README.libvpx 727 B

  1. Name: libyuv
  2. URL:
  3. Version: a37e7bfece9e0676ae90a1700b0ec85b0f4f22a1
  4. License: BSD
  5. License File: LICENSE
  6. Description:
  7. libyuv is an open source project that includes YUV conversion and scaling
  8. functionality.
  9. The optimized scaler in libyuv is used in the multiple resolution encoder
  10. example which down-samples the original input video (f.g. 1280x720) a number of
  11. times in order to encode multiple resolution bit streams.
  12. Local Modifications:
  13. Disable ARGBToRGB24Row_AVX512VBMI due to build failure on Mac.
  14. rm libyuv/include/libyuv.h libyuv/include/libyuv/compare_row.h
  15. mv libyuv/include tmp/
  16. mv libyuv/source tmp/
  17. mv libyuv/LICENSE tmp/
  18. rm -rf libyuv
  19. mv tmp/* third_party/libyuv/