | Application IDs, categories can only belong to a single application. name | string | Yes | Category name, must be unique within the application #### Response Body * data: Field | Type | Required | Description -------|-------|------|----- category | [Category](#Category) | Yes | Newly added categories #### example * Request ```json curl \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "x-rbac-token: $WOLF_TOKEN" \ -d '{ "appID": "restful", "name": "category for test" }' ``` * Response ```json { "ok": true, "reason": "", "data": { "category": { "id": 744, "appID": "restful", "name": "category for test", "createTime": 1588659229 } } } ``` ### Modify Category Modify a category #### Method: PUT #### URL: /wolf/category #### `Header` parameters: Requires a token of [`Console` login](#Login), passed through the `x-rbac-token` request header. #### `Request Body` parameters Field | Type | Required | Description -------|-------|------|----- id | integer | Yes | Category ID, not modifiable name | string | Yes | Category name, must be unique within the application #### Response Body * data: Field | Type | Required | Description -------|-------|------|----- category | [Category](#Category) | Yes | Modified categories #### example * Request ```json curl \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "x-rbac-token: $WOLF_TOKEN" \ -X PUT \ -d '{ "id": 744, "name": "category for test2" }' ``` * Response ```json { "ok": true, "reason": "", "data": { "category": { "id": 744, "appID": "restful", "name": "category for test2", "createTime": 1588659229 } } } ``` ### Category List Query Query list of category infomation #### Method: GET #### URL: /wolf/category/list #### `Header` parameters: Requires a token of [`Console` login](#Login), passed through the `x-rbac-token` request header. #### `Query` parameters Field | Type | Required | Description -------|-------|------|----- appID | string | Yes | Application ID key | string | No | Search by name sort | string | No | Sort field, e.g.: -id: means sort by id descending order. +name: Indicates ascending order by name. page | integer | No | Page number, incremental from 1, default is 1 limit | integer | No | Page size, default is 10 #### Response Body * data: Field | Type | Required | Description -------|-------|------|----- categorys | [Category](#Category)[] | Yes | List of categories total | integer | Yes | Total number of records #### example * Request ```json curl \ -H "x-rbac-token: $WOLF_TOKEN" ``` * Response ```json { "ok": true, "reason": "", "data": { "categorys": [ { "id": 744, "appID": "restful", "name": "category for test2", "createTime": 1588659229, "updateTime": 1588659461 } ], "total": 1 } } ``` ### Delete Category Delete a category #### Method: DELETE #### URL: /wolf/category #### `Header` parameters: Requires a token of [`Console` login](#Login), passed through the `x-rbac-token` request header. #### `Request Body` parameters Field | Type | Required | Description -------|-------|------|----- id | string | Yes | Category ID to be deleted #### Response Body * data: Field | Type | Required | Description -------|-------|------|----- count | integer | Yes | Number of deletions, usually 1. #### example * Request ```json curl \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "x-rbac-token: $WOLF_TOKEN" \ -X DELETE \ -d '{ "id": 744 }' ``` * Response ```json { "ok": true, "reason": "", "data": { "count": 1 } } ``` ## API-Resource ### Add Resources Add a new resource #### Method: POST #### URL: /wolf/resource #### `Header` parameters: Requires a token of [`Console` login](#Login), passed through the `x-rbac-token` request header. #### `Request Body` parameters Field | Type | Required | Description -------|-------|------|----- appID | string | Yes | Application ID, resources can only belong to one application. matchType | string | Yes | Resource matching type, equal: equals match, suffix: Suffix Match, prefix: Prefix Match. name | string | Yes | resource name, When matchType is equal, name is the URL, When matchType is suffix, name is suffix, When matchType is prefix, name is the URL prefix action | string | No | The action on the resource, usually HTTP Method. The following values are available: ALL, GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS, PATCH. where ALL means that all HTTP methods can be matched. permID | string | No | Permissions required to access the resource #### Response Body * data: Field | Type | Required | Description -------|-------|------|----- resource | [Resource](#Resource) | Yes | Newly added resource information #### example * Request ```json curl \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "x-rbac-token: $WOLF_TOKEN" \ -d '{ "appID": "restful", "matchType": "equal", "name": "/path/to/resource", "action": "GET", "permID": "PERM_XXX" }' ``` * Response ```json { "ok": true, "reason": "", "data": { "resource": { "id": 8512, "appID": "restful", "matchType": "equal", "name": "/path/to/resource", "priority": 10483, "action": "GET", "permID": "PERM_XXX", "createTime": 1588660594 } } } ``` ### Modify Resource Modifying a resource #### Method: PUT #### URL: /wolf/resource #### `Header` parameters: Requires a token of [`Console` login](#Login), passed through the `x-rbac-token` request header. #### `Request Body` parameters Field | Type | Required | Description -------|-------|------|----- id | string | Yes | Resource ID, cannot be modified matchType | string | Yes | Resource matching type, equal: equals match, suffix: Suffix Match, prefix: Prefix Match. name | string | Yes | resource name, When matchType is equal, name is the URL, When matchType is suffix, name is suffix, When matchType is prefix, name is the URL prefix action | string | No | The action on the resource, usually HTTP Method. The following values are available: ALL, GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS, PATCH. where ALL means that all HTTP methods can be matched. permID | string | No | Permissions required to access the resource #### Response Body * data: Field | Type | Required | Description -------|-------|------|----- resource | [Resource](#Resource) | Yes | Modified resource information #### example * Request ```json curl \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "x-rbac-token: $WOLF_TOKEN" \ -X PUT \ -d '{ "id": 8512, "matchType": "equal", "name": "/path/to/resource", "action": "ALL", "permID": "PERM_YYY" }' ``` * Response ```json { "ok": true, "reason": "", "data": { "resource": { "id": 8512, "appID": "restful", "matchType": "equal", "name": "/path/to/resource", "priority": 11483, "action": "ALL", "permID": "PERM_YYY", "createTime": 1588660594 } } } ``` ### Query Resource List Query list of resources #### Method: GET #### URL: /wolf/resource/list #### `Header` parameters: Requires a token of [`Console` login](#Login), passed through the `x-rbac-token` request header. #### `Query` parameters Field | Type | Required | Description -------|-------|------|----- appID | string | Yes | Application ID key | string | No | Match queries by resource name or permission sort | string | No | Sort field, e.g.: -id: means sort by id descending order. +name: Indicates ascending order by name. page | integer | No | Page number, incremental from 1, default is 1 limit | integer | No | Page size, default is 10 #### Response Body * data: Field | Type | Required | Description -------|-------|------|----- resources | [Resource](#Resource)[] | Yes | Resource list total | integer | Yes | Total number of records #### example * Request ```json curl \ -H "x-rbac-token: $WOLF_TOKEN" ``` * Response ```json { "ok": true, "reason": "", "data": { "resources": [ { "id": 8512, "appID": "restful", "matchType": "equal", "name": "/path/to/resource", "priority": 11483, "action": "ALL", "permID": "PERM_YYY", "createTime": 1588660594 }, ... ], "total": 3 } } ``` ### Delete Resource Delete a resource #### Method: DELETE #### URL: /wolf/resource #### `Header` parameters: Requires a token of [`Console` login](#Login), passed through the `x-rbac-token` request header. #### `Request Body` parameters Field | Type | Required | Description -------|-------|------|----- id | integer | Yes | Resource ID to be deleted #### Response Body * data: Field | Type | Required | Description -------|-------|------|----- count | integer | Yes | Number of deletions, usually 1. #### example * Request ```json curl \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "x-rbac-token: $WOLF_TOKEN" \ -X DELETE \ -d '{ "id": 8512 }' ``` * Response ```json { "ok": true, "reason": "", "data": { "count": 1 } } ``` ## API-AccessLog ### Access log list queries Query list of access log information #### Method: GET #### URL: /wolf/access-log/list #### `Header` parameters: Requires a token of [`Console` login](#Login), passed through the `x-rbac-token` request header. #### `Query` parameters Field | Type | Required | Description -------|-------|------|----- appID | string | Yes | Application ID username | string | No | Search by username or user nickname action | string | No | resource action resName | string | No | resource name ip | string | No | The IP of the user operating the resource status | integer | No | HTTP status code startTime | integer | No | Operate time - start time endTime | integer | No | Operate time - end time sort | string | No | Sort field, e.g.: -id: means sort by id descending order. +name: Indicates ascending order by name. page | integer | No | Page number, incremental from 1, default is 1 limit | integer | No | Page size, default is 10 #### Response Body * data: Field | Type | Required | Description -------|-------|------|----- accessLogs | [AccessLog](#AccessLog)[] | Yes | Access Log List. total | integer | Yes | Total number of records #### example * Request ```json curl \ -H "x-rbac-token: $WOLF_TOKEN" ``` * Response ```json { "ok": true, "reason": "", "data": { "accessLogs": [ { "id": 27999, "appID": "restful", "userID": "749", "username": "test", "nickname": "test", "action": "GET", "resName": "/", "matchedResource": {}, "status": 401, "body": {}, "contentType": null, "date": "2020-02-27", "accessTime": 1582816829, "ip": "" }, ... ], "total": 5 } } ``` ## API-RBAC All interfaces starting with `/wolf/rbac`, are provided to Wolf's `Agent` It is called by the module. It is mainly used for the login and authentication processing of three-party applications. ### Rbac-Login-Page `Agent`login page #### Method: GET #### URL: /wolf/rbac/login #### `Query` parameters Field | Type | Required | Description -------|-------|------|----- appid | string | No | The application ID to log in, if you don't have parameters, you can enter in the page return_to | string | No | Set the address to jump to after successful login. The default is `/`. #### Response Login page HTML. #### example * Request ``` ``` * Response Page | ![Login Page](./imgs/screenshot/client/login.png) | |:--:| | *Login Page* | ### RBAC-Restful-Login Rbac login interface #### Method: POST #### URL: /wolf/rbac/login.rest #### `Request Body` parameters Field | Type | Required | Description -------|-------|------|----- appid | string | Yes | Application ID username | string | Yes | Login User Name password | string | Yes | login password authType | integer | No | Authentication type, 1: Password, 2: LDAP #### Response Body * data: Field | Type | Required | Description -------|-------|------|----- userInfo | [SimpleUserInfo](SimpleUserInfo) | Yes | Basic User Information token | string | Yes | Login token * reason * `ERR_USERNAME_MISSING` username is missing. * `ERR_PASSWORD_MISSING` password is missng. * `ERR_APPID_MISSING` appid is missing. * `ERR_USER_NOT_FOUND` User do not exist * `ERR_PASSWORD_ERROR` Password error * `ERR_USER_DISABLED` User are disabled. * `ERR_LDAP_CONFIG_NOT_FOUND` The server is not configured with LDAP when login with LDAP. #### example * Request ```json curl \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -X POST \ -d '{ "username": "root", "password": "123456", "appid": "restful" }' ``` * Response ```json { "ok": true, "reason": "", "data": { "userInfo": { "id": 696, "username": "root", "nickname": "root(super man)" }, "token": "RBAC_TOKEN" } ``` The above `token` can be saved as a variable in the shell for the rest of the example: ```shell export RBAC_TOKEN="WOLF-RBAC-TOKEN-ENCODE-BY-JWT" ``` The default token expiration time is 30 days. This can be changed via the environment variable `RBAC_TOKEN_EXPIRE_TIME`, in seconds. After modification, you need to restart `Wolf-Server`. ### RBAC page login submission #### Method: POST #### URL: /wolf/rbac/login.submit #### Content-Type: `application/x-www-form-urlencoded` #### `Request Body` parameters Field | Type | Required | Description -------|-------|------|----- appid | string | Yes | Application ID username | string | Yes | Login User Name password | string | Yes | Login Password return_to | string | No | Set the address to jump to after successful login. The default is `/`. #### Response * When Fails: Redirect to the login page using 302. * When Success: Use 302 to redirect to the page specified by return_to. And set the token to a cookie with key `x-rbac-token`. #### example * Request ```shell curl '' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \ -d 'return_to=%2F&appid=restful&username=root&password=123456' ``` * Response ``` < HTTP/1.1 302 Found < Vary: Origin < Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * < Set-Cookie: x-rbac-token=RBAC-TOKEN; path=/; expires=Tue, 09 Jun 2020 08:47:21 GMT < Location: / < Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 < Content-Length: 33 ``` ### Query RBAC User Information Query current logged in user information #### Method: GET #### URL: /wolf/rbac/user_info #### `Header` parameters: A token of [`Agent` Login](#Rbac-Login) is required, which is passed by a cookie. #### `Query` parameters None #### Response Field | Type | Required | Description -------|-------|------|----- userInfo | [UserInfo](#UserInfo) | Yes | user information #### example * Request ```json curl \ -H "Cookie: x-rbac-token=$RBAC_TOKEN" ``` * Response ```json { "ok": true, "reason": "", "data": { "userInfo": { "id": 696, "username": "root", "nickname": "root(super man)", "email": null, "appIDs": [ "openresty" ], "manager": "super", "lastLogin": 1589100441, "profile": null, "createTime": 1578401859, "permissions": {}, "roles": {} } } } ``` ### logout #### Method: POST #### URL: /wolf/rbac/logout #### `Header` parameters: A token of [`Agent` Login](#Rbac-Login) is required, which is passed by a cookie. #### `Query` parameters None #### Response After the operation, the server will set the `x-rbac-token` in the cookie to logouted. and redirected 302 to the login page. #### example * Request ```json curl \ -H "Cookie: x-rbac-token=$RBAC_TOKEN" ``` * Response ```curl < HTTP/1.1 302 Found < x-rbac-userID: 696 < x-rbac-username: root < Set-Cookie: x-rbac-token=logouted; path=/; expires=Tue, 09 Jun 2020 09:04:56 GMT < Location: /wolf/rbac/login.html?appid=restful < Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 < Content-Length: 101 ``` ### Change Password #### Method: POST #### URL: /wolf/rbac/change_pwd #### `Header` parameters: A token of [`Agent` Login](#Rbac-Login) is required, which is passed by a cookie. #### `Request Body` parameters Field | Type | Required | Description -------|-------|------|----- oldPassword | string | Yes | old password newPassword | string | Yes | new password #### Response Body * data: None * reason * `ERR_PASSWORD_CHANGE_NOT_ALLOWED` The server does not allow password changes. * `ERR_OLD_PASSWORD_REQUIRED` Missing old password * `ERR_NEW_PASSWORD_REQUIRED` Missing new password * `TOKEN_USER_NOT_FOUND` User do not exist * `ERR_OLD_PASSWORD_INCORRECT` Old Password error #### example * Request ```json curl \ -H "Cookie: x-rbac-token=$RBAC_TOKEN" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -X POST \ -d '{ "oldPassword": "old-password", "newPassword": "new-password" }' ``` * Response ```json { "ok": true, "reason": "", "data": {} } ``` ### Permission Checking Interface Check if the user has access to the specified resource (appid + action + resName). #### Method: POST #### URL: /wolf/rbac/access_check #### `Header` parameters: A token of [`Agent` Login](#Rbac-Login) is required, which is passed by a cookie. #### `Request Body` parameters Field | Type | Required | Description -------|-------|------|----- action | string | Yes | Action, usually is HTTP Method. resName | string | Yes | The name of the resource, usually `URL Path` or a resource extension. The appid doesn't need to be passed, the service gets it directly from the token. #### Response Body If you have permission, the server returns the 200 status code, `ok=true` in json, and the user's information. If you don't have permission, the server returns the 401 status code, `ok=false` in the json, and the user's information. * data: Field | Type | Required | Description -------|-------|------|----- userInfo | [UserInfo](#UserInfo) | Yes | Current User Information * reason If you don't have permission, the corresponding message will be displayed. #### example * Request ```json curl \ -H "Cookie: x-rbac-token=$RBAC_TOKEN" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -X POST \ -d '{ "action": "GET", "resName": "/" }' ``` * Response ```json { "ok": true, "reason": "", "data": { "userInfo": { "id": 696, "username": "root", "nickname": "root(super man)", "email": null, "appIDs": [ "openresty" ], "manager": "super", "lastLogin": 1589100441, "profile": null, "createTime": 1578401859, "permissions": {}, "roles": {} } } } ``` [Back to TOC](#Contents)