666 B

  1. #!/bin/sh
  2. ##### -*- mode:shell-script; indent-tabs-mode:nil; sh-basic-offset:2 -*-
  3. src_repo="$(pwd)"
  4. if [ ! -d .git ]; then
  5. echo "error: must be run from within the top level of a FreeSWITCH git tree." 1>&2
  6. exit 1;
  7. fi
  8. (mkdir -p rpmbuild && cd rpmbuild && mkdir -p SOURCES BUILD BUILDROOT i386 x86_64 SOURCES SPECS)
  9. cd $src_repo/rpmbuild/SOURCES
  10. for i in `grep 'Source..\?:' $src_repo/freeswitch.spec|grep -v Source0 |awk '{print $2}'`; do wget $i; done
  11. cat 1>&2 <<EOF
  12. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  13. Got the Extra Source Tarballs We Need....
  14. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  15. EOF