12345678 |
- <include>
- <language name="es" sound-path="$${sounds_dir}/es/ES/cristina" tts-engine="cepstral" tts-voice="marta">
- <X-PRE-PROCESS cmd="include" data="demo/*-es-ES.xml"/> <!-- Note: this now grabs whole subdir, previously grabbed only demo.xml -->
- <!--voicemail_es_ES_tts is purely implemented with tts, we have the files based one that is the default. -->
- <X-PRE-PROCESS cmd="include" data="vm/sounds-es-ES.xml"/> <!-- vm/tts.xml if you want to use tts and have cepstral -->
- <X-PRE-PROCESS cmd="include" data="dir/sounds-es-ES.xml"/> <!-- dir/tts.xml if you want to use tts and have cepstral -->
- </language>
- </include>